2019.01 Release


The following new features and enhancements were introduced this software release:
Product Internal Number Case Number Description
All VOV-8981 22923 Slave objects have a new hardware resource HT that specifies whether hyper-threading is enabled on the host where the slave is running (query example: vovselect ht from slaves).
All VOV-8823 22590 The -O option on nc hosts has been enhanced to support display of the @RAMUSED@ hardware resource.
All VOV-8808   Added the field "SLOTSAVAIL" to the SAllocatorVES table for use with vovselect and the vtk_select APIs.
All VOV-8320   CLI lmmgr, ncmgr/wxmgr now allows you to specify the database port option when start a new project (in consistence with the web UI database configuration tool and the CLI vovdb_util configure tool).
All VOV-8810   Several new queryable fields have been added to the JOBS and FILES objects; see the output of vovselect fieldname from JOBS and vovselect fieldname from FIELDS. In addition there is a new queryable object named "IOS". This object allows querying from the inputs and/or outputs of a specific node. For example to get the ID field from all of the inputs of node 12345, the query would be vovselect id from ios.12345 where isinput.
All VOV-7917 20080
Important: The license grace period functionality has been removed due to a technical limitation.
The software issues alerts 30/14/7/1d prior to the earliest expiration detected (in case there are multiple lines of the same license feature in the same license file).

Licensing robustness and network fault-tolerance have been significantly improved. The software can operate in "disconnect mode", which means that it connects, gets a checkout, then disconnects from the license server. Checkout is refreshed every hour. The software will not fail for until 5 full days have passed since the last successful checkout. Alerts are issued for this as well.

As before, license servers may be specified as a colon-separated list via the RMonitor_LICENSE environment variable

All VOV-8766   When copying the <swd>/vovnginxd/conf/nginx.conf.template file to an nginx.conf file, a message is output to the server log indicating that a copy is being made, and also specifying the source and destination files.
Accelerator Plus VOV-8838   Add support for PBS as a base scheduler to Accelerator Plus.
Allocator VOV-8130 21897 If a license features expires in the Monitor connected to this Allocator, then Allocator will stop allocating tokens of that feature after a specific period of time, default 1 hour. This threshold can be modified using the policy variable: la.feature.expirationThreshold
Allocator VOV-8726   Allocator now supports PBS, that it is can allocate licenses to a mix of NC and PBS clusters.
FlowTracer VOV-8678 22270 Add support for the substitution of the @JOBID@, @ARRAYID@, and @INDEX@ keywords in job resource requests. Due to the risk of overloading the system with job queue buckets, these are opt-in, using the following settings in policy.tcl:
For each, 0 is disabled (default) and 1 is enabled.
FlowTracer VOV-9005 22742 In FlowTracer, vovlsfd will "bsub" buckets based on priority; earlier it used to be rank followed by priority.
FlowTracer VOV-3186   Some pre-defined sets that are created on-demand were not getting created (if nonexistent) by the web UI. This issue is now fixed. The sets impacted by this change are Isolated nodes, Missing files, Blocking files, Failed jobs, Jobs with no inputs, Jobs with no outputs, Autoflow, Tainted. Removed the "High Level Flows" set from the web UI.
FlowTracer VOV-7968 21613 vovwxd slave log deletion is done in a separate process.
FlowTracer VOV-7920 21534 vovwxd will not delete the log file of a running slave during the logs cleanup routine.
FlowTracer VOV-8844 22622 vovfileready has been re-implemented to eliminate the side-effects present in the earlier implementation. Consequently, it is no longer necessary to call vovfileready -clean. Also, vovfileready no longer creates phantom barriers and non-executable jobs during its operation.
FlowTracer VOV-7069 21501 "STOP" action on a running job will check the ACL permissions for the user attempting to stop the job. A LEADER will no longer be allowed to stop other people's jobs if LEADER does not have STOP permission in ACL.
FlowTracer VOV-5668 20732 The following new features are supporte for stopping and suspending jobs:

The -signals, -include and -exclude options to nc stop and vovstop -f are now functional.

The trace parameters defaultStopSignalCascade and defaultSuspendSignalCascade have been added to specify default behavior when requesting to stop or suspend a job, respectively.

The job property STOP_SIGNALS can now be used to set stop-signal cascades on a per-job basis.

