Flux dans SimLab : Exemples PE / SCAC

Liste des exemples SimLab utilisant :

  • la solution Parasitic Extraction
  • la solution Supplied Conductors AC
Remarque : le solveur utilisé est MIPSE

Exemples PE

Solution Exemple Description Illustration
Parasitics Extraction Power Module

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The studied device is a power electronic module component. The entire module is assumed to be made of conducting material and the goal is to compute the Z and S parameter.

Exemples SCAC

Solution Exemple Description Illustration
Supplied Conductors AC Bus Bar

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The device studied is a busbar. It is a copper device and the purpose is to calculate the joule losses in the geometry, and the electric current in the RL loads.

Remarque : Plusieurs tutoriels sont également disponibles sur SimLab Learning Center.