
Translates HyperMesh binary results (.res) into ASCII-formatted data.


hmresdmp res_source_file ?-stats?




The tool is available from the <altair_home>/io/translators/bin/<platform> directory.

The ASCII results output is written in block format. The first entry in the output is the number of simulations. Then, each simulation contains one or data type blocks. Depending on the data type, there will be node or element data written to the block with either one or three values per entity. There are always six digits after the decimal point for double values. Both standard and complex results are supported.
Figure 1. ASCII Results Format Example
Max Simulations: simulation_count
Simulation: simulation_name
Data type:   type_name
 node id (x_val,y_val,z_val)
 node id (x_val,y_val,z_val)
Simulation: simulation_name
Data type:   type_name
 node id (val)
 node id (val)
Simulation: simulation_name
Data type:   type_name
 element id (val)
 element id (val)
Figure 2. Results Output Example. Results output for one element that contains two simulations with displacement and von Mises stress data types for both simulations.
Max Simulations: 2
Simulation:  X Loads Subcase
Data type:   Displacements
 node 1 (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
 node 2 (1.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
 node 3 (1.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
 node 4 (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
Simulation:  X Loads Subcase
Data type:   von Mises Stress
 element 1 (1000.000000)
Simulation:  Y Loads Subcase
Data type:   Displacements
 node 1 (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
 node 2 (0.000000,1.000000,0.000000)
 node 3 (0.000000,1.000000,0.000000)
 node 4 (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
Simulation:  Y Loads Subcase
Data type:   von Mises Stress
 element 1 (1000.000000)
Figure 3. Results Output Example using -stats. Results output using the -stat option for one element that contains two simulations with displacement and von Mises stress data types for both simulations.
Max Simulations: 2
Simulation:  X Loads Subcase
Data type:   Displacements
 Min nodal displacement (total) = 0
 Min nodal displacement (x) = 0
 Min nodal displacement (y) = 0
 Min nodal displacement (z) = 0
 Max nodal displacement (total) = 1
 Max nodal displacement (x) = 1
 Max nodal displacement (y) = 0
 Max nodal displacement (z) = 0
Simulation:  X Loads Subcase
Data type:   von Mises Stress
 Max element value = 1000
 Min element value = 1000
Simulation:  Y Loads Subcase
Data type:   Displacements
 Min nodal displacement (total) = 0
 Min nodal displacement (x) = 0
 Min nodal displacement (y) = 0
 Min nodal displacement (z) = 0
 Max nodal displacement (total) = 1
 Max nodal displacement (x) = 0
 Max nodal displacement (y) = 1
 Max nodal displacement (z) = 0
Simulation:  Y Loads Subcase
Data type:   von Mises Stress
 Max element value = 1000
 Min element value = 1000


The name and path of the .res file to translate.
An optional argument that specifies if result statistics should be output instead of results data. Statistics include information such as the number of simulations, simulation names, data type names, and min/max element and node values for each data type.


To translate the file C:/result.res to stdout:
To translate the file C:/result.res to C:/result.txt:
hmgenres C:/result.res >