Definition of Roughness
The roughness of the surface naturally influences the reflection loss in the aforementioned Excel spreadsheet1. The parameter , derived from roughness, is used to correct the reflection coefficient.23
The definition of the roughness of the surface is based on the standard deviation of the normally distributed surface roughness :
1 Altair\2024.1\help\winprop\examples\ExampleGuide_models\
2 G. Wölfle: Adaptive Modelle für die Funknetzplanung und zur Berechnung
der Empfangsqualität in Gebäuden. (Adaptive Propagation Models for the Planning of
Wireless Communication Networks and for the Computation of the Reception Quality inside
Buildings). PhD Thesis, University of Stuttgart, published by Shaker Verlag,
3 K.A. Chamberlain and R. J. Luebbers: An Evaluation of Longley-Rice and GTD
Propagation Models. IEEE transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 30, no. 6, pp.
1093-1098, Nov. 1982.