Customize HyperStudy by registering solver scripts, functions, and optimizers, and defining user preferences files.
Learn how to write and register solver script files in HyperStudy.
View new features for HyperStudy 2025.
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A study is a self-contained project in which models, variables, output responses, and approaches are defined.
Each approach in HyperStudy serves a different purpose in the design study.
In HyperStudy, each model is associated with a solver execution script. The role of the solver script is to provide the name and location of the file that HyperStudy uses to execute the model.
Solver scripts can be written in any language, and the contents can be as simple as a single line or a detailed set of commands. This generality is intentional so HyperStudy remains flexible enough to be wrapped around any non-interactive process.
You need to register solver scripts when the solver is not a suite solver and hence is not registered by default, or when you need to perform a series of actions such as copying files, running one or more solvers, and extracting data.
Run external programs from within the HyperStudy interface, such as within the Directory.
HyperStudy supports external optimizers with Python-based API. In order to use HyperStudy with external optimizers, they must be registered.
A preferences file is an ASCII file that configures the application or its clients, and specifies default user settings such as the readers, functions, and solver script locations.
Register custom reports in HyperStudy by editing the preferences file.
To use HyperStudy with a custom Python fit, it must be registered.
Keyboard shortcuts used to access HyperStudy features.
This section provides quick responses to typical and frequently asked questions regarding HyperStudy.
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