FlowTracer VOV-5148 20735 Enhanced 'Forget set & elements' menu option to forget the set and subsets hierarchically.
FlowTracer VOV-4898 20139, 20142 Added node status change logging capability with GUI hooks in the HTML and Tk interfaces to change the type of logging. Added reasons for all node status changes that are queryable using the @WHYSTATUS@ field of nodes.

Internally, all commands that change node status now pass along a reason for the change, which is logged in the journal if node status logging is enabled. The most recent reason is in the @WHYSTATUS@ field.

In vtk API commands that change status, a new "-why REASON" option has been added. Any reason can be passed, and it will get added to the @WHYSTATUS@ field, which sometimes gets stored as the @WHYSTATUS@ property on nodes (if the text reason is not in the internal list of known reasons). Client information is also included (user, executable name, security level, etc).

Node status logging can be enabled server-wide using a global setting (see vtk_node_status_logging command), or individually on jobs or files. It can also be enabled on sets, which apply only to the nodes in the set at the time the command is called (it applies it to the nodes in the set, not to the set itself).

Node status logging can be changed (enabled/disabled) using vtk_node_status_logging, through the node editor GUI (nc gui or vovconsole), or through the HTML interface on the Sets page, the Job Edit page, or the journal viewer (for jobs). There are 5 settings for node status logging:
  • UNSET - use the default server setting
  • DISABLED - logging turned off
  • ALL - all changes of all types are logged
  • INVALIDATIONS - changes logged only if node invalidated
  • DOWAcceleratorONE INVALIDATIONS - changed logged only for downcone invalidations (when the entire downcone of a node is invalidated).
See documentation for more details.
Accelerator VOV-8789   The ncupgrade script has been implemented at beta level. This script allows customers to upgrade their Accelerator installation to a different (newer) version of software without taking down the queue. The script prompts users for decisions (such as queue name, location of the new version, etc.) and is intended to perform the upgrade without losing any jobs, and without having client job submissions fail (they just take longer to register).

Please provide feedback on this feature during the beta period.

Accelerator VOV-7408 20586 FairShare configure page now displays actions for a group based on user's permission on that group.
Accelerator VOV-7239 20343 When vovserver issues errors or alerts about running out of disk space and having trouble writing a file, always tell the full path of the file.
Accelerator VOV-8536 22170 The nc why command output for a queued job now includes a count of dependent jobs, if any, that must finish before the queued job runs.
Accelerator VOV-7529 20618 Reservation is now a VovObject, which means reservations can be queried with vovselect, are saved persistently(PR), and go into crash recovery as well(CR). One slave can have multiple reservations where previously there could be only one reservation per slave. vovslavemgr reserveshow is improved. vovshow -reservations, vovforget -allreservations, vovforget reservationId could be used to see and handle reservations. vtk_reservation_create, vtk_reservation_delete, vtk_reservation_get, vtk_reservation_update APIs are added as well.
Accelerator VOV-8419 22067 Resourcemaps now use ACLs for access control. The default access control permissions for a resourcemap are:
Accelerator VOV-9049   Accelerator can now be configured to automatically determine the timeout for license usage data gathered from Monitor based on the time it takes to gather the data.
Accelerator VOV-9494 23807 EXT JobControl signals are now logged in the slave log
Accelerator VOV-9293 23475 Added field for job called SLAVESTATUS; this field can be used for example in preemption rules to avoid preempting jobs that are running on suspended slaves (slaves with status SUSP).
Accelerator VOV-8655 22254 Added support for the '-noheader' option in bjobs (LSF emulation). This removes the column headings from the output.
Accelerator VOV-8897   Added a new environment variable VOV_GROUP_PURGE_PERIOD that can be used to instruct vovslave to periodically purge its internal cache of UNIX group information, including gid/name maps and user group lists. Specified in seconds (minimum 60). Default: 0 (disabled).
Accelerator VOV-8501   Slaves and resource maps can be reserved on the web page representing a corresponding object. The list of reservations for an object will be shown on the page.
Accelerator VOV-8331 22802 Added -xdur flag to nc run for specifying the expected duration of the job. This is identical to the -x flag.
Accelerator VOV-7888 21475 The vovslave now defaults to using the vovgetgroups utility for obtaining user group information from UNIX-based operating systems. Previously, this was enabled by setting the VOV_USE_VOVGETGROUPS environment variable to 1.
Accelerator VOV-7886 21455 Improved readability of messages generated with vov_diagnostic_no_start.
Accelerator VOV-7198 20252 Added new "STARTTIME" field for slaves that contains the UNIX timestamp of the slave's start time.
Accelerator VOV-7207 20224 In Accelerator it is now possible to use nc wait -start to wait for jobs to start running.
Accelerator VOV-8784   Improved RESERVE_SAllocatorVES preemption ruletype to take -preemptslavespec parameters to take a slavelist and slave spec. The preemption puts reservations on slaves that are compatible with preempting jobs.
Accelerator VOV-7388 20587 nc hosts and vovslavemgr reserveshow commands are upgraded according to the new reservation features.
Accelerator VOV-5392 20367 Resource expressions now support lists of typed resources in place of OR, e.g.: nc run -r User:abc,User:def -- sleep 10 .

