Check physics


The Check Physics feature is an algorithm used to review the geometric and physical coherence of the Flux PEEC project being modelled.


The algorithm for the Check Physics is enabled:

  • automatically by Flux PEEC when the user asks for the solving of the problem. The Check Physics is the second step (the first one is the mesh) before the solving process;
  • by the user from the menu bar by selecting Solving and then the Check Physics command.

    The algorithm can be enabled at any time during the definition of the Flux PEEC project or even after the solving has been achieved.

    It is highly recommended to activate the Check Physics right after defining the mesh, before solving the problem.

Outputs of the algorithm

The running of the algorithm for the Check Physics comes to the display of some information in the Historic zone of the general Flux PEEC window.

There are three kinds of data that can be provided:

  • errors
  • warnings
  • information

Their meaning and a list of possibilities are given in the following sections.


The errors detected by the Check Physics are defaults in the geometric and/or physical description of the problem that block the solving of the Flux PEEC project.

The user must therefore fix the problems by correcting the definition of the problem before launching the solving of the Flux PEEC project.

A non-exhaustive list of possible errors is given below:

  • one or several bidirectional terminals are not associated to any PEEC mesh node
  • at least two bidirectional point terminals are situated on the same coordinates
  • No magnetic materials can be associated to the geometry because of the presence of:
    • a perfect ground
    • Assimilation Conductors
    • non-parallel Tube Conductors
    • Tube conductor of variously-shaped full cross-section
    • Tube conductor composed by more than two Tube Point
  • the geometry of the problem contains a perfect ground plane which prevents the use of the generic solver
  • the memory required for the solving of the Flux PEEC project is not sufficient
Note: Some of the error mentioned above may be detected and thus already fixed during the geometrical and/or physical description of the problem. A series of changes of one or several parameters can lead to the appearance of the same and/or new errors.


The warnings pointed out by the Check Physics are defaults of the geometric and/or physical definition of the Flux PEEC problem and that can affect the right operation of the solving process. As a consequence this can lead to some unexpected results.

The user is invited to fix these defaults in order to get more reliable results.

A non-exhaustive list of possible defaults is given below:

  • one or several component terminals do not belong to any connection


The information picked out by the Check Physics is the additional data provided to help the user to evaluate the memory requirements of the Flux PEEC project during the solving process.

The user gets informed about:

  • the number of subdivisions of the PEEC mesh which corresponds to the number of unknowns of the problem
  • the number of PEEC mesh nodes which corresponds to the number of nodes in the PEEC schematic
  • the kind of solver used for the solving of the Flux PEEC project