Weld Templates

The default parameters shown in the Points tool related to Evaluation Distance, General, and Location Properties can be automatically updated using a weld template file (.xml).

The weld templates are sourced into the HyperLife Weld Certification session via the Weld Template folder. The default location defined in Preferences is: C:/Users/<user id>/Documents/Fatigue/WeldTemplates.

The .xml file placed in the weld template directory is automatically sourced into the session. The weld categories are listed in the Specifications and Points tools.

Apply Weld Templates in Specifications Tool

  1. Select the Regulation.
  2. Click to show weld templates.
  3. Select the weld category for the required type.

    The template names for the weld type are listed from the weld template .xml saved in the Weld template directory.

  4. Select an Evaluation Method and click Apply.

Define Weld Template XML

The weld template .xml should be contained within the <WeldPropertyTemplateData> root tag, as shown below. The tag has one attribute: version.
<WeldPropertyTemplateData version="21.000000">….
The weld template should hold at least one <Regulation> root tag, as shown below.
<Regulation name="dvs1608">….
Supported regulations:
Table 1. Supported Regulations
Attribute Valid Values
<Regulation name = “xxxxxx”> dvs1608




Note: Multiple regulation templates can be saved to a single weld template .xml.
Each weld template based on the regulation and evaluation method is defined by three tables within the <WeldData> root tag, as shown below.
<WeldData Template_name="T_Example" Weld_type="T" >

 <Table type="Evaluation_distance_table" Evaluation_Distance="Auto" Evaluation_Approach="Nominal">

 <Table type="General_table" >

 <Table type="Location_table">
Attribute Valid Values
Template_name Name to be listed in weld category
Weld_type T






Table type Evaluation_distance_table



Evaluation_Distance Manual


Evaluation_Approach Nominal


The valid attributes in each table are listed below.

Table type = Evaluation_distance_table

Table 2. Evaluation_Distance = Auto and Evaluation Approach = Nominal
Weld Factor Default weld width factor to be used for Transverse, Longitudinal, and Shear directions.

Example: <Column label="Weld Factor">1.0 1.0 1.0</Column>

Constant 1 Constant * Min Shell thickness to be used for Transverse, Longitudinal, and Shear directions.

Example: <Column label="Constant 1">0.5 0.5 0.5</Column>

Table 3. Evaluation_Distance = Manual and Evaluation Approach = Nominal
1st Total Distance Total Distance at which stress is queried for Transverse, Longitudinal, and Shear directions.

Example: Column label="1st Total Distance">x x x</Column>

Table 4. Evaluation_Distance = Auto and Evaluation Approach = Hotspot
Weld Factor Default weld width factor to be used for Transverse, Longitudinal, and Shear directions

Example: <Column label="Weld Factor">1.0 1.0 1.0</Column>

Constant 1 Constant 1 * Min Shell thickness to be used for Transverse, Longitudinal, and Shear directions.

Example: <Column label="Constant 1">0.5 0.5 0.5</Column>

Constant 2 Constant 2 * Min Shell thickness to be used for Transverse, Longitudinal and Shear directions.

Example: <Column label="Constant 2">0.5 0.5 0.5</Column>

Table 5. Evaluation_Distance = Manual and Evaluation Approach = Hotspot
Constant 1 Constant 1 used in stress extrapolation for Transverse, Longitudinal, and Shear directions.

Example: <Column label="Constant 1">0.5 0.5 0.5</Column>

Constant 2 Constant 2 used in stress extrapolation for Transverse, Longitudinal, and Shear directions.

Example: <Column label="Constant 2">1.5 1.5 1.5</Column>

1st Total Distance Total Distance(L1) at which stress is queried for Transverse, Longitudinal, and Shear directions.

Example: <Column label="1st Total Distance">10 10 10</Column>

2nd Total Distance Total Distance(L2) at which stress is queried for Transverse, Longitudinal, and Shear directions.

Example: <Column label="2nd Total Distance">20 20 20</Column>

Note: Refer to Find Evaluation Positions for more information on calculating evaluation distance.