Additionally the AND, OR and NOT keywords are now case-insensitive.

Accelerator VOV-5455   The number of cpus(cores) is configurable through vovslavemgr configure -cpu.
Accelerator VOV-4823 20583 Added new hog protection for users with more currently-managed jobs than a configurable threshold, that when breached, will result in a configurable service delay for that user. Currently-managed jobs are those younger than the autoforget thresholds, as defined in the policy.tcl. All job states are considered.

This protection can be enabled and configured via the following server configuration parameters defined in the policy.tcl file:

hog.protection.enable (default=0, which is off)
hog.protection.jobcountthreshold (default=100000, min=1000, max=999999)
hog.protection.clientdelay (default=1, min=1, max=600, specified in seconds)
Accelerator VOV-8973 22958 Accelerator now correctly generates an alert if the Monitor instance being tracked by vovresourced is not available at first contact attempt. Previously this alert would appear only if contact was made and then lost.
Accelerator VOV-9763   A new vovshow command option -innerlooptimers provides profiling information about the vovserver innerloop. It can help identify performance issues or performance effects of certain job workloads.
Accelerator VOV-9720 23696 The severity level of vovwxd alerts can be configured. Please refer to $VOVDIR/../common/etc/config/vovwxd/config.tcl for details about each alert. Look for parameters CONFIG(alert,*)
Accelerator   23619 Users can now specify the NUMA-related resources MAXNUMACORES and MAXNUMAFREECORES when running jobs. The former refers to the maximum number of NUMA cores in a single node on the slave, the latter to the maximum number of free NUMA cores on the slave. For example: nc run -jpp pack -r+ MAXNUMAFREECORES#4 will request a job on any slave with at least 4 free NUMA cores on the same node.

In addition, the fields MAXNUMACORES and MAXFREENUMACORES have been added to the SAllocatorVES object for the purposes of vtk_select_loop, vovselect and related commands.

Accelerator VOV-8703 23470 Added support for Linux container integration (beta). See the Accelerator Administrator Guide for information on configuring container support, and the Accelerator User Guide for information on requesting container support in job submissions. Example configurations and hook scripts are provided in $VOVDIR/etc/config/containers.
Monitor VOV-9062   A license monitor can be setup to parse the flexlm option files and create proper reservation related user/post groups.
Monitor VOV-9068 23166 Monitor now includes support for software using Wibu CodeMeter as a licensing mechanism.
Monitor VOV-7763 21900 Implemented using PostgreSQL materialized view for storing the daily checkouts/denials records so the nightly batch reports will run fast by retrieving data from much smaller set in view than from the huge checkouts/denials table. For now it's beta as we will tested against a large data set to see how much improvement on the performance. After upgrade, user needs to enable it by set VOVDBD(lm,useDataView) 1 from $SWD/vovdbd/config.tcl and start Monitor project.
Monitor VOV-6970 20354 Allow for failover of Monitor when used with Accelerator. The Accelerator vovresourced daemon will now locate the host and port of Monitor by using the product registry if configured to do so.

This is done by setting the LM(licmon) setting in the vovresourced configuration file to the name of the Monitor instance, and making sure that the LM(flexlmd) setting that normally contains the Monitor host and port information is not set. If LM(flexlmd) is set, the location specified therein will be honored as before.

Additionally, a new configuration parameter, LM(enabled), has been added to provide the ability to disable communications between vovresourced and Monitor altogether. The data type of this parameter is boolean and the default value is true.

