New to Twin Activate? Learn the basics here.
Run Twin Activate on Windows or Linux.
Discover new features and enhancements.
Operating system, hardware, software and memory requirements.
Define a variety of options for display, shortcuts, paths, and client behavior.
GUI mode provides access to all editorial, execution, and management features of the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
The batch mode option is especially useful for process automation, optimization, and other repetitive simulation tasks.
Learn how to access, annotate, display, select objects, navigate, add property information, and search in models.
The application workspace includes a combination of tools, browsers and palettes of predefined and programmable blocks to help you easily construct and simulate dynamical system models.
The workflow between the Twin Activate client and engine facilitates the modeling of reactive systems.
Access help topics online or from your local installation.
Altair offers a host of resources for learning and maximizing the power of Twin Activate.
Start using Twin Activate with our interactive tutorials.
Learn about the features and functionality available in Twin Activate.
Explore the Extended Definitions, OML Guides, Block Library, API Guide and Glossary.
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