Node Fields

Each node in the trace has field attributes.

There are three types of fields:
  1. Boolean fields, which take value in the set (0,1)
  2. Integer fields, which take any 32-bit signed integer value
  3. String fields, which take a null-terminated string value.

The fields are used in the Selection Rules and in Formatting Strings. The field names are not case-sensitive. For example, the rules IsJob and isjob are equivalent.

To get an current list of all fields, use the following:
% vovshow -fields

Incompatible Fields

Some fields make sense only for one type of nodes. For example, the field NAME makes sense for files but not for jobs, while the field COMMAND makes sense for jobs but not for files. A field is considered incompatible for a node if it does not make sense for that node. This notion of incompatible fields is important in the construction of selection rules and formatting strings.

Fields List

Field Name Field Type Applies To Description
AGE Integer (duration) Nodes Age in seconds of a job or of a file.
AGEPP String Nodes Pretty-printed version of age of a job or of a file.
ANNOTATIONS Integer Nodes Number of annotations attached to the node.
AUTOKILL Integer (duration) Jobs Time before a job is automatically killed.
AUXRESOURCES String Jobs Additional resources assigned to a job by the server.
BUCKETID String Jobs The internal ID of the bucket object that contains the specified job.
CHOSENTASKERID String Jobs If a job must go to a specific tasker, the ID of that tasker.
COMMAND String Jobs The command line for the job.
COMMANDLENGTH Integer (size) Jobs The length of the command line for the job.
CPUPROGRESS Integer (percent) Jobs The percent of CPU time used by a jobs, including all its children, in the last sampling interval. This number can be greater than 100 if the job is running on a multi CPU machine. If CPUPROGRESS is zero, the job is stuck, probably waiting for input or for a license.
CPUTIME Integer (milliseconds) Jobs The CPU time used by the job, in milliseconds, including all its children. This is a 64-bit number.
CURRAM Integer (MB) Jobs The current amount of RAM used by the job, in MB
CURREAD Integer (bytes) Jobs The current number of input I/O events for the job, in bytes.
CURVM Integer Jobs The current amount of virtual memory used by the job, in MB
CURWRITER Integer (bytes) Jobs The current number of output I/O events for the job, in bytes.
CWD String Jobs The current working directory for the job.
DB String Files The Databases of a file.
DIR String Nodes Same as CWD.
DISPATCHDATE Integer (timestamp) Jobs The time the job has been dispatched to a tasker. This is relevant for indirect taskers, where the DISPATCHDATE may be significantly different from the START time due to latency in the secondary queue.
DURATION Integer (duration) Jobs The duration of a job, in seconds.
DURATIONPP String Jobs The duration of a job ID in pretty format.
ENDDATE String Jobs The end date of a job in string format.
ENDED Integer (timestamp) Jobs The end date of a job in integer format. If the job is still running or retracing, this field has the value 0 (see Ended2 for a different value).
ENDED2 Integer (timestamp) Jobs The end date of a job in integer format. If the job is running or retracing, this field returns the current time stamp (see ENDED for a different value)
ENV String Jobs The environment of a job.
ENVARGS String Jobs From the environment string, all the words after the first.
EXECHOST String Jobs The execution host of the job.
EXITSTATUS Integer Jobs The Exit Status of a job.
EXPDUR Integer (duration) Jobs (OBSOLETE! Use XDUR instead) Expected duration of a job, in seconds
EXPDURPP String Jobs (OBSOLETE! Use XDURPP instead) Expected duration, pretty printed.
FAILCODE Integer Jobs A mask of values indicating why a job failed.
FLAGS String Nodes Obsolete. Not supported any longer.
FSEXCESSHISTORY Integer Jobs This is essentially (FSHISTORY - FSTARGET). See also FSEXCESS.
FSEXCESSRUNNING Integer Jobs This is essentially (FSRUNNING - FSTARGET). See also FSEXCESS. If the number is positive, that means that the group to which the job belongs has more running jobs than it should.
FSEXCESSRUNNINGLOCAL1 Integer Jobs Similar to FSEXCESSRUNNINGLOCAL but uses the balance of running jobs at one level above the local.
