hwd window

HyperWorks Desktop window commands.


hwd window animateonce <active/all/<range>

hwd window copy page=<page id> window=<window id>

hwd window draw

hwd window overlay page=<page id> window=<window id>

hwd window paste page=<page id> window=<window id>

hwd window type


Animate animation windows on the active page only once. The previous timestep is restored.
Animate the active animation window once.
Animate all animation windows on the active page once.
Animate all animation windows on the active page within a given range once (for example, 1-4,8,10).
Copy window to memory.
page=<page id>
Page ID of the copied window.
Default is the active page.
window=<window id>
Window ID of the copied window.
Default is the active window.
Redraw the current window.
Paste previously copied window into a given window.
page=<page id>
Page ID of the page where the window will be pasted to.
Default is the active page.
window=<window id>
Window ID of the window where the window will be pasted to.
Default is the active window.
Overlay a previously copied window over a given window.
page=<page id>
Page ID of the page where the window will be overlayed.
Default is the active page.
window=<window id>
Window ID of the window where the window will be overlayed.
Default is the active window.
The window type. Options include:
  • HyperGraph 2D
  • HyperGraph 3D
  • HyperMesh
  • HyperView
  • MediaView
  • MotionView
  • TableView
  • TextView


Change the current window type to HyperGraph 2D:
hwd window type="HyperGraph 2D"
Animate the active window once:
hwd window animateonce active
Copy the active window on page 4:
hwd window copy page=4
Paste a previously copied window into window 3 on the active page:
hwd window paste window=3
Overlay a previously copied window over window 2 on page 5, both must have the same client type:
hwd window overlay page=5 window=2