Regulation name = dvs1608, Table type = General_table, and Table type = Location_table

Table 6. General Table
Mean Stress Sensitivity - Normal Default = 0.15
Mean Stress Sensitivity - Shear Default = 0.09
Grinding Bonus Yes / No
Effective Weld Thickness Yes / No
Table 7. Location Table
Notch Class - Transverse Notch Class - Transverse for all locations

Default = F2

Notch Class - Longitudinal Notch Class - Longitudinal for all locations

Default = F2

Notch Class - Shear Notch Class - Shear for all locations

Default = H

Material Yield Material Yield for all locations

Default = 270

Thickness Influence (TI) Thickness Influence (TI) for all locations

Default = 1.0

Thickness Flag (TF) Valid keys = t or tmin

Thickness Flag (TF) for all locations

Intermittent Factor (Z) Intermittent Factor (Z) for all locations

Default = 1.0

Weld Eccentricity (e) Weld Eccentricity (e) for all locations

Default = 0.0

Effective Thickness (Ar) Effective Thickness (Ar) calclated at each location.
Note: The values for each location table attribute are based on the number of locations of the weld type. In the table above, Notch Class – Transverse shows 7 values for a T weld, which are Location1 – 6 from the weld centroid and an additional location for Location_WeldEnd.
If any of these values are to be kept unchanged when applying weld template, the value x should be used. Example: <Column label="Notch Class - Transverse">x F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2</Column>

Where, Location1 will retain the default value applied by HyperLife Weld Certification.

Example for DVS1608 and T weld.
<WeldPropertyTemplateData version="21.000000">   
    <!-- DVS1608 -->    
    <Regulation name="dvs1608">	
        <WeldData Template_name="T_Example_DVS1608" Weld_type="T" >
	<Table type="Evaluation_distance_table" Evaluation_Distance="Manual" Evaluation_Approach="Hotspot">
                <Column label="Weld Factor">x 1.0 1.0</Column>
                <Column label="Constant 1">0.6 0.6 0.6</Column>
                <Column label="Constant 2">1.6 1.6 1.6</Column>
                <Column label="1st Total Distance">16.0 16.0 16.0</Column>
                <Column label="2nd Total Distance">24.0 24.0 24.0</Column>
	<Table type="General_table" >
	      <Column label="Mean Stress Sensitivity - Normal">0.16</Column>
	      <Column label="Mean Stress Sensitivity - Shear">0.10</Column>
	      <Column label="Grinding Bonus">yes</Column>
	      <Column label="Effective Weld Thickness">No</Column>
           <Table type="Location_table">
	      <Column label="Notch Class - Transverse">x F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1</Column>
	      <Column label="Notch Class - Longitudinal">x F1 F1 F1 F1 F2 F2 F2</Column>
	      <Column label="Notch Class - Shear">G x G G G H H H</Column>
	      <Column label="Material Yield">320 x 270 270 270 270 270 270</Column>
	      <Column label="Thickness Influence (TI)">1 1 0.7 0.7 1 1 0.7 0.7</Column>
	      <Column label="Thickness Flag (TF)">t t tmin tmin t t t t</Column>
	      <Column label="Intermittent Factor (Z)">1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1</Column>
	      <Column label="Weld Eccentricity (e)">0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0</Column>
	      <Column label="Effective Thickness (Ar)">10 10 5.6 5.6 10 10 7 7</Column>		

Regulation name = dvs1612, Table type = General_table, and Table type = Location_table

Table 8. General Table
Cutoff Value Default = 0.15
Nominal Slope Default = 3
Shear Slope Default = 5
Effective Weld Thickness Yes / No
Table 9. Location Table
Notch Class - Transverse Notch Class - Transverse for all locations

Default = F3

Notch Class - Longitudinal Notch Class - Longitudinal for all locations

Default = F3

Notch Class - Shear Notch Class - Shear for all locations

Default = H-

Thickness Influence (TI) Thickness Influence (TI) for all locations

Default = 1.0

Thickness Flag (TF) Thickness Falg (TF) for all locations.

Valid keys = t or tmin

Intermittent Factor (Z) Intermittent Factor (Z) for all locations

Default = 1.0

Material Grade S355 / S235 / UserDefined

Default = S355

Material Yield Material Yield for all locations

Default = 355

Weld Eccentricity (e) Weld Eccentricity (e) for all locations

Default = 0.0

Effective Thickness (Ar) Effective Thickness (Ar) calculatred at each location.
Example for EVS1612 and T weld.
<WeldPropertyTemplateData version="21.000000">   
    <!-- DVS1612 -->
    <Regulation name="dvs1612">	
        <WeldData Template_name="T_Example_DVS1612" Weld_type="T" >
	<Table type="Evaluation_distance_table" Evaluation_Distance="Auto" Evaluation_Approach="Nominal">
                <Column label="Weld Factor">1.0 1.0 1.0</Column>
                <Column label="Constant 1">1.5 1.5 1.5</Column>
	<Table type="General_table" >
	      <Column label="Cutoff Value">1.16</Column>
	      <Column label="Nominal Slope">3</Column>
	      <Column label="Shear Slope">5</Column>
	      <Column label="Effective Weld Thickness">No</Column>			
            <Table type="Location_table">
                  <Column label="Notch Class - Transverse">x F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2</Column>
                  <Column label="Notch Class - Longitudinal">x F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2</Column>
                  <Column label="Notch Class - Shear">x G G G G G G G</Column>
                  <Column label="Thickness Influence (TI)">1 1 0.7 0.7 1 1 0.7 0.7</Column>
                  <Column label="Thickness Flag (TF)">t t tmin tmin t t t t</Column>
                  <Column label="Intermittent Factor (Z)">1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1</Column>
                  <Column label="Material Grade">UserDefined UserDefined S355 S355 S355 S355 S355 S355</Column>
                  <Column label="Material Yield">350 350 355 355 355 355 355 355</Column>
                  <Column label="Weld Eccentricity (e)">0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0</Column>
                  <Column label="Effective Thickness (Ar)">10 10 5.6 5.6 10 10 7 7</Column>			