FSEXCESSRUNNINGLOCAL2 Integer Jobs Similar to FSEXCESSRUNNINGLOCAL but uses the balance of running jobs at two levels above the local.
FSEXCESSRUNNINGLOCAL3 Integer Jobs Similar to FSEXCESSRUNNINGLOCAL but uses the balance of running jobs at three levels above the local.
FSEXCESSRUNNINGLOCALCOUNT Integer Jobs This is number of jobs corresponding to FSEXCESSRUNNINGLOCAL.
FSEXCESSRUNNINGLOCALCOUNT1 Integer Jobs This is number of jobs corresponding to FSEXCESSRUNNINGLOCAL1.
FSEXCESSRUNNINGLOCALCOUNT2 Integer Jobs This is number of jobs corresponding to FSEXCESSRUNNINGLOCAL2.
FSEXCESSRUNNINGLOCALCOUNT3 Integer Jobs This is number of jobs corresponding to FSEXCESSRUNNINGLOCAL3.
FSGROUP Integer Jobs The FairShare group that the job belongs to.
FSHISTORY Integer Jobs The actual share in the FairShare window for the FairShare group, multiplied by 10,000.
FSRANK Integer Jobs The FairShare rank of the FairShare group to which the job belongs, or -1 if the FairShare group has no rank. (See also FSRANK9)
FSRANK9 Integer Jobs This is the same as FSRANK, except that the value returned for groups that have no FairShare rank is 9,999,999 instead of -1.
FSRUNNING Integer Jobs The actual share of all running jobs for the FairShare group, multiplied by 10,000.
FSRUNNINGCOUNT Integer Jobs The current number of running jobs for the FairShare group of the job.
FSSUBGROUP String Jobs The part of the FairShare group after the colon.
FSSUSPENDEDCOUNT Integer Jobs The current number of suspended jobs for the FairShare group of the job.
FSTARGET Integer Jobs The FairShare target for the FairShare group to which the job belongs. The target, which is normally a fracsional number less than 1.0, is multiplied by 10,000 to yield the FSTARGET. For example, a group that has a target of 30%=0.3 will have a FSTARGET of 3,000.
FSTOKENS Integer Jobs An integer multiplier for the contribution of the job to the FairShare (e.g. a fstokens value of 2 means that the job counts as 2 "normal" jobs)
FSUSER String Jobs The user component of a FairShare node (i.e. the component right after the dot '.' , if it exists)
GRABBEDRESOURCES String Jobs The list of resource maps that have been grabbed in order to dispatch a job to a tasker. This is valid only for RUNNING and RETRACING jobs, and the value of the field may change over time due to reconciliation of resources. See also the GRABBEDRESOURCESO field, which is available for jobs even after completion.
GRABBEDRESOURCESO String Jobs The original list of grabbed resources when a job was last dispatched to a tasker. For RUNNING and RETRACING jobs it is best to look at GRABBEDRESOURCES instead. The final letter is an "oh" for Original.
GRABBEDTOOLS String Jobs Obsolete: Only for running jobs
GROUP String Jobs The group of a job. This is different from OSGROUP, which is used to specify the group permissions for the job.
HASANNOTATIONS Boolean NODES True if the node has Annotations.
HASINPUTCONFLICT Boolean JOBS True if job failed on an input conflict.
HASINPUTS Boolean NODES True if a node has one or more inputs.
HASOUTPUTCONFLICT Boolean JOBS True if job failed on an output conflict.
HASOUTPUTS Boolean NODES True if a node has one or more outputs.
HASPROFILE Boolean JOBS True if job collects profile information like RAM and CPU usage at runtime (see option -profile in nc run)
HASRUNINFO Boolean JOBS Obsolete: always 0.
HOST String JOBS The host that executed a job.
ID String NODES The ID of a node. This field is of type "string" and is shown with leading zeroes (e.g. "000123456"). Contrast this with the field IDINT which is of type "integer".
IDINT Integer NODES The integer version of the Vovid of a node. Contrast this with the field ID which is of type "string"
INPUTS Integer NODES The number of inputs of a node.
ISAUTOFLOW Boolean JOBS The job turns VALID as soon as all its inputs are VALID, with no execution.
