Check messages from systems such as the results of requests and other requests for your approval, change information
of part use, change your designation as the person in charge of the development process, and check the KPIs for the
status in Parts Registrations and Design Revisions.
If there are variants, you can add variant BOMs using Variant > Add variant BOM.
Add Variant BOM
You can add variant BOM by selecting derived no. and entering variable name.
Derivation numbers can be specified by PLM parts in the intermediate DB table or
parts registered with UPMS.
When a BOM is created, the derivation is added under the project and the derivation
list is added to the BOM list.
Variant Change
Change the variant information.
Delete Variant
Delete the selected variant.
Separate Variant
Create a new design project with a selected variant BOM as the master BOM. The new
design project is created with the information based on the current project.
The variant name becomes the new design project name.
Confirm Variant
If the "Confirming the BOM" option is turned on in UBMS Management, the BOM output
can be printed. The BOM output supports coordinates, Worksheet, 3D Step and Mount
report data.
After editing the Master BOM and Variant BOM, select Confirm Variant > Confirmation to confirm.
If confirmed by the master BOM, all BOM (Master, Variable) output data is output.
If confirmed in the variable BOM, only the BOM output data of the variable is