Script Factory

Scripts cannot be executed.

If the path to the batch file or the working directory in ScriptFactory contains spaces, the script cannot be executed (ref.: FXM-16120).

Script Factory does not stop correctly.

Script Factory does not stop correctly if FluxMotor has been killed. This occurs if the FluxMotor process has been killed externally. Then, Script Factory is not able to get back to a valid state, neither automatically nor after a kill of the process (ref.: FXM-15140).

Sometimes the store button status is bad.

The store button is not enabled when a file is opened without modification (ref.: FXM-15136).

Script Factory freezes temporarily when running a script.

When running a script, the Script Factory gives the impression of freezing (while still running in the background). The editing window of the script becomes unresponsive until the script is done executing (ref.: FXM-13138).

Testing and exporting projects should be prohibited for certain use cases.

For example, testing and exporting of projects with script should be prohibited when slot filling is bad, or when the End-windings X-Factor leads to negative end-windings resistance (ref.: FXM-16455).

The new files are not visible in the tree if the folder is empty

When we open an empty directory, the workspace tree is empty. Using the ‘New file’ button does not make visible the created files (ref.: FXM-16901).

Name of the motor catalogue (or Part Library) is not case sensitive

When name of catalogues (or Libraries) are written with the same letters but with a mismatch in the name due to the usage of uppercase and lowercase discrepancy, this leads to issues like user cannot access the motor catalogue with name and this prevents us from opening or deleting it (ref.: FXM-16888).