kpi hotspot <label>

Define hotspot finder search criteria and label options.


kpi hotspot <label> createentity <set|notes|measures>

kpi hotspot <label> criteria <name>=<value>

kpi hotspot <label> export <filepath>

kpi hotspot <label> findhotspots

kpi hotspot <label> options <note|view|default> <name>=<value>

kpi hotspot <label> review


After reviewing the hotspot results, you can save them as one of the following:
Save the hotspot notes displayed on the screen.
Create an entity contour measure at the displayed hotspot locations.
Save the hotspot entities in a set.
Define/review the following hotspot finder search criteria:
Find hotspots of the entity type assemblies instead of all displayed entities by default.
Define the range.
Find hotspots of the entity type component instead of all displayed entities by default.
Define the range of components or select marked.
Use the default options.
Default search criteria searches for the hotspots through all of the displayed entities, with a threshold for more than 80% of the legend max value, separation between hotspots as 10% of the length of the biggest diagonal in the model bounding box, and filtering out the top five values.
elementselect=<id range>
Find hotspots of the entity type element instead of all displayed entities by default.
Define the range of elements or select marked.
Apply a threshold for hotspot values.
By default, an 80 % of the min-max range from the current legend is used with the greaterthan filter as a threshold.
The lower value of the range.
The upper value of the range.
Enter a value to skip adjacent levels of elements attached to the ignored element types. By default, no element types are chosen to be ignored (ignoreadjacentlevels="0").
Ignore specific element sets during the hotspot search.
The list can be given as a comma-separated list or in a range syntax.
Ignore specific element types during the hotspot search.
Select one or more types from the list or select all or none.
Select a loadcase to apply the query to.
The current simulation step.
All available simulations.
All available subcases.
Select a specific simulation step.
The specific simulations selected.
Apply a tolerance around the hotspots found by using this distance-based option.
The minimum distance between hotspot entities is equal to the value entered. This method uses distances between nodes, element centroids, or component centers depending on the type of result chosen.
By default, this tolerance value is taken to be 10% of the length of the biggest diagonal in the model bounding box.
nodeselect=<id range>
Find hotspots of the entity type node instead of all displayed entities by default.
Define the range of nodes.
Select a maximum number of hotspots to be searched.
Select from top, bottom or both types of values. Or, you can disable this filter.
By default, this option looks for the top five hotspots.
Bottom-most hotspot value.
Top-most hotspot value.
True repeats the hotspot search individually for each selected entity, either component or assembly type.
Repeat the hotspot search individually for each selected component or assembly.
True repeats the hotspot search individually for each selected simulation step.
Export and save the displayed rows and columns of the hotspot search results to a CSV file.
Find hotspots in the model.
Define the following options for note and view:
Options for note:
Align note text.
bordercolor="<R> <G> <B>
Change the note box border color using RGB values.
bordercolormode= <user/component/contour>
Select user to set a color of your choice for the note Text, Border, or Fill. This is the default setting for note Text and Border.
Select component color mode for Text, Border, or Fill to set the respective color the same as the parent component color of the entity attached to the note.
Select contour color mode for Text, Border, or Fill to set the respective color the same as the contour color assigned to the entity attached to the new note.
Enter a value between 0-4 for no border (0) or 1-4 to determine the border's thickness.
True displays the hotspot rank on the notes.
The rank is displayed at the beginning of the note text.
Change how far the note should be from the hotspot entity in the non-global view type.
fillcolor="<R> <G> <B>
Changed the note box fill color using RGB values.
fillcolormode= <user/component/contour>
Select user to set a color of your choice for the note fill.
Select component color mode to set the respective color the same as the parent component color of the entity attached to the note.
Select contour color mode to set the respective color the same as the contour color assigned to the entity attached to the new note.
Select none color mode to maintain the note fill as transparent. This is the default setting for note fill color.
True removes the color from within the note box and makes it transparent against the window.
Define the note's font type.
Define the note's font size.
Change the location of the note placement in the non-global views.
False applies the default settings.
Enter a value for the number of note color levels.
Apply colors to the hotspot notes based on the hotspot rank or value.
By default, note color levels are applied based on their ranks, starting with Red for Rank 1.
notecolorlist=<level1><color1><rank1/value1>, <level2><color2> <rank2/value2> , <levelN><colorN> <rankN/valueN>
Apply colors to all hotspot notes based on their rank or value.
value is only used if notecolorsort is set to value.
Select a note sorting method: rank or value.
Change the numeric format in the notes and the hotspot review table.
Change the numeric precision in the notes and the hotspot review table.
Enter the value to rotate the note.
Define the note shape.
Define the note text, including fields defined by Templex expressions.
textcolor="<R> <G> <B>"
Define the note text color using RGB values.
textcolormode= <user/component/contour>
Select user to set a color of your choice for the text color mode.
Select component color mode to set the respective color the same as the parent component color of the entity attached to the note.
Select contour color mode to set the respective color the same as the contour color assigned to the entity attached to the new note.
Select maintaincontrast color mode to make sure that the note text color always maintains contrast with respect to its fill color by using the text color black or white.
The notes are stored as static by default, meaning that even if you change the contour or load cases, the contents and values stored in the saved notes do not change. If you want the notes to change the values, change type=dynamic.
Options for view:
Enter a value for the hotspot display warning count. The Hotspot Finder indicates if there are results above this number.
Enter a value to change the size of the highlighted regions in the Global regions or transparency views.
Select auto or user.
By default, it is set to auto, which calculates the size of the focus region based on the element size.
Enter a value to change the transparency level applied to the hotspot view modes.
Select the range of ranked results to hide.
Select the range of ranked results to display.
Review the hotspot search results.


Display the criteria for "Hotspot Query 1":
kpi hotspot "Hotspot Query 1" criteria loadcase=current filtertype=greaterthan lowervalue=0 minimumdistance=75.000000 numberofhotspottype=top numberofhotpottopvalue=5
Find hotspots in the model:
kpi hotspot "Hotspot Query 1" findhotspots
Review the hotspot results:
kpi hotspot "Hotspot Query 1" review
Save the displayed rows and columns of the hotspot search results to a CSV file:
kpi hotspot "Hotspot Query 1" export C:/Users/User1/Documents/result.csv
Save the hotspot entities in a set:
kpi hotspot "Hotspot Query 1" createentity set
Find hotspots for specific loadcases:
kpi hotspot "Hotspot Query 1" criteria advancedsimulationlist = "1 2,1 7"
Define the results to display in the result table:
kpi hotspot "Hotspot Query 1" options resulttable showranks 1,10-11,2-9