Connect to Altair One

Select a profile to connect to Altair One.

Log in to the Altair Drive application using your Altair One credentials.

The default profile automatically connects and authenticates using Okta or Ory if logged into Altair One or Altair Drive. It also saves login credentials for a week.

To identify the connected profiles, an asterisk (*) is displayed next to the name in the profiles list.
  1. On the Home tab, select the profile name from the Profile list.
    The list of profiles is displayed.
  2. Select the required Profile name.
    The connection status of the selected profile is displayed.

    Profile Connection Status
    Figure 1. Profile Connection Status
  3. Click Connect to connect to your Altair One account.
    A new web browser is launched and authenticates the user using the OpenID Connect (OIDC) and provides an authenticate code. The authenticated code is valid for seven days. If a user reconnects within seven days, the authentication process is reused from the cache and the View Online option connects to the Altair Drive application.

    OIDC Authentication
    Figure 2. OIDC Authentication
  4. Click Next.
    The device is activated with the user's email address and a green check mark is displayed. Return to the application, the status is updated to Connected.

    Connect to Altair One
    Figure 3. Connect to Altair One
  5. Click Open MyFiles on the Home tab of the application.
    The mounted Altair Drive files in your Windows Explorer is displayed.

    Altair One Drive Desktop File Location
    Figure 4. Altair One Drive Desktop File Location
  6. Click View Online on the Home tab of the application.
    The Altair Drive Web application is launched. Login with your Altair One account credentials. your will be navigated to Altair Drive, Files tab.

    Altair Drive Web Application
    Figure 5. Altair Drive Web Application