annotation note

Create, delete, copy, and edit notes.


annotation note create <name>

annotation note delete all

annotation note delete <name>

annotation note <name> attach <name1>=<value1>

annotation note <name|range> copy

annotation note <name|range> display <name1>=<value1>

annotation note rename <name|range> <new label>


Create a note.
Enter a name for the note.
Delete a note.
Delete all notes.
Select from the list or enter the name of the note to delete.
<name> attach
The note attachment type. <name> is the note's name. Attachment types include coordinate, entity, and window.
Attach the note to the XYZ coordinates.
x=<x>, y=<y>, z=<z> Enter the x, y, and z coordinates of the note.
Attach the note to an entity. Select one of the following entity types: component|element|node|system.
<id> Enter the entity ID.
select Select an entity from the modeling window.
Attach a note to the window.
x=<x>, y=<y> Enter normalized x and y screen coordinates between 0-1.
<name|range> copy
Copies a single note referenced by name or ID. To copy multiple notes, the range syntax is required.
<name|range> display
Note display settings. Options include:
Aligns the note text.
Hide the note box when the entity that the note is attached to is not visible on the screen.
bordercolor="<R> <G> <B>"
Select a color for the note box border. Enter RGB values, select <color> to display and select a color from the color palette, or select a color from the list.
Select a border thickness value to apply to the note box. Enter a value between 1-4.
fillcolor="<R> <G> <B>"
Select a fill color for the note. Enter RGB values, select <color> to display and select a color from the color palette, or select a color from the list.
Note: This is deactivated if filltransparency=true.
Removes the color from within the note box and makes it transparent against the window.
Select the font type.
Select the font size. Enter a value between 8-48.
Supports displaying the line from the note to the entity stippled if it is hidden by the model.
Positions the note at the attachment location. This option is disabled if Window is selected as the attachment type.
Positions the note on a fixed xy screen position (values between 0 and 1) or on the xyz model coordinates.
Note x position.
Note y position.
Note z position (only valid for position type coordinates).
The note remains stationary during animation or when manipulating the model view. This option is disabled if Window is selected as the attachment type.
Select the shape of the note box.
Enter note text.
textcolor="<R> <G> <B>"
Select a color for the note text. Enter RGB values, select <color> to display and select a color from the color palette, or select a color from the list.
Display or hide the note from the modeling window.
The x coordinate of the note's location in the modeling window.
The y coordinate of the note's location in the modeling window.
Rename a note.
Select the name of the note you want to rename.
Enter the note's new name.


Create a note:
annotation note create Note1
Delete all notes:
annotation note delete all
Delete Note 2:
annotation note delete "Note 2"
Attach a note to coordinates, an entity, or a window location:
annotation note "Note 5" attach coordinates x=0.5 y=0.5 z=0.5
annotation note "Note 4" attach entity component id "1 Solid 19"
annotation note "Note 3" attach window x=0.5 y=0.5
Rename a note:
annotation note rename Note1 Note2
Change the note's visibility:
annotation note "Note 1" display visibility=false
Define the note's x and y coordinates for display:
annotation note "Note 1" display x=3
annotation note "Note 1" display y=3
Define the note's text color:
annotation note "Note 1" display textcolor=Red
Define the note's text:
annotation note "Note 1" display text="Note 1"
Align note text:
annotation note "Note 2" display aligntext=Center
Hide the note box:
annotation note "Note 2" display autohide=true
Define the note box border color:
annotation note "Note 1" display bordercolor="255 255 255"
Define the note box border thickness:
annotation note "Note 3" display borderthickness=3
Define the fill color for the note:
annotation note "Note 3" display fillcolor="44 85 126"
Define the transparency of the note box:
annotation note "Note 2" display filltransparency=false
Define the font and font size:
annotation note "Note 2" font="Papyrus 10 normal roman"
annotation note "Note 2" display fontsize=12
Define the note's position:
annotation note "Note 2" display movetoentity=true
Define the screen anchor parameter:
annotation note "Note 2" display screenanchor=true
Define the shape of the note box:
annotation note "Note 2" display shape=ellipse