Add Export Dialog

This dialog allows you to create an export definition and automatically add it to the project definition.

To access this dialog box, select Create Export on the Export Design ribbon.




Source View

Use this selector to select the source of the export. A source may be a report, a table, or a summary.

Export File Type


Select an export file type from the list.


  • The panel displays the export file type that is available for the source you have selected. For instance, if you select a report as your source, you can only export to Text or Adobe PDF.

  • Note that additional options need to be defined depending on the export file type that you select.

Run this Export

This button is located at the top of the dialog box and allows you to run  your export definition immediately.

Add to Project

This button is located at the top of the dialog box and allows you to save your export definition to your project. Once added to the project, you can run this export any time within the project.

Edit Advanced Options

This button is located at the top of the dialog box and allows you to specify advanced options. When you click this button you are brought to the Export Design window.

Note that Advanced options depend on your export file type.


Closes the Add Export dialog without creating an export.


Displays this help topic.





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