Graphics Object Properties
Properties for the graphics object in OML.
Root Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- A vector of figure handles, which are children of the root.
- currentfigure
- The handle of the current figure.
- handle
- The handle of the root, which is 0.
- handlevisibility
- If set to 'off' then this object is not listed in its parent 'children' value.
- parent
- The parent handle; null for the root object.
- screendepth
- The color depth of the screen. Read-only.
- screenpixelsperinch
- The number of pixels per inch of the screen. Read-only.
- screensize
- The size (resolution) of the screen. Read-only.
- showhiddenhandles
- If set to 'on' then all objects in the hierarchy are listed in their parents' 'children' value regardless of their 'handlevisibility' value.
- tag
- A tag attached to the root object.
- type
- The type of the root object.
- units
- Units of measurement.
Figure Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- bottomlabel
- Handle of the label that is placed on the bottom area of the figure.
- children
- A vector of axes handles, which are the children of the figure.
- color
- The background color of the figure.
- createfcn
- Function triggered when the figure object is created.
- currentaxes
- Handle of the current axes of the figure.
- deletefcn
- Function triggered when the figure object is deleted.
- filename
- The '.fig' file that was used to create the figure.
- handle
- Handle of the figure object.
- handlevisibility
- If set to 'off' then this object is not listed in its parent 'children' value.
- interruptible
- Determines if a callback associated with this figure is interruptible by the user or not.
- keypressfcn
- Function triggered when there is a key press event on the figure object.
- leftlabel
- Handle of the label that is placed on the left area of the figure.
- name
- Name of the figure.
- parent
- Parent handle, which is always 0 (root).
- position
- Location and size of the figure.
- resize
- Enable or disable the resizing of the figure window when the figure is undocked. If resize is set to 'off', the figure can still be resized by setting the 'position' property.
- rightlabel
- Handle of the label that is placed on the right area of the figure.
- sizechangedfcn
- Function triggered when the figure window is resized.
- toplabel
- Handle of the label that is placed on the top area of the figure.
- tag
- A tag attached to the figure object.
- type
- Type of figure object.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- uicontextmenu
- Handle of the uicontextmenu object associated with this figure, if it exists.
- visible
- Visibility of the figure.
- windowicon
- Path to an image file that is shown at the top-left corner of the figure window. Supported file types are: .ico, .jpg, .jpeg, .png.
- windowstyle
- Display style of the figure window.
Axes Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- bargap (2D bar plot only)
- Gap between bars.
- barlabels (2D bar chart plot only)
- Show the value over each bar.
- barlabelsfontangle (2D bar chart plot only)
- Font angle for the bar labels.
- barlabelsfontname (2D bar chart plot only)
- Font name for the bar labels.
- barlabelsfontsize (2D bar chart plot only)
- Font size for the bar labels.
- barlabelsfontweight (2D bar chart plot only)
- Font weight for the bar labels.
- barorientation (2D bar chart plot only)
- Orientation of the bars.
- children
- A vector of handles, which are the children of the axes.
- color
- Background color of the axes.
- colorbar
- Handle of the colorbar object.
- colorbarscale
- Scale of the colorbar values.
- colorlevels
- The colorbar values.
- contourtype
- Type of contour.
- fontangle
- Font angle of the axes.
- fontname
- Axes font name.
- fontsize
- Font size of the axes.
- fontweight
- Font weight of the axes.
- framecolor
- Frame color.
- gridcolor
- Grid line color.
- handle
- Handle of the axes object.
- handlevisibility
- If set to 'off' then this object is not listed in its parent 'children' value.
- mouseclickcallback
- Callback function triggered by a mouse click on a 2D plot.
- parent
- Handle of the parent figure.
- plottiptotail (polar plot only)
- Enable creation of a tip-to-tail curve.
- polarmethod (polar plot only)
- The polar method of the plot.
- position
- Location and size of the axes in the figure.
- title
- Handle of the title, which is a text object.
- tag
- A tag attached to the axes object.
- type
- Type of axes object.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- visible
- Visibility of the axes.
- xcategories (bar chart plots only)
- Labels for the x category axis of a bar plot.
