Exporting Multiple Summaries
When exporting summary data to an existing file, not only can you choose to export the current summary (i.e., the one currently selected in the Summary window), you can also choose to export all of the summaries in the current model. The process of exporting data from multiple summaries is similar to that of exporting the data of one summary, with a few key differences.
Go to Export View.
Select Add Export on the Export View ribbon. The Add Export dialog displays.
Select a summary on the Source View selector.
Specify the Export File Type on the Export File Type panel.
Select Add. The Export Design window displays.
Enter an Export Name.
Select the All Summaries option from the Summary drop-down list, then choose one of the adjacent Automatic Naming options:
By files: Select if you want to save each summary as a file in a particular folder (e.g., if you are exporting three summaries and you select this option, three files of the format you select will be created in the folder you specify).
By tables: Select if you want to save each summary as a table in a database file (e.g., if you are exporting three summaries to an Excel file and you select this option, each summary’s data would be exported to a separate worksheet in the XLS file, resulting in three worksheets).
Select a Drill State option, either Most Detailed or Current. Most Detailed exports the summaries in their most detailed (i.e., most drilled down) state, while Current exports the summaries in their current drill state.
If exporting an across summary (or summaries) that contains multiple measures, specify a Measures option by selecting one of the following:
Active measure or measure grouping: Select to export only the current measure or measure grouping.
All measures as separate exports: Select to export all of the measures as separate exports. If you choose this option, specify the desired Automatic Naming setting, either "by files" (produces a file for each measure) or "by tables" (produces a table for each measure).
Either select or leave clear the Each distinct value of the first key makes a separate file or table check box. If you select it, Monarch Classic will split the summary export according to each value change in the first key (i.e., the leftmost one). If you choose this option, specify the desired Automatic Naming setting, either by files to have each distinct value of the first key make a separate file, or by tables to have each change of it make a separate table.
Define the output (values you need to enter will depend on your output type).
Select Accept.
To run your newly-created export, refer to Running Exports.
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