Regulation name = fkm, Table type = General_table, and Table type = Location_table

Table 10. General Table
Material Type steel / al

Default = steel

Residual Stress factor (KEnormal) Default = 1.26
Residual Stress factor (KEtau) Default = 1.15
Mean Stress sensitivity (Mnormal) Default = 0.15
Mean Stress sensitivity (Mtau) Default = 0.09
Overload Situation F1 / F2 / F3 / F4

Default = F2

Temperature Factor (Ktd) Default = 1
Material Safety Factor (jF) Default = 1
Load Safety Factor (jS) Default = 1
Reference Number of Cycles (Nc) Default = 2e+06
Number of Cycles at Knee point - Normal (Ndnormal) Default = 5e+07
Number of Cycles at Knee point - Shear (Ndtau) Default = 1e+08
Slope Exponent - Normal Default = 3
Slope Exponent - Shear Default = 5
Thickness Factor FallA / FallB

Default = FallA

Exponent N for thickness 0.3 / 0.2 /0.1

Default = 0.1

If Edge - Layer solidification Yes / No

Default = No

Solidification Factor (Kv) Default = 1
If Material GJL Yes / No

Default = No

Material GJL factor (Knle) Default = 1
Plastic Support (npl) Default = 1
Weld Line Factor (aw) Default = 1
Softening Factor (Pwez) Default = 1
Static Safety Factor Default = 1
Effective Weld Thickness Yes / No

Default = No

Table 11. Location Table
Attributes Value at each location
Fatigue Class - Transverse Default = 100
Fatigue Class - Longitudinal Default = 100
Fatigue Class - Shear Default = 100
Material Yield Default = 270
Thickness Influence (TI) Default = 1
Thickness Flag (TF) Valid keys = t or tmin

Default = t

Intermittent Factor (Z) Default = 1
Weld Eccentricity (e) Default = 0
Effective Thickness (Ar) Effective Thickness (Ar) calculated at each location
Example for FKM and T weld
<WeldPropertyTemplateData version="21.000000">
    <!-- FKM -->    
    <Regulation name="fkm">	
        <WeldData Template_name="T_Example_fkm" Weld_type="T" >
	<Table type="Evaluation_distance_table" Evaluation_Distance="Manual" Evaluation_Approach="Hotspot">
	      <Column label="Constant 1">0.5 0.5 0.5</Column>
	      <Column label="Constant 2">1.5 1.5 1.5</Column>
	      <Column label="1st Total Distance">15 15 15</Column>
	      <Column label="2nd Total Distance">25 25 25</Column>
          <Table type="General_table" >
	<Column label="Material Type">steel</Column>
		<Column label="Residual Stress factor (KEnormal)">1.26</Column>
		<Column label="Residual Stress factor (KEtau)">1.15</Column>
		<Column label="Mean Stress sensitivity (Mnormal)">0.15</Column>
		<Column label="Mean Stress sensitivity (Mtau)">0.09</Column>
		<Column label="Overload Situation">F2</Column>
		<Column label="Temperature Factor (Ktd)">1</Column>
		<Column label="Material Safety Factor (jF)">1</Column>
		<Column label="Load Safety Factor (jS)">1</Column>
		<Column label="Reference Number of Cycles (Nc)">2e+06</Column>
		<Column label="Number of Cycles at Knee point - Normal (Ndnormal)">5e+07</Column>
		<Column label="Number of Cycles at Knee point - Shear (Ndtau)">1e+08</Column>
		<Column label="Slope Exponent - Normal">3</Column>
		<Column label="Slope Exponent - Shear">5</Column>
		<Column label="Thickness Factor">FallA</Column>
		<Column label="Exponent N for thickness">0.1</Column>
		<Column label="If Edge - Layer solidification">no</Column>
		<Column label="Solidification Factor (Kv)">1</Column>
		<Column label="If Material GJL">no</Column>
		<Column label="Material GJL factor (Knle)">1</Column>
		<Column label="Plastic Support (npl)">1</Column>
		<Column label="Weld Line Factor (aw)">1</Column>
		<Column label="Softening Factor (Pwez)">1</Column>
		<Column label="Static Safety Factor">1</Column>
		<Column label="Effective Weld Thickness">No</Column>	
            <Table type="Location_table">
		<Column label="Fatigue Class - Transverse">120 100 100 100 100 100 100 100</Column>
		<Column label="Fatigue Class - Longitudinal">120 100 100 100 100 100 100 100</Column>
		<Column label="Fatigue Class - Shear">100 100 100 100 100 100 100 80</Column>
		<Column label="Material Yield">270 270 220 270 270 270 270 270</Column>
		<Column label="Thickness Influence (TI)">1 1 0.7 0.7 1 1 0.7 0.7</Column>
		<Column label="Thickness Flag (TF)">t t tmin tmin t t t t</Column>
		<Column label="Intermittent Factor (Z)">1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1</Column>
		<Column label="Weld Eccentricity (e)">0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0</Column>
		<Column label="Effective Thickness (Ar)">10 10 5.6 5.6 10 10 7 7</Column>