- xcolor
- Color of the x axis.
- xdb10reference (2D plots only)
- Reference value for the x axis dB10 scale. Data values are scaled using the formula: value = 10*log10(original_value/reference)
- xdb20reference (2D plots only)
- Reference value for the x axis dB20 scale. Data values are scaled using the formula: value = 20*log10(original_value/reference)
- xfontangle
- Font angle of the x axis tick labels.
- xfontname
- Font name of the x axis tick labels.
- xfontsize
- Font size of the x axis tick labels.
- xfontweight
- Font weight of the x axis tick labels.
- xgrid
- Status of the x axis grid lines.
- xlabel
- Handle of the label of the x axis, which is a text object.
- xlim
- X axis limits.
- xaxislocation
- X axis location.
- xminorgrid
- Status of the x axis minor grid lines.
- xminortick
- Number of ticks on the x minor axis.
- xnumericformat
- Displays the format of the x axis values.
- xnumericprecision
- Number of digits following the decimal point of the x axis values.
- xscale
- Scale of the x axis.
- xtick
- Number of ticks on the x axis or vector of tick values to display on the x axis. Custom tick values can be set only on the linear axis of 2D plots.
- xticklabel
- Labels of the x axis ticks.
- xtickmethod
- The method for calculating the number of ticks on the x axis.
- xweighting (2D plots only)
- Weighting method for the dB10 and dB20 x axis scale.Note: For more information about the weighting methods refer to the dba, dbb, dbc and dbu commands.
- ycategories (3D bar chart plots only)
- Labels for the y category axis of a 3D bar chart plot.
- ycolor
- Color of the y axis.
- ydb10reference (2D plots only)
- Reference value for the y axis dB10 scale. Data values are scaled using the formula: value = 10*log10(original_value/reference)
- ydb20reference (2D plots only)
- Reference value for the y axis dB20 scale. Data values are scaled using the formula: value = 20*log10(original_value/reference)
- yfontangle
- Font angle of the y axis tick labels.
- yfontname
- Font name of the y axis tick labels.
- yfontsize
- Font size of the y axis tick labels.
- yfontweight
- Font weight of the y axis tick labels.
- ygrid
- Status of the y axis grid lines.
- ylabel
- Handle of the label of y axis, which is a text object.
- ylim
- Y axis limits.
- yaxislocation
- Y axis location.
- yminorgrid
- Status of the y axis minor grid lines.
- yminortick
- Number of ticks on the y minor axis.
- ynumericformat
- Display format of the y axis values.
- ynumericprecision
- Number of digits following the decimal point of the y axis values.
- yscale
- Scale of the y axis.
- ytick
- Number of ticks on the y axis or vector of tick values to display on the y axis. Custom tick values can be set only on the linear axis of 2D plots.
- yticklabel
- Labels of the y axis ticks.
- ytickmethod
- The method for calculating the number of ticks for the y axis.
- yweighting (2D plots only)
- Weighting method for the dB10 and dB20 y axis scale.Note: For more information about the weighting methods refer to the dba, dbb, dbc and dbu commands.
- zcolor
- Color of the z axis.
- zerolinecolor
- Zero line color.
- zfontangle
- Font angle of the z axis tick labels.
- zfontname
- Font name of the z axis tick labels.
- zfontsize
- Font size of the z axis tick labels.
- zfontweight
- Font weight of the z axis tick labels.
- zgrid
- Status of the z axis grid lines.
- zlabel
- Handle of the label of z axis, which is a text object.
- zlim
- Z axis limits.
- zminorgrid
- Status of the z axis minor grid lines.
- zminortick
- Number of ticks on the z minor axis.
- znumericformat
- Display format of the z axis values.
- znumericprecision
- Number of digits following the decimal point of the z axis values.
- zscale
- Scale of the z axis.
- ztick
- Number of tics on the z axis.
- ztickmethod
- The method for calculating the number of ticks for the z axis.
Y-axis Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- A vector of handles, which are the children of the axis.
- fontangle
- Font angle of the axis.
- fontname
- Font name of the axis.