ISAUTOFORGET Boolean JOBS The job is automatically forgotten after a certain time after completion.
ISAUTOKILL Boolean JOBS The job is automatically killed if it exceeds its expected duration.
ISBARRIER Boolean NODES True if a file has a barrier on it.
ISBARRIERINVALID Boolean NODES True if a file has a barrier would be INVALID were it not for the presence of a barrier.
ISCHAIN Boolean FILES True if the file is part of a chain, meaning that there are tools that operate 'in-place' on the file.
ISDATA Boolean NODES True if node is a file.
ISEPHEMERAL Boolean JOBS (experimental, do not use).
ISFILE Boolean NODES True if node is a file.
ISINTERACTIVE String JOBS True if the job is interactive ( -I -Ir -Il -wl )
ISJOB Boolean NODES True if node is a job.
ISMIGRATABLE Boolean JOBS This field is an annotation to identify jobs that can be migrated. Currently not supported.
ISNODE Boolean NODES True if a node is a node (Always true)
ISNONEXEC Boolean JOBS True if a job is not executable
ISNONEXEC Boolean JOBS True if the job is non-executable.
ISOPTIONAL Boolean FILES True if an output has the OPTIONAL flag
ISPLACE Boolean NODES OBSOLETE: True if a node is a file (see ISFILE)
ISPREEMPTABLE Boolean JOBS This field is honored by the vovpreemptd daemon. If the value is zero, then the job is not considered for preemption. For information on how to set the preemptable flag, see Control Whether a Job is Preemptable. See also ISMIGRATABLE.
ISQUEUED Boolean JOBS The job is ready to fire and in a bucket in the job queue.
ISREADYTOFIRE Boolean JOBS All inputs of a job are VALID and the job is ready to fire.
ISSCHEDULED Boolean NODES True if node is scheduled to be retraced.
ISSCHEDULEDBARRIERINVALID Boolean NODES True if node is scheduled and had the barrier invalid flag set.
ISSHARED Boolean FILES True if file is shared output.
ISSKIP Boolean JOBS True if the job is skipped (also called ISAUTOFLOW).
ISSTDERR Boolean FILES True if file is a stderr file.
ISSTDOUT Boolean FILES True if file is a stdout file.
ISSUBJOB Boolean JOBS True if the job is a subjob (e.g. partialtool, vovjobresumer).
ISSUSPENDED Boolean JOBS True if the job or one of its children is suspended.
ISSYSTEMJOB Boolean JOBS True if the job is a 'system job' like vovzip, or vovsh -s netinfo.
ISTRANSFER Boolean JOBS True if the job is being transfered to another cluster.
ISTRANSITION Boolean NODES True if node is job (see ISJOB)
ISTRIGGERRUN Boolean FILES True if the file has the trigger,run flag, i.e. if a change in the file triggers a retrace of the downcone
ISTRIGGERSTOP Boolean FILES True if the file has the trigger,stop flag, i.e. if a change in the file triggers a stop of the downcone, followed by a retrace of the downcone
ISUNSAFE Boolean JOBS True if node is "unsafe"
ISZIPPABLE Boolean PLACES True if the file can be automatically zipped.
ISZIPPED Boolean PLACES True if the file is currently zipped.
IUO String NODES One of the following characters: "." "i" "u" "o"
JOBCLASS String JOBS The jobclass of a job
JOBID String JOBS The ID (number) of a job (a field of PROCESSES). An integer but often with leading 0s.
JOBLOGDIR String JOBS The directory to which the logfile of a job is written (if a logfile is specified on the command line). If no logfile is specified, this is the current directory of the job.
JOBNAME String JOBS The job name of a job
JOBPROJ String JOBS Name of the project that the job belongs to (same as project).
JPP String JOBS Job placement policy.
LABEL String NODES A short label for the node.
LASTCPUPROGRESS Integer (timestamp) JOBS The last time the system detected some cpu progress in the job.
LEGALEXIT String JOBS The legal exit allowed for a job to be considered VALID (same as OKSTATUS).
LEVEL Integer NODES The level of a node.
