2023.1.1 Release Notes

New Features

Internal Number Products Case Number Description
VOV-14464 Accelerator   Removed PERCENT/1 from the minimum resource requirements for a job. From this release onward, the PERCENT resource will need to be used explicitly to limit the number of jobs running on a tasker. Jobs will no longer request the PERCENT resource by default. This change allows more than 100 jobs to be run concurrently on a single tasker.
VOV-14703 All None SSL/TLS is enabled by default for VOV products Accelerator, Accelerator Plus, Hero, and FlowTracer. These products will open webports by default.
VOV-14705 Allocator None Added the ability for Allocator product instances to enable SSL, and enhanced lamgr start to support the -webport and -webprovider options.
VOV-15052 Monitor None Reworked the utilization plot tooltip to display the date/time and value at the mouse cursor's location.
VOV-15200 Accelerator None Implemented functionality to handle multiple active reservations, ordered by dominance.
VOV-15289 Accelerator None Modified SDS to handle the azure schema id (mix of numbers and alphabets).
VOV-15346 Accelerator None Added RDS match events to SDS > Kafka stream.
VOV-15545 FlowTracer CS0377941 The vovconsole welcome splashscreen has been eliminated.
VOV-15558 Accelerator None Improved help message for the vovacl command to reflect all available agents and actions, and clarify some commands.
VOV-15595 Accelerator, Monitor None AVS formatted config files, such as resources.cfg, now accept C-style multi-line comments delimited by /* and */ .
VOV-15601 All None Streaming Data Service now includes bucket metrics in the event data is published to Kafka.
VOV-15613 Accelerator None The use of Access Control Lists (ACLs) for resource maps are expanded to allow VOV user groups (USERGROUP) agents. See the vovacl -h help screen for details.
VOV-15648 Accelerator, Accelerator Plus None Fixed issue in the create/edit job class form in Accelerator web based UI. Names entered in the form are stripped of leading and trailing white space.
VOV-15657 Accelerator None The following CLI commands with "slave" lexicon are removed. Use the corresponding commands in the "tasker" lexicon instead. For example, instead of vovslavelaunch, use vovtaskeraunch.
  • vovslavelaunch
  • vovslavelaunchd
  • vovslavelist
  • vovslaveloadutil
  • vovslavemgr
  • vovslaveowner
  • vovslavestartup
VOV-15691 Accelerator None Implemented partial tasker reservations and partial lookahead reservations.
VOV-15761 Accelerator None Handled resource updated using tasker definition and vovtaskermgr configure.
VOV-15765 All None For some types of licenses, FlowTracer and Accelerator projects will want to communicate their license usage to an LM instance over the LM secure HTTPS web port. If the project cannot communicate with LM, a "Warning" alert will be posted and can only be cleared when LM communication has been established.
VOV-15777 Monitor CS0404521 Added in Monitor Web UI Detailed Plots page a new checkbox option at treemap level. This new option is called 'Hide Legend' and is checked by default. It results in hiding by default the treemap legend, giving you the option to display it again by uncheking it. The purpose of this option is to reduce the treemap height, in order to have the Detailed Plot section visible without scrolling.
VOV-15783 Accelerator None Implemented partial tasker reservation creation based on multiple parameters like RAM, CORES, SWAP, and SLOTS. The vtk_reservation_create API has been updated with an option -resources to reserve a given number of resources on a tasker.
VOV-15801 Monitor None Added the ability to assign each named license feature an hourly, per-token cost value that will be shown in the Checkout Statistics report if the Show Cost option is selected. The cost can be specified via the Admin > Features > Database page, or via a new ftlm_feature_admin utility, which also provides the ability to delete and rename features.
VOV-15815 Monitor None The lmmgr loaddb command can now take an option to supply a time that is used as the start date for loading database. The default is is equivalent to lmmgr loaddb -start 1y, which will load data for the past year until now.
VOV-15925 All None Release 2023.1.1 of Accelerator products has dropped support for CentOS 6, SLES 12, Ubuntu 16.04, and Windows 7; and added support for Ubuntu 22.04. See the OS support matrix in the Release Notes for an up-to-date list of supported OSes.
VOV-15939 All None vtk_preemptrule_create_or_modify has been split into two commands: vtk_preemptrule_create and vtk_preemptrule_modify. The online help has been updated to reflect this change.

