Flux Starting Guide

Plusieurs courtes vidéos pour démarrer avec Flux.

Start in Flux

For beginners, here are the following videos to be able to start in Flux:

Getting Started Flux Environment Flux Overview
Discover Flux supervisor environment

Find where to find Flux examples and tutorials: basic examples and technical tutorials

Define the main options: language, memory settings,...

Access to help, documentation and more videos

Discover Flux environment

Discover the main steps to follow to simulate in Flux

Flux captures the complexity of electromagnetic and thermal phenomena to predict the behavior of future products with precision. Flux offers a full range of physical models to simulate the low frequency behavior of electromagnetic devices.
Remarque : More Resources: Find all Flux videos here.

Discover Flux Capabilities

To discover Flux capabilities, here are some basic examples:

Brushless IPM motor basic example in Flux 2D Linear actuator basic example in Flux 3D
An electric motor basic example: Brushless IPM motor design using Flux 2D

Dedicated motor template “overlay” used to easily create and mesh the device

Learn how to design a motor in Flux 2D in less than 10 minutes!

An actuator basic example: Linear actuator design using Flux 3D FEA

Using 3D freehand drawing context “Modeler”

Remarque : For more examples, please go to the supervisor in Open example area (see Summaries).