Show, Hide, and Isolate Objects

Turn the display of objects on and off in the modeling window.

Show, Hide, and Isolate Using Context Menus

Display control options are available in most context menus. In general, if there is an active selection then the action only affects the selected objects. If there is no selection then the action affects the entire model.

In addition to the right-click context menu, you can also choose a display option from the View menu.

Show and Hide Using Browser Icons

Left-click on an object's icon in the Model Browser to switch between showing or hiding the object. When an object is hidden, it appears grayed out in the browser.

Figure 1.

Show and Hide Using the Property Editor

  1. Select objects.
  2. In the Property Editor, toggle the Visible option to turn the display of the objects on and off.

Show, Hide, and Isolate Using the Show/Hide Tool

  1. Activate the Show/Hide tool on the View Controls toolbar.
  2. Select objects to show or hide.
    • Hide objects by left-clicking, or hide all objects by double-clicking on an empty space in the modeling window.
    • Show objects by holding Shift while left-clicking, or show all objects by holding Shift while double-clicking on an empty space in the modeling window.

      Figure 2.

Keyboard Shortcuts & Mouse Controls

To do this Press
Show/Hide all A
Show/Hide selection H
Isolate selection I
Reverse display R
Reverse selection Ctrl + R
Turn selected parts transparent Ctrl