2021.2.1 Release Notes

New Features

Internal Number Products Case Number Description
VOV-13249 All CS0120865 A configuration parameter "logs,tasker,compress" (a boolean that defaults to 0) was added that, if set, will cause the daily logs to be compressed at the end of the day. This is similar to the existing "logs,server,compress" parameter. This parameter should be set in the policy.tcl configuration file.
VOV-14345 Accelerator Plus None Direct drive now supports vovwxd/config.tcl parameters slave,max and client,derate by pausing base queues when limits are reached. Note that due to the asynchronous nature of Direct Drive, these are soft limits and some overrun is expected.
VOV-14171 Accelerator Plus None vovwxd in direct drive mode can now use a driver script for bucket filtering. vovaccel.tcl is an example script and it can be specified in CONFIG(drive_script).

Resolved Issues

Internal Number Products Case Number Description
VOV-14253 All CS0145466, CS0240541 Fixes an issue where in some circumstances, vtk_select_loop would cause a crash in vovsh when requesting large result sets.
VOV-14279 Accelerator, Accelerator Plus CS0241809 Fixed issue causing error 'child process exited abnormally' for forgotten jobs.
VOV-14287 Accelerator None Corrected the script name that is called by the vovclientmgr.bat wrapper script.
VOV-14286 Accelerator None Fixed vovlicensemgr errors with ALM licensing.
VOV-14218 Accelerator None Fixed a crash that occurred when the Internal webprovider's SSL configuration and/or webport was changed.
VOV-13510 Accelerator CS0182762 Fixed issue causing license checkout with empty shared (ISV) string which is resulting in duplicate license checkout.
VOV-13732 Accelerator CS0134814 Fixed an issue with vovclientmgr closedeadinteractive where an error was thrown if jobs were forgotten while the command was running. Also added a -dry-run option to the above command.
VOV-14118 Accelerator CS0230408 An issue was fixed where vovgetgroups would fail if VOV_USE_VOVGETGROUPS was set to 1, and the user in question belonged to more than 128 groups.
VOV-14262 Accelerator None Some compatibility issues were found between the openssl library we use and the one provided on CentOS 8 that negatively affects our ability to validate user information on CentOS 8 when NIS is configured. The compatibility issue has been addressed.
VOV-14302 FlowTracer None Fixed a bug causing a TCL error in vovlsfd daemon when, for any reason, it cannot parse the output of bsub command.
VOV-14068 Monitor CS0219474 Fixed incorrect summary calculation in Monitor tables.
VOV-13693 Monitor CS0183043 Fixed license parser issue causing the error - Illegal number of args: vtk_feature_get_or_create daemon name total version isv