- fontsize
- Font size of the axis.
- fontweight
- Font weight of the axis.
- handle
- Axis object handle.
- parent
- Parent axis object handle.
- tag
- A tag attached to the axis object.
- type
- Type of the axis object.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- visible
- Visibility of the axis.
- ycolor
- Axis color.
- ydb10reference (2D plots only)
- Reference value for the y axis dB10 scale. Data values are scaled using the formula: value = 10*log10(original_value/reference)
- ydb20reference (2D plots only)
- Reference value for the y axis dB20 scale. Data values are scaled using the formula: value = 20*log10(original_value/reference)
- ylabel
- Handle of the axis label, which is a text object.
- yscale
- Axis scale.
- ytick
- Number of ticks on the y axis or vector of tick values to display on the y axis. Custom tick values can be set only on the linear axis of 2D plots.
- yticklabel
- Labels of the y axis ticks.
- ytickmethod
- The method for calculating the number of ticks for the y axis.
- yweighting (2D plots only)
- Weighting method for the dB10 and dB20 y axis scale.Note: For more information about the weighting methods refer to the dba, dbb, dbc and dbu commands.
Line Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- Children of the line object, currently an empty matrix.
- color
- Line color.
- dataxoffset
- Shifts the data along the x axis.
- datayoffset
- Shifts the data along the y axis.
- datazoffset
- Shifts the data along the z axis.
- dataxscale
- Scales the data in the x axis.
- datayscale
- Scales the data in the y axis.
- datazscale
- Scales the data in the z axis.
- displayname
- The line's name.
- handle
- Handle of the line object.
- handlevisibility
- If set to 'off' then this object is not listed in its parent 'children' value.
- linestyle
- The line style.
- linewidth
- Width of the line.
- marker
- Line marker.
- markerevery
- Frequency of line markers.
- markerfacecolor
- Color of the line marker.
- markersize
- Size of the marker.
- parent
- Handle of the parent axes.
- tag
- A tag attached to the line object.
- tiptotail (polar plot only)
- Enables participation of the line in the tip-to-tail curve.
- type
- The type of line object.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- visible
- Visibility of the line.
- xdata
- Data values associated with the x axis.
- yaxis
- Handle of the vertical axis this object is plotted on.
- ydata
- Data values associated with the y axis.
- zdata
- Data values associated with the z axis (3D lines only).
Surface Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- Children of the surface object, currently an empty matrix.
- color
- Surface color.
- displayname
- The surface's name.
- handle
- Handle of the surface object.
- handlevisibility
- If set to 'off' then this object is not listed in its parent 'children' value.
- linewidth (waterfall plot only)
- Width of the waterfall lines.
- meshlines
- Visibility of the surface mesh lines.
- parent
- Handle of the parent axes.
- tag
- A tag attached to the surface object.
- type
- Surface object type.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- visible
- Visibility of the surface.
- xdata
- Data values associated with the x axis.
- ydata
- Data values associated with the y axis.
- zdata
- Data values associated with the z axis.
Text Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- attached
- Enables the attachement of the text box to a point. Supported in 2D plots only.
- backgroundcolor
- The background color of the text box.
- borderwidth
- The width of the text's border line.
- children
- Children of the text object, currently an empty matrix.
- color
- The text color.
- fontangle
- The font angle of the text.
- fontname
- The text's font name.
- fontsize
- The text's font size.
- fontweight
- The font weight of the text.
- handle
- The handle of the text object.
- handlevisibility
- If set to 'off' then this object is not listed in its parent 'children' value.
- horizontalalignment
- The horizontal alignment of the text box relative to the given x,y coordinate. Supported in 2D plots only.
- interpreter
- The interpreter that will be used to process the text. Supported in 2D plots only.
- offset
- The distance between the given x,y coordinate and the text box. Supported in 2D plots only.
- parent
- The handle of the parent object.
- string
- The content of the text object.
- tag
- A tag attached to the text object.
- type
- The text object type.
- units
- The units of measurement.
- verticalalignment
- The vertical alignment of the text box relative to the given x,y coordinate. Supported in 2D plots only.
