Altair® Panopticon


Creating a New Theme


Creating a new theme allows setting the colors, fonts, color palettes, general colors, and shape palettes to be used in workbooks and visualizations.


1.     On the Themes page, click .

The New Theme dialog displays.


2.     Enter the name of the theme then click .

The new theme is displayed on the Themes page.


3.     When creating a new theme, you may specify the following properties:

·      Default Styles – Define the default style settings of the workbook, part, visualizations, filter box, action part title, legend title, and actions.

·      Custom Styles – Define the settings of the custom styles.

·      Color Palettes – Manage, import, or export Text, Sequential, and Diverging color palettes.

·      General Colors – Define or create duplicate general color.

·      Editor – Define the editor style settings.

·      Shape Palettes – Define the settings of shape palettes and add, upload, download, duplicate, or remove them.

·        Dashboard Templates – Update or delete default and new dashboard templates.