Search Part Request
Check status of registration and change of parts request.
Display request list.
Click the My request box tab to display your
request list.
- Click CPN to display detail information.
Click the My request box tab to display your
request list.
Display requests which need your approval.
Click the My inbox tab to display the list you
need to approve.
Restriction: This tab is only available for users with approver authority.
- Click CPN to display detail information.
Click the My inbox tab to display the list you
need to approve.
Display the lists of symbols and footprints registered on UPMS.
Restriction: This process is only available when the library manager reviews the request and registers the library information.
Click Search to display the list of the library
(symbol and footprint) registered on UPMS.
Note: The library can be added by selecting from the displayed library list.
- Select a library name from search results.
- Click Apply or Delete to apply or delete the selection and close.
After approving the request, the part is registered and displayed in the Part search list. -
Click Search to display the list of the library
(symbol and footprint) registered on UPMS.
Select the All tab to display all request lists.
Tip: You can click CPN to display detail information.
Search requests.
Use the search all function to search parts with some of the
information in part properties as a keyword.
- TEST* (Search for strings starting with TEST)
- *TEST* (Search for strings containing TEST)
- *TEST (Search string ending with TEST)
Use the advanced search function to conduct a detail search by the
value of each property.
Note: Detailed search finds parts that satisfy all entry values entered with the And condition.
Use the search all function to search parts with some of the
information in part properties as a keyword.