- visible
- Visibility of the text object.
uicontextmenu Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- callback
- Callback function of the uicontextmenu object.
- children
- Children of the uicontextmenu object, which are the added uicontextmenuitem objects.
- createfcn
- Function triggered when the uicontextmenu object is created.
- deletefcn
- Function triggered when the uicontextmenu object is deleted.
- enable
- Indicates if uicontextmenu object is enabled, default value being 'on'
- handle
- Handle of the uicontextmenu object.
- parent
- Handle of the parent object.
- position
- Index the uicontextmenu in the parent.
- separator
- Indicates if there needs to be a separator added before the uicontextmenuitem object, if applicable.
- tag
- User-defined string to tag graphical control objects.
- type
- The type of the uicontextmenu object.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data
- visible
- Specifies if uicontextmenu object is visible
uicontextmenuitem Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- callback
- Callback function of the uicontextmenuitem object.
- children
- Children of the uicontextmenuitem object.
- createfcn
- Function triggered when the uicontextmenuitem object is created.
- deletefcn
- Function triggered when the uicontextmenuitem object is deleted.
- enable
- Indicates if uicontextmenuitem is enabled.
- handle
- Handle of the uicontextmenuitem object.
- parent
- Handle of the uicontextmenu/uicontextmenuitem parent object.
- position
- Index of the uicontextmenuitem object in the parent.
- separator
- Indicates if there needs to be a separator added before the uicontextmenuitem object, if applicable.
- tag
- User-defined string to tag graphical objects.
- type
- The type of the object.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data
- visible
- Specifies if uitabgroup is visible
uicontrol Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- aspectratio
- Specifies if the aspect ratio of a background image is ignored ('off') or kept ('on'). Valid only for styles pushbutton, togglebutton and frame.
- backgroundcolor
- Background color of the object.
- backgroundimage
- Background image that can be displayed on the uicontrol object. This is valid only for styles 'pushbutton' or 'frame'.
- callback
- Callback function of the user interface control (uicontrol) object.
- createfcn
- Function triggered when the uicontrol object is created.
- deletefcn
- Function triggered when the uicontrol object is deleted.
- children
- The children of the uicontrol object, currently an empty matrix.
- enable
- Indicates if the uicontrol object is enabled; default value is 'on'.
- fontangle
- The font angle of the uicontrol.
- fontname
- The font name of the uicontrol.
- fontsize
- The font size of the uicontrol.
- fontunits
- Units of measurement for fontsize.
- fontweight
- The font weight of the uicontrol.
- handle
- The handle of the uicontrol object.
- horizontalalignment
- Horizontal alignment of the text in styles edit, text, pushbutton and textedit.
- interruptible
- Determines if a callback associated with this uicontrol is interruptible by the user or not.
- keypressfcn
- Function triggered when there is a key press event on the user interface control (uicontrol) object.
- max
- The maximum value for the uicontrol.
- min
- The minimal value of the uicontrol.
- orient
- Orientation of the uicontrol of a style slider.
- parent
- The handle of the parent object.
- position
- Location and size of the uicontrol in the figure.
- string
- Label displayed on the uicontrol object.
- style
- Style of the uicontrol object.
- tag
- User-defined string to the uicontrol object.
- tooltipstring
- Tooltip string displayed when mouse moves over the uicontrol object.
- type
- The uicontrol object type, which is read-only .
- uicontextmenu
- Handle of the uicontextmenu object associated with this object, if it is applicable for this style and if it exists.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data.
- value
- Current value of the uicontrol.
- verticalalignment
- Vertical alignment of the text in styles edit and text.
- visible
- Specifies if the uicontrol widget is visible.
uimenu Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- Children of the uimenu object, which are the added uimenuitem objects.
- createfcn
- Function triggered when the uimenu object is created.
- deletefcn
- Function triggered when the uimenu object is deleted.
- enable
- Indicates if uimenu object is enabled, default value being 'on'
- handle
- Handle of the uimenu object.
- label
- Label of the uimenu object.
- parent
- Handle of the parent object.
- position
- Index the uimenu in the parent menubar.