Monitor VOV-5724 20839 Increased the vovserver almost-full free disk space threshold from 1MB to 1GB. Added a new percentage-based check as well, which defaults to a 1% threshold. Both thresholds are configurable via the following server configuration parameters defined in the policy.tcl file:
  • diskspacecheck.minfreemb (default=1000, min=1, max=50000)
  • diskspacecheck.minfreepercent (default=1, min=1, max=50)

Increased the vovslave almost-full free disk space threshold from 5MB to 100MB. This can be overridden via the -mindisk option to vtk_slave_set_defaults and/or vtk_slave_define. Added a new notification health check (doTestHealthServerDiskSpace) so that email notifications will be sent in addition to the alerts and log messages that are generated.

Monitor VOV-6037   CodeMeter license support is now added to Altair Monitor: CodeMeter log parser and license monitor setup tools (thru $SWD/vovlmd/config.tcl or Web UI) are available.

Resolved Issues

The following issues were resolved in this software release:
Product Internal Number Case Number Description
All VOV-9363   Fixed server crash when the Detach slave from server" link was clicked on the Slave Details page in the web UI.
All VOV-9333   Fixed an issue with vovserver failover that could lead to a corrupt VOV_HOST_HTTP_NAME setting if that value did not already contain a fully-qualified domain name.
All VOV-9333 23318 Fixed issue where an invalid slave resource expression would result in a permanent error message on the "slaves" web page.
All VOV-8578 21858 The following queryable fields have been added to the SAllocatorVES table for consistency with the vovslavemgr configure command: RAMSENTRYFAllocatorG, MINRAMFREE, EFFlowTracerOTALRAM, RETRYCHDIR, RETRYCHDIRSLEEP, RETRYCHDIRSLEEPBACKOFF, MAXWAITNOSTART, ALLOWCOREDUMP, DEBUGJOBCONTROL, AUTOKILMonitorETHOD, MINDISKSPACE.
All VOV-8685 22253 Fixed issues in D and U environments (which are used to Define and Undefine specific env vars) when they are both used, or they are nested (such as having multiple D calls in the env). Previously, it was possible to define something in the environment but have that item undefined in the "END" environment script. Now, it preserves the state using temporary environment variables so that each "START" and "END" environment script has consistent environment variables defined.
All VOV-9501 23821 Rebuilt binaries dependent on OpenSSL to remove a bad default OpenSSL configuration path.
All VOV-9485 23695 Fix a rare crash during slave startup caused by an intermittent failure in the Linux proc filesystem.
Accelerator Plus VOV-9216 23382 Fix an error in the "Why" information for a job that occurred when the associated job bucket was no longer present.
Accelerator Plus VOV-9579   Fixed a bug that caused vovwxd to dequeue old launcher jobs which itself can result in skipping some of the buckets when there is a large number of slave requests and the Accelerator PlusLauncher slave is not able to process them quickly
Accelerator Plus VOV-8598 22485 Pass the bucket priority to the launcher so that the priority of the resulting slave job in Accelerator will match that of the originating bucket in Accelerator Plus. This enables the slave jobs to be selected by the job modulation preemption rule in Accelerator. When the base queue is saturated, job modulation preemption will close and gracefully stop Accelerator Plus slaves that are running with lower priority so that queued higher priority slave jobs can run, in turn servicing the higher priority buckets in Accelerator Plus.
Accelerator Plus VOV-8074 21654, 21997 Resource expressions with | operator in job classes should be combined without spaces. e.g. set VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) "(general|PD) Limit:..."
Allocator VOV-9412 23662 23891 Improved performance of NRU matching. This reduces skipping of NRU matching due to hitting the resmap.max.nru.time limit. Consequently, it reduces misclassification of NRU jobs as OOQ.
FlowTracer VOV-9253   Added documentation for vovlogchecker
FlowTracer VOV-9263   The vovconsole Alerts dialog now wraps lines, permitting very long alerts to be read in their entirety.
FlowTracer VOV-8512   Readonly user is not allowed to recompute a set
FlowTracer VOV-8100 21852 LEADERs can also add alerts and echo logs, not just ADMINs
FlowTracer VOV-7966 21609 The API will detect an invalid ACTION such as START and give an error message, instead of silently returning incorrect result.
FlowTracer VOV-7536 20835, 21521 Fixed issue with too many arrows between sets when building or re-building the flow while viewing the parent set. Now it recomputes the arrows between sets when events that could modify those arrows occur.
FlowTracer VOV-7355 20549 Increased the maximum number of dependency levels in a FlowTracer flow graph from 1024 to 4096.
FlowTracer VOV-8418 22102 The effect of an md5 barrier, if present, is now taken into account in all cases that a regular barrier would have had an effect.
FlowTracer VOV-8143 21920 vovdaemonmgr show will show the status of all instances of vovlsfd connected/configured against the current project, across all users of the project.
