Log File

A log file outputs the HyperLife evaluation summary for a particular run.

A run log file (*.log) is written to the run folder which contains important information about the run setup and status.

The log file is activated from preferences. This feature is activated by default for a run submitted via Batch.
Figure 1.

The log file summarizes the following details from the executed run:
  • Files imported for setup
    • Load history files
    • Model file
    • Result file
  • Analysis type selection
    • Type of Fatigue Analysis selected
    • Layer information
    • Type of loading
    • Chosen method
  • Events created and the number of repeats assigned
  • Selected Parts/Component with the Assigned Material
  • Warning
  • Evaluation Time
    • Query time of input data
    • Start time of evaluation
    • Percentage of entities evaluated
    • End time
    • Total Evaluation time
  • Result Query Time