- tag
- User-defined string to tag graphical control objects.
- type
- The type of the uimenu object.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data
uimenuitem Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- callback
- Callback function of the uimenuitem object.
- children
- Children of the uimenuitem object.
- createfcn
- Function triggered when the uimenuitem object is created.
- deletefcn
- Function triggered when the uimenuitem object is deleted.
- enable
- Indicates if uicmenuitem is enabled.
- handle
- Handle of the uimenuitem object.
- label
- Label of the uimenuitem object.
- parent
- Handle of the uimenu/uimenuitem parent object.
- position
- Index of the uimenuitem object in the parent.
- separator
- Indicates if there needs to be a separator added before the uimenuitem object, if applicable.
- tag
- User-defined string to tag graphical objects.
- type
- The type of the object.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data
- visible
- Specifies if uimenuitem is visible
uipanel Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- aspectratio
- Specifies if the aspect ratio of a background image is ignored ('off') or kept ('on').
- backgroundcolor
- Background color of the object.
- backgroundimage
- Path to a valid image file which is shown in the background of the uipanel object.
- bordertype
- Specifies the border type.
- borderwidth
- Specifies the border width, default value is 1.
- children
- The children of the uipanel object; defaults to an empty matrix.
- createfcn
- Function triggered when the uipanel object is created.
- deletefcn
- Function triggered when the uipanel object is deleted.
- fontangle
- Specifies the angle of the displayed font.
- fontname
- Specifies name of the displayed font.
- fontsize
- Specifies the size of the displayed font.
- fontunits
- Units of measurement for fontsize.
- fontweight
- Specifies the weight of the displayed font.
- handle
- The handle of the uipanel object.
- parent
- The handle of the parent object.
- position
- Location and size of the object in the figure.
- string
- Label displayed on the uicontrol object.
- tag
- User-defined string to the uipanel object.
- type
- The object type.
- units
- Specifies units of measurement.
- userdata
- User-defined numerical data.
- visible
- Specifies if the object is visible or not.
uitab Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- Children of the uitab object.
- createfcn
- Function triggered when the uitab object is created.
- deletefcn
- Function triggered when the uitab object is deleted.
- enable
- Indicates if uitab is enabled.
- fontangle
- Font angle; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- fontname
- Font name; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- fontsize
- Font size; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- fontunits
- Units of measurement for fontsize.
- fontweight
- Font weight; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- handle
- Handle of the uitab object.
- iconpath
- Path to the icon to be displayed next to the tab name.
- parent
- Handle of the uitabgroup parent object.
- position
- Location and size of the uitab object.
- tag
- User-defined string to tag graphical control objects.
- tooltipstring
- Tooltip string displayed when the mouse moves over the uitab object.
- title
- Title of the uitab object.
- type
- The type of the uitabgroup object.
- uicontextmenu
- Handle of the uicontextmenu object associated with this tab, if it exists.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data.
- visible
- Specifies if uitabgroup is visible.
uitabgroup Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- Children of the uitabgroup object, which are the added uitabs.
- createfcn
- Function triggered when the uitabgroup object is created.
- deletefcn
- Function triggered when the uitabgroup object is deleted.
- enable
- Indicates if uitabgroup is enabled; default value is 'on'.
- fontangle
- Font angle of the uitabgroup; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- fontname
- Font name of the uitabgroup; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- fontsize
- Font size of the uitabgroup; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- fontunits
- Units of measurement for fontsize.
- fontweight
- Font weight of the uitabgroup; applies to all uitabs in this group.
- handle
- Handle of the uitabgroup object.
- parent
- Handle of the parent object.
- position
- Location and size of the uitabgroup in the parent.
- selectedtab
- Handle of the uitab child object that needs to be selected.
- tag
- User-defined string to tag graphical control objects.
- tooltipstring
- Tooltip string displayed when the mouse moves over the uitabgroup object.
- type
- The type of the uitabgroup object.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data.
- visible
- Specifies if uitabgroup is visible.
uitable Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- backgroundcolor
- Background color of the object.
- celleditcallback
- Callback function when the value of a cell is changed in uitable.