FlowTracer VOV-8033 21722 When starting an xterm, we want to have the project enabled but also pick up aliases and such from the users .csrhc or .profile (bash) file in their home dir. We also want .Xauthority from their home dir to make sure we can bring up the xterm. To do this, we fake the HOME dir temporarily. For this to work with multiple users, I create a subdirectory in the $SWD for each user ($SWD/.xterm_home/$USER ). There, I symlink the default .cshrc or .profile from the $SWD and also the Xauthority from the home dir. The default .csrhc (or .profile) sources the user's home dir version, then sources the VOVDIR setup file and enables the project. This leaves the user with a full login shell, complete with aliases, but ensures the correct VOVDIR and VOV_PROJECT_NAME are set up and enabled. Previously, the fake HOME dir was set to the SWD dir but since the Xauthority is linked, that did not work for multi-user. Hence, the added layer of subdirectories per user.
FlowTracer VOV-8733 22510 When a job finishes, any stdout or stderr given to the wrapper on the command line with the -O or -E option is removed if it is zero length. If the stdout/stderr file has contents but was not written during job execution, it is disconnected from the job unless it is the input to another job. These changes prevent a job from failing when multiple stdout files are found (from the -O option or parsing the command), but not all of those files are written during job execution.
FlowTracer VOV-8484   Suspend vw process upon receiving SIGTSTP when VOV_VW_PAUSE_ON_TSTP is set.
FlowTracer VOV-7610 20976 Fixed labels on jobs and files in FlowTracer and nc gui so the text does not overflow the borders of jobs or files.
FlowTracer VOV-8453   vovwxd now supports LSF queues. Please refer Accelerator Plus documentation for configuring Accelerator PlusLauncher slave. CONFIG(driver_script) should be set to vovlsf.tcl.
FlowTracer VOV-7825 8453 Fixed issue where some subslave warning and error messages were getting lost (not printed to any logs). Now, these issues get propagated to the WHY property of the job.
FlowTracer VOV-6396 20729 vtk_select_get and vtk_select_loop is improved to retrieve query results in dynamic sizes of chunks to prevent buffer overflow.
FlowTracer VOV-4100 20840 Added FDL flag for jobs ("FAllocatorGS distributed") that sets the new "@ISDISTRIBUTED@" flag on the job. This flag automatically enables NFS protection in the wrapper for that job, equivalent to using the "vw -N" option or setting VOV_VW_NFS_PROTECTION=2 when running the job. This can also be set or unset with vtk_transition_set. Use this flag for jobs that launch processes or sub-jobs on hosts other than the submission host.
FlowTracer VOV-9158 23297 Fixed vovlsfd issue where all occurrences of -R was getting removed from BSUB_OPTIONS.
FlowTracer 8002 21684 When VOV_FT_MULTIUSER environment variable is set before launching a slave, the slave will only accept jobs owned by the same user who started the slave. Jobs owned by other users will be refused.
Accelerator VOV-9423 23709, 24842 Modified nc list core algorithm to cap output at 2GB. The command will return error if output string gets over limit.
Accelerator VOV-9498 23813 Fixed behavior of vovstop and related commands with regard to EXT:KILL - include and exclude specifications should work as expected now.
Accelerator VOV-9246   Improve vovserver memory allocation for better performance
Accelerator VOV-9245   On Linux-based systems, there are now two client servicing modes from which to choose: poll (default) and epoll. The mode chosen specifies which POSIX mechanism the vovserver will use to determine which client file descriptors are ready for use. The mode can be specified by setting config(useepoll) to 0 (poll, default) or 1 (epoll) in the SWD/policy.tcl file. Generally, the epoll mode should result in more efficient processing of service requests. As of this version, epoll mode is a new feature and is therefore disabled by default.
Accelerator VOV-9098   For nested FairShare groups with same string pattern in the name for example: "/somename" and "/topgroup/somename". The latter one is nested, child of topgroup. When user went on fairshare.cgi web page and clicked to show info for "/somename" group they saw list of both above groups: "somename" and "topgroup". Fixed: second group does not show up when "/somename" is selected
Accelerator VOV-5892 22302 WX jobs occasionally use global Tcl libraries for environment instead of VOVDIRs Tcl.
Accelerator VOV-9163   Improved FreeSlave rule type to update existing reservations if the rule still fires for a waiting bucket. ReserveSlave rule type is improved to skip slaves in bad status such as SUSPENDED.
Accelerator VOV-9076 23182 No longer print a file sourcing error when issuing an unknown nc subcommand.
Accelerator VOV-8041 21757 Eliminated the need for host-based equivalence cache files. The vovserver now caches equivalence entries and sends them to clients when needed.