Resolved Issues

Internal Number Products Case Number Description
VOV-8797 Accelerator, FlowTracer None Previous versions of the software may have given conflicting information about full and overloaded taskers when requesting Why related information. This has been resolved in this release.
VOV-13284 Monitor None A syntax error was causing previous versions of the product to throw an error when reporting by feature/User in "usage trends." This has been resolved in this release.
VOV-13801 Accelerator CS0204915 The RDS syntax for controlling License resources and SUM resources will not lead to SUM resources being generated with maps to nonexistent feature resources. This issue is fixed in the new RDS-based resource management.
VOV-14682 Monitor CS0295704 When running in "Altair Monitor Basic" mode, no longer check out "user_licmon" features.
VOV-15063 FlowTracer None Fixed a FlowTracer issue on Windows, whereby the vovconsole tool was occasionally freezing when displaying a FlowTracer project.
VOV-15185 FlowTracer None Fixed some problems in vovconsole that were exposed by the use of site customizations to the vovconsole status bar. Added more comments so that ::VovGUI::configJobStatusBar is used appropriately.
VOV-15470 Monitor CS0358260 Improved performance of => Inserting data into Database from CHK and DEN files. => Trimming Database.
VOV-15508 Accelerator CS0438406 Adds support for VOV user groups in reservations. The vtk_reservation_create Tcl procedure now accepts a -usergroup option for specifying the name of a VOV user group.
VOV-15536 Monitor None Fixed an issue where version numbers were not parsed correctly by the LMX parser, and the License Version column for Altair License Manager checkouts were not properly displayed in the Monitor web UI under Current > Checkouts > Complete View.
VOV-15553 Accelerator CS0376234, CS0404054 Previous releases did not properly incorporate ACLs when applying transition modifications, with the effect that only the owner could modify most properties regardless of which ACLs were set for a given object. Now with proper ACLs set, all the properties with the exception of USER, OSGROUP, NAME or command line, ENV, DIR, and SUBMITHOST are available for modification with appropriate ACL permission levels.
VOV-15562 FlowTracer CS0380536 Modify vovproject create so that default project setup.tcl is sourced before the vovserver is started.
VOV-15605 All None Windows now supports a command-line interface (CLI) installer for Accelerator products via the new -batch option on install.bat. The corresponding Linux install.sh command has also been enhanced on Linux to accept the -batch option. Invoking install.sh ... -batch is now equivalent to invoking the CLI installer script batch_install.csh. The install.batch and install.sh utilities now have an -h option to display complete usage syntax.
VOV-15617 Accelerator Plus CS0322667 Fixed an issue where invalid launcher jobs (with an ID of 000000000) would get added to the user and jobclass sets, and cause the WX console to crash.
VOV-15619 Monitor CS0388358 A syntax error was causing previous versions of the product to throw an error when reporting by feature/User in "usage trends." This has been resolved in this release.
VOV-15643 Monitor None Fixed issue in Heatmap view in Monitor, where the show numbers option was not taken under consideration. If the box is unchecked, numbers are not displayed inside the rectangles.
VOV-15664 Monitor None Fixed a critical error that caused vovdb_util upgrade ... to malfunction on Windows. The root cause was related to locale.
VOV-15667 Monitor None Monitor help now opens in a new tab.
VOV-15669 All None RLM is no longer supported as a license management system for the Altair Accelerator product line.
VOV-15670 All None The XYNTService wrapper is no longer supported as a means of running Accelerator products as a Windows service. The only supported method for running as a Windows service is via the Single File Distributable (SFD) model.
VOV-15677 Accelerator Plus CS0392770 Added a new config taskerDisconnResvCleanupTimeout to postpone the cleanup of the reservations on the disconnected tasker due to connection error so that reservation can be restored if the tasker connects back within the timeout.
VOV-15720 Accelerator Plus None vovwxd notifies you when the driver script or config.tcl is deleted.
VOV-15721 Hero None The list of Zebu placements generated now includes all combinations of units as opposed to just contiguous placements as was the case previously. The previous behavior can be restored by updating the relevant section of the emul.cfg with the line CONNECTIVITY = "sequential".