LMHANDLESALL String JOBS A detailed list of all handles that have been matched to this job. For each handle, the field shows: ResourceName#Tokens MatchType FLEXlmHandle License:a#1 best 22334 License:b#2 sure 12345
LMHANDLESNRU String JOBS A detailed list of all the NRU (Not Requested / Used) handles that have been matched to this job. For each handle, the field shows: ResourceName#Tokens MatchType FLEXlmHandle License:a#1 nru 22334 License:b#2 nru 12345
LMRESOURCES String JOBS These are the license resources (typically derived from FLEXlm features) that appear to be used by a job even if the job does not explicitly declare them. This field is used by vovlmremove to decide which features to remove. The field is updated based on the matching of free FLEXlm handles and running jobs. The field consists of an even number of words, with each pair consisting of a resource name and a boolean flag indicating if the resource is a "false-out-of-queue", i.e. the handle is not-requested but used. A handle is Example: License:a#2 0 License:b#1 1 This means that the job requested 2 tokens of License:a and is in fact using them. In addition, the job is using 1 token of License:b even if it does not request it. See also LM_HANDLES_ALL and LM_HANDLES_NRU.
LX String JOBS Legal Exit Value for a job (Same as legalexit and ok_status).
MAXRAM Integer (MB) JOBS The max RAM used by a job and its children, in MB.
MAXSWAP Integer JOBS Maximum amount of swap used by the job, in MB.
MAXVM Integer (MB) JOBS Maximum amount of virtual memory used by the job, in MB.
NAME String FILES The name of a file.
NAMEX String FILES The name of a file, fully expanded. The expansion is done on the server side.
NODETIMESTAMP Integer (timestamp) NODES The time the node last changed status (i.e. changes color).
NODETYPE String NODES "FILE" if node is a file, "TOOL" if node is a job (I know, TOOL should be JOB)
NUMA String JOBS Requested NUMA placement for the job.
OKSTATUS String JOBS The list of acceptable Exit Status (same as LEGALEXIT).
OSGROUP String JOBS The operating system group for the job (different from GROUP, which is used in the FairShare scheduling).
OUTPUTS Integer NODES The number of outputs of a node.
PID Integer JOBS The process id of a job.
PRIORITY Integer JOBS Prioity of the job, in the range 0 to 15.
PRIORITYPP String JOBS Pretty printed version of the priority of the job.
PROJECT String JOBS Name of the project that the job belongs to (same as jobproj)
PROP.<propname> String NODES This field is used to access the property with name propname. For example, to access the property "ABC", one should ask for "PROP.ABC". See also field PROPERTIES.
PROPERTIES String NODES The list of properties attached to a node. The list consists of an even number of words, where the first word is either 'S' (for STRING) or 'I' for INTEGER properties and the second word is the name of the property. See also the 'PROP.*' field
QUEUETIME Integer (timestamp) JOBS Time the job was put onto the job queue, more specifically the last time the job was scheduled. The job could in fact enter the job queue later due to dependency constraints or to lack of space in queue.
QUEUEWAIT Integer (duration) JOBS The time a job has waited in the queue, in seconds.
QUEUEWAITPP String JOBS Pretty-print version of QUEUEWAIT.
RANDOM Integer ALL A random number in the range [0-9999]. Used, for example, to sort jobs in preemption rules.
REQCORES Integer JOBS Requested CORES for the job. This is set when the job is dispatched to a tasker. Another name for this field is REQCPUS. See also explanation on REQRAM.
REQPERCENT Integer JOBS Requested PERCENT for the job. See also explanation on REQRAM.
REQRAM Integer (MB) JOBS RAM requested by a job. This value may come from 1) the SOLUTION property on the job, if it exists, 2) from the requested resource on the bucket, if the job is queued, or 2) from the resources string of the job. Normally, the value is the same regardless of the origin, but it is possible and acceptable that the value may change due to additional math performed during scheduling. Normal case: a job requests "RAM/200". Then the REQRAM value is going to be 200. Strange case: a job requests "RAM/200 SLOTS/2 RAM/300" (i.e. the RAM request is repeated). In this case, REQRAM will be 200 for the job if it is not Queued or if the SOLUTION property is removed after the execution of the job. Else it will be 500 (=200+300) while the job is Queued.
REQSLOTS Integer JOBS Requested number of slots for the job. See also explanation on REQRAM.
