Create a Deployment

Once the Access app is created, you can create a deployment of the Edge Compute Platform app.

  1. Click Edge Ops > Edge Applications and click App - Edge Compute Platform.
    A new section is displayed on the right.
    Figure 1.

  2. Select the version to use, or use the latest that is recommended by clicking on the drop down box next to the Delete button.
  3. To create the deployment, click Deployment.
    Figure 2.

    The following image opens:
    Figure 3.

  4. Enter the name and description of the new deployment.
  5. Under the App - Edge Compute Platform section, enter the following information. Theses fields are mandatory in App - ECP Support Altair IoT Studio:
    Access Control App Client ID The client ID of the access app you created in the previous step.
    Access Control App Client Secret The client secret of the access app you created in the previous step.
  6. Click Save.