Cadence Allegro
PollEx PCB supports Cadence Allegro files such as binary and ASCII files.
From the menu bar, click .
The Import from Cadence Allegro dialog opens.
- Allegro Binary File: Select the target binary file
*.brd or *.mcm to import.
To import binary files, you need to set the Binary Reading Option in the
User Defined Setting dialog.
- Panel: To import as a panel data, select a *.geom file of the panel data.
- Allegro ASCII Files: Select the target ASCII file
*Geom.txt to import.
- Panel: To import as a panel data, select a *.geom file of the panel data.
- Allegro Fabmaster File: Select the target fabmaster file *.txt or *.cad to import.
- User Defined Setting: Specify parameters for data importing options.
- Allegro Binary File: Select the target binary file
*.brd or *.mcm to import.
To import binary files, you need to set the Binary Reading Option in the
User Defined Setting dialog.
The User Defined Setting for Cadence Allegro dialog
- Import Type
- Read from Binary File: Support default as Allegro binary file reading.
- Read from ASCII File: Support default as Allegro ASCII file reading.
- Read form Fabmaster File: Support default as Allegro Fabmaster file reading.
- Binary Reading Option: Import with an Allegro binary file
(*.brd).Note: The Binary Reading Option only works on a machine which Cadence Allegro installed. Otherwise, this feature will not work.
- Path to the extracta.exe: If you want to use the way of reading binary file, set executable command file, extracta.exe path. Example: %ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR%\tools\pcb\bin
- If the extracta.exe file is not found in the user-specified
path, it will refer to the Allegro default path.
(%CDSROOT%\tools\pcb\bin or %CDSROOT%\tools\pcb\bin)Note: Extracta.exe is provided by Cadence Allegro. It extracts the desired format from the design data and exports it as a text file.
- Path to the Control File: To use Allegro ASCII extraction
command, extracta.exe, you need to use
control file for extract ASCII file. Set the path for control
file. In general case, this file is in
C:\ProgramData\altair\PollEx\<Version>\Share\AllegroExpansion_ExtractCommandFile163Note: The control file is provided by Altair PollEx. It contains the information necessary for extracting ASCII files through the extracta.exe command.
- Options
- Allow Break Component: Check when user wants to import Break
Component.Note: The edited Footprint Library on the PCB Layout is recognized as a Break Component.
- Higher than Version 16.3: Check this option while reading upper Allegro version than 16.3.
- Add suffix “Manufacturing” for the manufacturing related layers.
- Define Part Name: Set the ECAD Part name with a Property or Parameters value.
- Allow Break Component: Check when user wants to import Break
- Layer Set-Up: Set Allegro layers’ name which will be used as PDB’s
component related layers for silkscreen, component outline layer.Note: The Board Layer setup accepts multiple layers.
- Apply to Environment Setting: Apply settings to the environment
setting.Note: In order to use the cross-probe with Allegro(Link to ECAD) in PollEx PCB, you need to copy the 'allegro.ilinit' file to Cadence installed directory.'allegro.ilinit' file in the "C:\ProgramData\altair\PollEx\<version>\Share" directory to "%CDSROOT%\share\local\pcb\skill"
- Import Type