REQSWAP Integer (MB) JOBS Requested swap for the job. See also explanation on REQRAM.
RESERVEDRESOURCES String JOBS DO NOT USE: Only for running jobs
RESERVEDTOOLS String JOBS DO NOT USE: Only for running jobs
RESOURCES String JOBS The resources of a job.
RETRACINGID String JOBS The id of the retracing job (to find the other job is a RUNNING/RETRACING pair).
RUNSTATUS String JOBS A representation of how well the job is running. Typical values are Good, Paging, NoCpu. Check Job Runtime - Monitor and Profile for more information.
SCHEDTIME Integer (timestamp) JOBS The earliest time that this job can be scheduled (set with -at or -after option in nc run).
TASKERGROUP String JOBS The tasker group of the tasker to which the job has been dispatched.
TASKERID String JOBS The id of the tasker to which the job has been dispatched.
TASKERNAME String JOBS The tasker name to which the job has been dispatched.
TASKERSLOTSSUSPENDABLE Integer JOBS Number of suspendable jobs on the tasker on which the job is running.
TASKERSLOTSSUSPENDED Integer JOBS Number of slots suspended on the tasker on which the job is running.
TASKERSLOTSUSED Integer JOBS Number of slots used on the tasker on which the job is running.
STARTDATE String JOBS Like STARTED, only in nice formatted ASCII
STARTED Integer (timestamp) JOBS The time the job was started, or -1 if the job never ran.
STATUS String NODES The status of the node.
STATUSCOLOR String NODES The color associated to the node
STATUSCONSTRAST String NODES A color that contrasts with STATUSCOLOR. Used mostly in templates for the browser interface.
STATUSIO String NODES Short version of STATUS. For example, instead of VALID you get 'V' (the name is not very good)
STATUSMASK Integer NODES (HARD TO USE) a binary mask with a bit set for each value of Node Status.
STATUSNC String NODES Job Status for Accelerator.
STOLENRESOURCES String JOBS These are the resources that have been taken away (revoked) from the job, typically because the job has been preempted.
SUBJOBIDS String JOBS The ids of all subjobs of a job (used for example with distributed parallel jobs).
SUBMITHOST String JOBS The submission host
SUBRESOURCES String JOBS Subordinate resources for a job, i.e. the resources after the first '--' token. Used by indirect taskers.
SUSPENDEDINTERVALS String JOBS The list of all intervals in which the job has been suspended.
SUSPENDEDTIME Integer (duration) JOBS The total amount of time the job has been suspended (in seconds).
SUSPENSION Integer (duration) JOBS The same as suspendtime.
TAIL String FILES The name of the file not incluing the directory path.
TIMESTAMP Integer (timestamp) FILES The time the file was last modified.
TIMESTAMPPP String FILES Pretty-printed version of TIMESTAMP.
TOOL String JOBS The name of the first tool used by the job.
TOPJOBID String JOBS The id of the top job in a distributed parallel job.
USER String JOBS The user (or owner) of a job.
USERXDUR Integer (duration) JOBS The Expected Duration of a job as specified by the user. If negative, the expected duration has not been specified.
USERXDURPP String JOBS The Expected Duration as specified by the user, pretty printed.
USESESSIONID Boolean JOBS True if the vovtasker is supposed to look at the session id to find the processes related to this job (in addition to the parent-child relationship).
WAITREASON   JOBS A description of why this job is waiting.
X Integer NODES The X coordinate of a node.
XDUR Integer (duration) JOBS The current Expected Duration of a job. It may be set by the user or calculated from the most recent successful completion of the job. If negative, the expected duration is not known.
XDURPP String JOBS The current Expected Duration of a job, pretty printed.
XPRIORITY Integer JOBS The execution priority of a job (range 0 to 15)
XPRIORITYPP String JOBS Pretty-printed version of XPRIORITY.
Y Integer NODES The Y coordinate of a node (same as LEVEL).
YOUNG Boolean FILES This field is 1 if the file is younger than any of the jobs that need it. Young nodes are shown with a lighter shade of green in the GUI.
Z Integer NODES The Z coordinate of a node (always 0).
ZIPPED String FILES The string 'ZIP' if the file is zipped, or the empty string.