VOV-15725 All None Fixed an issue that prevented burst licensing from working with ALM.
VOV-15732 Monitor None Fix server response error when editing the content of the file in cvs.cgi page.
VOV-15736 Accelerator None In the past, Accelerator jobs launched via nc run r cresource#N for consumable resource "cresources" were allowed to use the "#" character even though the use of "#" is inappropriate for consumable resources like "cores" or "cpus". The "/" character should be used for specification of consumable resources, for example "r cpus/2". In this release the job submit commands enforce the use of the "/" character in job submissions with consumable resources.
VOV-15775 Accelerator None Developer related environment variable was removed from product documentation.
VOV-15781 Accelerator, Accelerator Plus CS0403873 Fixed an issue that caused vovreconciled to incorrectly grab extra license resources in response to "also" matches, increasing over time.
VOV-15790 Allocator CS0406786 Fixed issue that prevented subsequent addSites configuration lines from being processed if an invalid site was specified in a previous line.
VOV-15799 Accelerator None RDS Feature rules now accepts a TOTAL attribute that overrides the total available for the corresponding feature resource map rather than using the total available from Monitor. This value will also be used in the sum resource map total calculation unless that is also overridden.
VOV-15807 Accelerator None Fixed issue with server-side tasker startup requests, prompted by the -server option to vovtaskermgr start.
VOV-15811 All None Call vovwait4server as part of the startup process for FlowTracer projects to ensure the vovserver is up and running before returning to the shell.
VOV-15819 Monitor CS0392344 Fixed issues with lmmgr loaddb that would skip some subdirectories when loading denial data.
VOV-15827 All CS0412949 Added robustness to code dealing with REST and web session key management.
VOV-15837 Accelerator None The source files information is removed from the binaries.
VOV-15838 Monitor None lmmgr loaddb will now pass a starting timestamp value to its internal call to ftlm_capacity, instead of defaulting to "1 year ago", but the default time frame is still equivalent to "1 year ago", unless -start is explicitly passed by the user to lmmgr loaddb.
VOV-15852 Accelerator None Fixed issue causing vovserver to hang with multiple partial tasker reservations.
VOV-15871 FlowTracer None Fix an issue whereby some complex REST object queries were crashing vovserver.
VOV-15886 Accelerator Plus None Only one instance of vovwxd daemon can be launched for an AAP queue. Other attempts to start a vovwxd process will fail with an error.
VOV-15916 Accelerator None Fixed an issue with NC removal of license based resources when the originating license server (eg. FlexNet) goes down. The NC licensed based resources should disappear automatically after the license server goes down, but they live on. The fix is in the new Resource Data Service (RDS) resource management service, which ensures automatic deletion of these resources. With classic resource management, a workaround for the issue is to restart the vovresourced daemon to effect the deletion of these resources.
VOV-15921 Monitor CS0429534 The treemap plots now include an Export button that allows you to export the plot in a png, csv, or svg format. Aligned the functionality with the available plots in the Feature Detailed Plots. In contrast with other plots the Export buttons are located on the top of the plot instead on the right of the plot. This is done due to the fact that only treemaps are placed in a row next to each other. All the other plots are placed on top of another. As such, for the Export buttons to not interfere with the siblings plot the placement is migrated to the top. The resulting csv file will contain the following two columns: - 'group': the name of the group according to the option under 'Usage treemap report by' and 'Denial treemap report by'. There is a possibility that this value will be truncated since the maximum length is set to 300 characters. - 'value': the value of the group.
VOV-15979 Accelerator Plus None Fixed issue that prevented autoreschedule from automatically activating for jobs that fail because they were dispatched to a tasker that was in the process of being shut down.
VOV-15991 All None Fixed issue that caused vovresourced to run with an elevated verbosity level, resulting in larger-than-normal log files.

Version-Specific Patch Releases