For this reason, when using this new default behavior, equivalences that reference an environment variable should not resolve the variable in this file, in environments that will have both Unix and Windows clients. Instead, they will need to be resolved by the client upon receipt. This is done by enclosing the equivalence value inside curly braces and referring the environment variable as $VARNAME as opposed to the Tcl format of $env(VARNAME).

The previous behavior can be restored by setting VOVEQUIV_CACHE_FILE to "legacy" in the $SWD/setup.tcl file for a given instance or globally for all instances via a $VOVDIR/local/vovsetup script (vovsetup.csh or vovsetup.sh).

Older clients connecting to a new vovserver will work without any changes as long as the $SWD/equiv.caches directory exists and has world-write permissions. Variables in the new form will resolve correctly.

New clients connecting to an older vovserver will require legacy mode to be enabled.

Accelerator VOV-7407 20607 Corrected the logfile field value in the nc getfield output when a job is submitted with the -nolog option. The logfile field now displays /dev/null in this scenario.
Accelerator VOV-9028 23100, 23463, 23464 Increase performance of vtk_resourcemap_set_limit, the Tcl API command that is used to set limit resources by expanding a @KEYWORD@ to find matches to the main resource being passed in.
Accelerator VOV-7242 20265 FairShare groups now have a "flatten" setting. When a group is flattened, all of its child groups will be treated as though they were on the same level of hierarchy; that is, all leaf-level groups will be assigned weights as though they were direct children of the top-level flattened group, ignoring weights assigned to any non-leaf-level groups in between. This setting can be enabled by the vovfsgroup modify command. Note that disabling this setting for a group that has a flattened parent will have no effect; the group will still be flattened.
Accelerator VOV-8533 21902 Allow for the preemption debug property to exceed the currently configured max value length, up to the highest possible length that can be configured.

Also, for all properties that exceed the max value length, instead of setting the value to an error message only, the value is now set to the same error message as before, followed by a truncated version of the value intended, ending with a truncation indicator.