- children
- The children of the uipanel object; defaults to an empty matrix.
- columneditable
- true or false, indicating which column(s) are editable.
- columnformat
- A cell with values of 'char', 'numeric' or [] indicating the format for the specific column for aligning the text.
- columnname
- Column names.
- columnwidth
- Width of the table column(s) or 'auto', which is the default.
- createfcn
- Function triggered when the uitable object is created.
- data
- Table contents.
- deletefcn
- Function triggered when the uitable object is deleted.
- enable
- Indicates if the table is enabled; default value is 'on'.
- fontangle
- Specifies the angle of the displayed font.
- fontname
- Specifies the name of the displayed font.
- fontsize
- Specifies the size of the displayed font.
- fontunits
- Units of measurement for fontsize.
- fontweight
- Specifies the weight of the displayed font.
- handle
- The handle of the uitable object.
- keypressfcn
- Function triggered when there is a key press event on the uitable object.
- parent
- The handle of the parent object.
- position
- Location and size of the object in the figure.
- rowheight
- Height of the table row(s) or 'auto', which is the default.
- rowname
- Row label(s).
- rowstriping
- If rowstriping is 'on', alternate rows will have a different background color.
- tag
- User-defined string to the uipanel object.
- tooltipstring
- Tooltip string displayed when the mouse moves over the uitable object.
- type
- The object type.
- units
- Specifies units of measurement.
- userdata
- User-defined numerical data.
- visible
- Specifies if the object is visible or not.
uitree Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- backgroundcolor
- Color of the text displayed in the background of the uitree.
- callback
- Callback function that is triggered when interacting with the uitree object.
- createfcn
- Function triggered when the uitree object is created.
- children
- Children of the uitree object, which are the added uitreenode objects.
- deletefcn
- Function triggered when the uitree object is deleted.
- enable
- Indicates if uitree is enabled; default value is 'on'.
- expand
- Indicates if uitree is expanded; default value is 'on'.
- fontangle
- Font angle of the uitree.
- fontname
- Font name of the uitree.
- fontsize
- Font size of the uitree.
- fontweight
- Font weight of the uitree.
- foregroundcolor
- Color of the text displayed in the uitree root.
- handle
- Handle of the uitree object.
- iconpath
- Path to the icon to be displayed next to uitree root node.
- interruptible
- Specifies if callback is interruptible. Default option is not to interrupt the callback
- keypressfcn
- Function triggered when there is a key press event on the uitree object.
- parent
- Handle of the parent object.
- position
- Location and size of the uitabgroup in the parent.
- style
- Style of the uitree object.
- tag
- User-defined string to tag graphical control objects.
- text
- Text displayed at the root of uitree.
- tooltipstring
- Tooltip string displayed when the mouse moves over the uitree object.
- type
- The type of the uitree object.
- uicontextmenu
- Handle of the context menu associated with the uitree object.
- units
- Units of measurement.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data.
- value
- User-defined numerical data.
- visible
- Specifies if uitree is visible.
uitreenode Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- callback
- Callback function that is triggered when interacting with the uitreenode object.
- children
- Children of the uitreenode object, which are the added uitreenode objects.
- createfcn
- Function triggered when the uitreenode object is created.
- deletefcn
- Function triggered when the uitreenode object is deleted.
- enable
- Indicates if uitreenode is enabled.
- expand
- Indicates if uitreenode is expanded; default value is 'on'.
- fontangle
- Font angle of the uitreenode.
- fontname
- Font name of the uitreenode.
- fontsize
- Font size of the uitreenode.
- fontunits
- Units of measurement for fontsize.
- fontweight
- Font weight of the uitreenode.
- foregroundcolor
- Color of the text displayed in the uitreenode.
- handle
- Handle of the uitreenode object.
- iconpath
- Path to the icon to be displayed next to uitreenode object.
- interruptible
- Specifies if callback is interruptible. Default option is not to interrupt the callback
- parent
- Handle of the parent object.
- position
- Position of the uitreenode in its parent object.
- style
- Style of the uitreenode object.
