Filter Applications

Browse and filter the applications using the predefined categories in the left navigation pane that most suit your requirements.

All Applications are organized into predefined categories and are designed as filters for browsing through the simulation applications. You can browse through these Altair and Altair Partner applications by applying the filters from one or more categories.
Note: By default the applications are sorted according to their popularity. You can also sort the list by alphabetical order or recent release time of an application.

On Marketplace, the following predefined categories are located on left side of the page. A brief introduction of these predefined categories are described here:

  • Suites: Provides applications that fit an area of expertise. For example, Industrial Engineer, Mechanical Engineer.
  • Applications: Provides domain-related applications and solutions. For example, Data Analytics, Fluids and Thermals.
  • Publisher: Provides Altair and Altair Partner applications.
  • Product Groups: Provides product group-specific applications and solutions. For example, HyperWorks, PBSWorks.
  • Solutions: Provides solutions specific to a domain. For example, HyperMesh, HyperStudy, HyperCrash, HyperGraph, and HyperView.
  • Operating Systems: Provides applications matching to Operating System such as Windows, Linux, MacOS and Cray.
In this example, the search result is based on the following filters selected in the left pane.
  • Suites: Mechanical Engineer
  • Applications: Structures
  • Solutions: Crash & Safety
The applications matching the selected filters are displayed:

Figure 1. Search results for the applied filters
  • Click Clear all filters when you wish to clear all your selections in the filters pane.
  • Click Clear within the predefined category to clear the selected category selections.
You may filter further by specifying a keyword in the search field for more specific applications.

Figure 2. Filtering the result using a keyword