Accelerator VOV-9064 23004 Added ability to query slave resources individually using the vovselect utility.
% vovselect resources.X from slaves 
% vovselect resources.X from 012345678 where 'resources.X>100' 
This works for both standard and user-defined resources.
Accelerator VOV-8233 21983 Messaging in vsy, nc info and related commands has been changed to clarify which resources are actually missing when the user specifies OR clauses in the resource request.
Accelerator VOV-7946 21549 Prevent the server from checking the existence of SNAPSHOT environment files for Accelerator and Accelerator Plus to prevent long file access times from affecting server performance.
Accelerator VOV-7882 21473 Fixed issue that caused hosts to lose information such as frequency, cores, and RAM after doing a sanity. Now the data is recomputed after sanity when needed. Sanity still removes hosts older than 30 minutes (sort of like a 30-minute cache on host info), but now it gets the information back properly.
Accelerator VOV-7630 21021 <br /> in the Accelerator jobs for user page is for a separate line for each tool info, now is made work as intended.
Accelerator VOV-8352 22090 A case where the partialTool script could exit unexpectedly has been fixed.
Accelerator VOV-8198 21965 Improved the "why" message for jobs that are invalid or failed due to a dependency to be more meaningful. For Accelerator, it now includes information about the dependent job instead of the PHANTOM file used to create the dependency. For FlowTracer, it includes information about the input file as well as the upcone job which has the file as an output.
Accelerator VOV-7509 20789 The vovclientmgr utility now has a "closedeadinteractive" action, which allows the user to close clients that have interactive jobs that are no longer running. Measures have also been implemented to prevent such clients and their matching vovsh processes from lingering in the first place. Now, when an interactive job is either spawned or placed in the background, both the client and vovsh process will close upon job exit.
Accelerator VOV-8730 22315 Fixed an error where editing a queued interactive job in the Accelerator web interface could potentially cause the job to fail.
Accelerator VOV-8059 21780 Cancel creating new preemption rule goes back to the main preemption page.
Accelerator VOV-7639 20590 The command line tool vovslavemgr no longer attempts to start a slave that is already running.
Accelerator VOV-8170 21929 Added parameter resmap.sw.types with default value "License Limit Policy User Group Priority"
Accelerator VOV-6186 20995 The nc getfield command now works correctly with properties that have lower-case letters in their names.
Accelerator VOV-3765 20136 The nc run command now supports an option to control the number of times a job can be rescheduled. Thus: -maxresched <N> -- Maximum number of times the job can be rescheduled. Must be >= 1 and <= 10 (default 10). This implemented via the MAX_RESCHEDULE property on the job.
Monitor VOV-9165 23315 The parser ftlm_parse_dsls now can handle more general pattern of "granted since: date time [AP]M ..." in the license usage output lines, and with option "-robust", user can ignore unparsable lines in license usage output.
Monitor VOV-9080   With -staticImages option, the ftlm_batch_report now extracts the client-side plotting to static images served by the Monitor http server, thus potentially reducing the HTML report file size (as the report file does not store data and jquery library and function code to render the images).
Monitor VOV-7836 21400 Action button "Stop" will now show when the report is in any of the following status: RETRACING, RUNNING, SCHEDULED, SUSPENDED.
Monitor VOV-7269 20324 Sanitize single quote characters found in strings obtained by license server parsers. The following SQL command can be used to sanitize records already in the database: vovsql_query -rw -x "update hosts set name='joes-host' where name='joe''s-host'"

The key to this statement is escaping each single quote with another single quote in the where clause (joe's-host becomes joe''s-host).

Monitor VOV-7851 21399 Provide control over whether the -r option is used for the DSLS parser, since it appears to not work in certain versions of the DSLicSrv client. This option is used to indicate that the server is running in restricted mode.
Monitor VOV-8962 22908 Set the VovOutputConflictHandler to Retry instead of the default Abort for vovlmd to avoid crash on output conflict.
Monitor VOV-8402   The duration pie-chart now rendered correctly, removed extra duration out of the selected range from the live checkouts.
Monitor VOV-9518 23736 The Tcl HTTP client library has been updated to fix a timeout and data truncation issue that occurred when downloading very large Monitor license checkout data over an SSL connection.
Monitor VOV-9041 23092 Batch report for utilization plot - detailed plot for token used can be saved as csv


The following issues and defects are known to exist in this software release.

Product Internal Issue Description
All VOV-9759 The config subcommand of vovservermgr misprints confirmation messages
All VOV-9827 The vtk_slave_define Tcl command no longer supports automatic resources based on the vovslave name.
All VOV-9419 Setting config(useepoll) 1 in the policy.tcl config file has no effect.
All VOV-9771 The vtk_select_get command is not honoring the case of field names.
All VOV-9742 There is a new vovservermgr command that has been added for system administrators. This command has several subcommands that provide an easier way to set vovserver configuration and environment variables, and interface to memory chunking and scheduler tuning controls.
All VOV-9623 eventserver and epoll() are not starting with vovservermgr
All VOV-9748 Elaborate the vovservermgr -h help screen with more complete usage information.
Accelerator Plus VOV-9784 qdell misspelling makes the Accelerator Plus cleanup process fail.
Accelerator Plus VOV-9785 qdel path in vovpbs.tcl is not completely specified.
FlowTracer VOV-9805 Priority based scheduling with vovwxd: vovlsfd should take a job's priority setting into account when submitting jobs.
FlowTracer VOV-9761 vovwxd ignores the setting of the VOV_FT_MULTIUSER environment variable.
FlowTracer VOV-9581 Take Ownership in the Node Editor is broken.
Accelerator VOV-9792 Containers should allow user IDs from NIS or LDAP.
Accelerator VOV-9793 Containers hooks can be made more portable for Centos host OS.
Accelerator VOV-9806 A container resource shows up 2 times in vovslavemgr show -resourceonly output.
Monitor VOV-9764 The Monitor agent page no longer starts slaves.