View Plots

View plot data such as table of contents, result types, subcases, and components of the result files. View or compare result types in a single or multi-plot layouts using Altair Drive.

You can define the plot data X and Y axis with result type and components, plot layout, and preferences.
  1. To view the extracted data, click Open Plot Data.

    Figure 1. Open Plot Data
    The Define Plots dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 2. Define X and Y Axis
  2. Click X Source, to select plot data such as Subcase, Types, Requests, and Components.
  3. Click Y Source to select plot data such as Subcase, Types, Requests, and Components.
  4. Choose the layout for plotting the X and Y data.
    Table 1. Plot Layouts
    Layout Name Description
    Use Current Plot Generate a plot and overlay it in the active plot window.
    One Plot Per Request For each selected request is plotted in a new plot with the corresponding components overlaid.
    One Plot Per Component For each selected component is plotted in a new plot.
    One Curve Per Plot For each curve is plotted in a new plot.
  5. Click to select the page layout.
    The following page layout options are displayed.

    Figure 3. Page Layouts for Plots
    For example, select the layout as One Plot Per Component with the page layout .

    Figure 4. Select Layout
  6. Optional: To set the plot preferences, click Plot Options, select the preference value for each Category.

    Figure 5. Plot Options
  7. Click Generate.

    Figure 6. Generated Plot
    On the left pane, the Plot browser displays the number of windows and its plot data. The Properties displays the selected plot window title and the chart type.
    Note: The selected window is highlighted in the plot layout.

    To view the defined plot data and its preferences, click Session.

  8. On the left pane, select Session.
    The selected window plot data and its plot preferences are displayed.

    Figure 7. Plot Data and Preferences

    Hover over a plot to view plot toolbar . The following table explains the usage of it:

    Icon Description
    By default, Zoom is enabled to zoom in and zoom out. Drag a square on a plot area to zoom in. Double click to zoom out.
    Click to pan the plot curves.
    Click to zoom in the plot curves.
    Click to zoom out the plot curves.
    Click to auto scale the plot curve's view.
    Click to reset the axes of a plot.