Altair Drive Desktop Home

The application Home tab provides an option to connect to Altair Drive.

You can view recent activities, launch Altair Drive application, open the mounted Altair Drive files location in Windows Explorer and view the preferred log details.

Connect to Your Profile from Altair Drive Desktop

Select a profile and click Connect to synchronize your data with your Altair Drive account.

Altair Drive Desktop can now be accessed through Single-Sign-On (SSO) with Altair One. Log in to Altair Drive to automatically sync your data using an authentication code with Altair Drive Desktop.

Altair Drive Desktop Home
Figure 1. Altair Drive Desktop Home

View Your Recent Activities

You can view all your recent activities performed from Altair Drive Desktop.

Recent Activities
Figure 2. Recent Activities

Connect to Altair Drive

Click View Online on the Home tab of the application to launch the Files tab in Altair Drive Web application.

Connect to Altair Drive Web
Figure 3. Connect to Altair Drive Web

Open Altair Drive Desktop Files Location

Click Open MyFiles on the Home tab to open your files or folder of the selected Profile in your Windows Explorer.
Note: You must be connected to Altair One to access your files or folders from your desktop profile.

Open the folder location
Figure 4. Open the folder location

Open Common Files Location

Click Open Account Folder on the Home tab to open the files or folders shared by the Administrator in your Windows Explorer.

The administrator can provide permissions to other user to create files and folders. All users can access files and folders in this location.

Note: You must be connected to Altair One to access the files or folders from your desktop profile.

Open the common folder location
Figure 5. Open the common folder location

Open Log

Click Open Log to view the log files based on the preference you have set for the profile.

Open Log
Figure 6. View Log Details

There are four types of logs: Debug, Info, Warn and Error. You can modify the profile details and change the log type to access from the application home tab.