Altair Marketplace enables Account Owners and Administrators to purchase Altair License Units to access Altair Suites
and the applications belonging to the suite.
Search for an application by name or using a keyword.
You can use a search keyword such as the name of an application, name of a product,
name of a suite, or metadata of an application. The application description and its product
information act as metadata using which you can search and filter your search results to the
applications that most suit your requirements.
Enter a keyword in the search box located at the top-left corner of the web page.
In this example, we search for the applications related to
Press Enter.
Applications matching the search term are displayed.
Figure 1. Search
Note: By default, the applications are sorted according to their popularity. You can
also sort the list by alphabetical order or recent release time of an
You can filter the search result.
For example, select Fluids and Thermals under the category
The search result is filtered further and displayed.