Export Design

Export Design allows you to create or edit exports. You go to this mode within Export View.


The Export Design interface has the following elements:





Display all the tools you need to work with an export definition.

Refer to the Export Design Ribbon Quick Reference.


Export Selector

Allows you to search for and/or select a specific export.


Source Panel

Allows you to view or edit the properties of your source.

This panel displays a different set of properties depending on the source you have selected (report, table or summary).


Output Panel

Allows you to view or edit the properties of your output.

This panel displays a different set of properties depending on the output type you have selected..

The Export Selector Context Menu

Right-clicking on the Export Selector displays a menu that will allow you to:

  • Move a selected export up the selector
  • Move a selected down the selector
  • Duplicate an export
  • Delete an export



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