Add a Comment

Add a comment about a shared model file.

Your comments can be viewed by other users with whom you have shared the model file. Add your comments as reply to a specific conversation for a shared model file. You can hide all the replies to view the original comment in the conversation. You can add a new conversation for the same model file. A notification is sent to the specific user to take the required action. You can mention specific users in your comments. All your conversations are recorded with the date and time that includes comments that were added, received, edited, deleted and restored. You can upload files to your conversation and download the files from the Files tab.
  1. To open the Info panel, hover over a file, and click .
  2. Click the Comments tab.
  3. Click to start a new conversation.
  4. Enter your comment in the Type a new message field.

    Figure 1. Add comment
  5. To mention a specific user in your comment, press @ to choose the user name from the list.
    Figure 2. Shared User Names List

    A notification is sent to the specified user.
  6. Click to upload files to a conversation.

    Figure 3. Upload a File
    The file uploaded by other shared members is available from the conversation and as well from the Comments > Files tab to download.
  7. Click Send to add your comment and the files.
    Figure 4. Comments Tab
    Note: Hover over the comment box and click to edit, delete and restore your comments.
  8. To add your comments to a specific conversation, click Reply.

    Figure 5. Reply to a Conversation
  9. Enter your comment in the Type a new message field and click Send .

    Figure 6. Reply your Comments