2016.09 Update 15

Resolved Issues

Products Internal Number Case Number Description
All 8529 22165 Attempts to use vtk_resourcemap_set to create a self-referential resource map are now rejected with an error message and an alert.
All 8570   NetworkComputer and WorkloadXelerator queue configuration files are no longer corrupted when enabling server failover.
All 8592   Timespec values are now supported in selection rules, in all places that accept integer values.
FlowTracer 8261 22036 Fixed a problem with editing jobs from the browser UI when the command line uses single quote characters.
FlowTracer 8569 22173 We have added a new environment variable, VOV_SLAVE_SID_DISABLE. If this variable is set to 1, vovslave and vovslaveroot will not create new sessions (and consequently will not create new process groups) on startup.
FlowTracer 8595   When calling ForceValidate, queued jobs that are validated are removed from the buckets.
FlowTracer 8146 21921 Fixed the occasional failure of vovlsfd to start when run in single user mode for multi-user FT usage. Removed redundant checks for whether it is safe to run or not.
LicenseAllocator 8585 22193 Critical jobs check will now work with wait reasons that include number of tokens in the resource specification.
LicenseAllocator 8635   Improved presentation of "group matching" in LA user interface.
LicenseMonitor 8561 22112 Fix issues with LM SFD that prevented it from running as a Windows service under the "system" user. Running under the "system" user requires the user name AND password to be "system" in the account information portion of the SFD GUI. The "system" user is now added to the default security configuration in security.tcl to allow it to run normally. Because the "system" user has no password, at least one real user will need to be granted ADMIN privileges in the security.tcl file as well. After doing so, restart the service for the change to take affect. Please allow for 30 seconds between stop and start of the service. Note that the service must be uninstalled and reinstalled or it will fail to start with this version of the SFD. This can be done using the Install/Delete controls in the service portion of the SFD GUI.
LicenseMonitor 8580 22181 Fixed error in LicenseMonitor that prevented the viewing of very large batch reports.
LicenseMonitor 8620 22225 Now the ftlm_parse_flexlm program correctly outputs the parsed version for the queued for license records to the *.chk file.
LicenseMonitor 8526   Clarified messaging regarding unrecognized slave configuration parameters; this is now a warning rather than an error, as it can occur for example when using a newer server with an older slave.
NetworkComputer 8468 22121 NetworkComputer no longer "forgets" a resource map that has been in use for longer than the cutoff provided or is currently in use by a preempted job.
NetworkComputer 7643 21098 Fixed issue that caused jobs submitted through the LSF emulation layer to result in a SLEEPING state due to an output conflict caused by the use of the -o option to bsub.
NetworkComputer 8038 21752 Added the ability to grant a user the privilege to stop another user's job. This can be accomplished by granting the STOP ACL privilege to the other user by using the vovacl command line utility.
vovacl -agent "USER joe" -append -actions STOP 008210915 
NetworkComputer 8089 21856 Ensure VOV_JOBCLASS_DIRS is honored in CLI and web UI, regardless whether it is defined in the queue setup file in vncConfig or the vnc_policy.tcl file. This includes a new line in the output of the nc jobclass -ll command that shows the location of the jobclass script. For the web UI specifically, jobclasses that are located in a user-defined directory are also marked as editable.
NetworkComputer 8233 21983 Messaging in vsy, nc info and related commands has been changed to clarify which resources are actually missing when the user specifies OR clauses in the resource request.
NetworkComputer 8347 22087 The slave.childProcessCleanup parameter in policy.tcl no longer requires cgroups; it does still require a Linux platform. Additionally the method of process cleanup has been changed to be more thorough; this setting may cause vovslave to be less responsive in heavy usage scenarios.
NetworkComputer 8439 22088 The snapshot environment used by the nc run -ep option is now protected against stale system environment variables, such as VOV_PORT_NUMBER.
NetworkComputer 8587 22194 Fixed handling of selection rules for preemptable job for MULTIQUEUE preemption rules.
NetworkComputer 8631   Fixed resource leak caused by hyper-active preemption of same job.
NetworkComputer 8412   NetworkComputer now reconnects properly to a LicenseMonitor instance that has been restarted.
NetworkComputer 8588   Improved reliability of nc stop -dir xxx which now makes sure all stops have been performed.
NetworkComputer 8629   A job preempted with EXT and then killed correctly ends up in the FAILED status rather than WITHDRAWN.
NetworkComputer 8636   Allow editing of mqthresh parameter in MULTIQUEUE preemption rules.
HERO 8164   Fixed problem with exit-status-based auto-rescheduling that prevent the job from running upon being auto-rescheduled.