View Application Information

You can view more information from the application (app) card.

You can download or launch an application from its app card. An app card displays the latest version, release date, supported platforms, licensing and cost information.
  1. Click Go to Marketplace on Altair One website.
    The Altair Marketplace displays All Apps.

    Figure 1. All Apps
    Note: Applications are sorted according to their popularity, by default. You can sort them alphabetically or by release date.
  2. Select an app card from All Apps.

    Figure 2. App Card

    The interactive applications have a launch icon for quick access.

    The Info panel is displayed.

    Figure 3. Info panel

    The Info panel displays:

    a. The latest version of the product and its release date.

    b. Use Prev and Next to view informational videos and images.

    c. A brief description about the product.

    d. Click Learn More to go to the product-specific web page in the Altair website.

    e. Displays the related Suites, Applications, and Product Groups.