Create a Collection and Add a Device

AnythingDB is a specialized, flexible, secure database to help you create a Model of the world and then display it in your application. In-depth information on AnythingDB can be found in the Online Help.

  1. The Collections menu is displayed by default. If you have not created a Collection yet, it will be labelled "– No Collections –"

    Figure 1.
  2. Click New Collection.

  3. Name the Collection ESP8266 and click Create.

    Figure 2.

Things represent the entities in your world, for example your ESP8266 module. You can create a Thing using diverse methods, as highlighted in the image below. You can get more information in Online Help. For this training we will create a Thing from scratch.

  1. To add a Thing, in the top right corner of the web editor, click + New Thing .

    A new window opens, labeled New Thing.

    Figure 3.
  2. In the dialog, enter the Thing name as NodeMCU and add a description.
  3. Click Create.
    The NodeMCU Thing will be added in the Things tab of AnythingDB.