Define Weld Template XML

Regulation name = ERRI andTable type = General_table and Table type = Location_table
Attributes (General Table) Value at Each Location
Scale Modifies the combined stress calculated during the stress/strain history generation. Default = 1
Offset Modifies the combined stress calculated during the stress/strain history generation. Default = 0
Kf Fatigue strength reduction factor, Default = 1
Attributes (Location Table) Value at Each Location
Material - Transverse Material from Material Database or My Material
Material - Longitudinal Material from Material Database or My Material
Material - Shear Material from Material Database or My Material
Example for ERRI and T weld:
<WeldPropertyTemplateData version="21.000000">
<!-- ERRI --> 
<Regulation name="ERRI">
  <WeldData Template_name="ERRI_T_Example" Weld_type="T" >
    <Table type="Evaluation_distance_table" Evaluation_Distance="Manual" Evaluation_Approach="Hotspot">
       <Column label="1st Total Distance">x 15.0 x</Column>
       <Column label="2nd Total Distance">15.0 x 25.0</Column>
    <Table type="General_table" >
        <Column label="Scale">2.0</Column>
        <Column label="Offset">10.0</Column>
        <Column label="Kf">1.0</Column>
     <Table type="Location_table">
       <Column label="Material - Transverse">Mat_SN(4) Mat_SN(4) Mat_SN(4) Mat_SN(4) Mat_SN(4) Mat_SN(4)</Column>
       <Column label="Material - Longitudinal">Mat_SN(2) Mat_SN(2) Mat_SN(2) Mat_SN(2) Mat_SN(2) Mat_SN(2)</Column>
       <Column label="Material - Shear">{Mat_SN(9) XY} {Mat_SN(9) XY} {Mat_SN(9) XY} {Mat_SN(9) XY} {Mat_SN(9) XY} {Mat_SN(9) XY} </Column>
Module name = SN and Table type = General_table and Table type = Location_table
Attributes (General Table) Value at Each Location
Scale Modifies the combined stress calculated during the stress/strain history generation. Default = 1
Offset Modifies the combined stress calculated during the stress/strain history generation. Default = 0
Kf Fatigue strength reduction factor, Default = 1
Attributes (Location Table) Value at Each Location
Material - Transverse Material from Material Database or My Material
Material - Longitudinal Material from Material Database or My Material
Material - Shear Material from Material Database or My Material
Example for SN and T weld
<WeldPropertyTemplateData version="21.000000">
    <Module name="SN">
     <WeldData Template_name="SN_T_Example" Weld_type="T" >
     <Table type="Evaluation_distance_table" Evaluation_Distance="Manual" Evaluation_Approach="Hotspot">
       <Column label="1st Total Distance">x 15.0</Column>
       <Column label="2nd Total Distance">15.0 x 25.0</Column>
     <Table type="General_table" >
       <Column label="Scale">10</Column>
       <Column label="Offset">20</Column>
       <Column label="Kf">30</Column>
     <Table type="Location_table">
       <Column label="Material - Transverse">Mat_SN(4) Mat_SN(4) Mat_SN(4) Mat_SN(4) Mat_SN(4) Mat_SN(4)</Column>
       <Column label="Material - Longitudinal">Mat_SN(2) Mat_SN(2) Mat_SN(2) Mat_SN(2) Mat_SN(2) Mat_SN(2)</Column>
       <Column label="Material - Shear">{Mat_SN(9) XY} {Mat_SN(9) XY} {Mat_SN(9) XY} {Mat_SN(9) XY} {Mat_SN(9) XY} {Mat_SN(9) XY} </Column>