- tag
- User-defined string to tag graphical control objects.
- text
- Text displayed in the uitreenode.
- tooltipstring
- Tooltip string displayed when the mouse moves over the uitreenode object.
- type
- The type of the uitreenode object.
- uicontextmenu
- Handle of the context menu associated with the uitreenode object.
- userdata
- User-defined matrix data.
- value
- User-defined numerical data.
- visible
- Shows the visibility of the uitreenode object.
Hggroup Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- areagroup (area plot only)
- A vector of handles, which point to area groups.
- autoscale (quiver plot only)
- Enables the scaling of the quiver plot vectors.
- autoscalefactor (quiver plot only)
- The scaling factor of the quiver plot vectors. Default value is 0.9.
- basevalue (area plot only)
- Base value of the shading.
- bargroup (bar chart plot only)
- A vector of handles, which point to bar groups.
- barlayout (bar chart plot only)
- The bar layout style.
- barstyle (bar chart plot only)
- The bar style.
- barwidth (bar chart plot only)
- The width of the bars.
- cdata (2d scatter plot only)
- The color of each marker of a scatter plot.
- children
- The children of the hggroup object.
- color (quiver plot only)
- Color of the quiver plot vectors.
- dataxoffset
- Shifts the data along the x axis.
- datayoffset
- Shifts the data along the y axis.
- datazoffset
- Shifts the data along the z axis.
- dataxscale
- Scales the data in the x axis.
- datayscale
- Scales the data in the y axis.
- datazscale
- Scales the data in the z axis.
- displayname
- The group's named.
- facecolor
- The object color.
- handle
- The handle of the hggroup object.
- handlevisibility
- If set to 'off' then this object is not listed in its parent 'children' value.
- imgrid (imagesc plot only)
- Visibility of the image grid.
- linestyle (quiver plot only)
- The vector line style.
- linewidth (quiver plot only)
- The vector line width.
- marker (scatter and quiver plot only)
- marker style
- markerfacecolor (scatter and quiver plot only)
- The marker color.
- markersize (scatter and quiver plot only)
- Size of the marker.
- maxheadsize (quiver plot only)
- The scaling factor of the quiver plot arrow head. Default value is 0.3.
- parent
- The handle of the parent axes.
- showarrowhead (quiver plot only)
- Sets the arrow head visible.
- tag
- A tag attached to the hggroup object.
- type
- The type of the hggroup object.
- udata (quiver plot only)
- Data values of the vector u component.
- units
- The units of measurement, currently not used.
- vdata (quiver plot only)
- Data values of the vector v component.
- visible
- Visibility of the hggroup object.
- xdata
- Data values associated with the x axis.
- yaxis(all except bar plot)
- Handle of the vertical axis this object is plotted on.
- ydata
- Data values associated with the y axis.
- zdata
- Data values associated with the z axis (3D bar or scatter only).
Image Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- The children of the image object, currently an empty matrix.
- filepath
- The filepath.
- handle
- The handle of the image object.
- handlevisibility
- If set to 'off' then this object is not listed in its parent 'children' value.
- parent
- The handle of the parent object.
- position
- The location and size of the image in the figure. The location is specified by the upper-left point, and the size is specified by the width and height.
- tag
- A tag attached to the image object.
- type
- The image object type.
- units
- Units of measurement (not yet used).
Shape Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- Children of the shape object; an empty matrix for now.
- curvature
- Curvature for the horizontal and vertical edge.
- edgecolor
- Color of the shape's border.
- facecolor
- Color to fill the shape.
- handle
- Handle of the shape object.
- handlevisibility
- If set to 'off' then this object is not listed in its parent 'children' value.
- linestyle
- Edge style.
- linewidth
- Edge width.
- parent
- handle of the parent object, which is a handle of the figure.
- position
- Location and size of the shape in the figure. Location is specified by the upper-left point, size is specified by the width and height.
- tag
- A tag attached to the shape.
- type
- Shape object type.
- units
- Units of measurement, (currently not used).
- visible
- Shape visibility.
Colorbar Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- children
- Children of the colobar object; an empty matrix for now.
- clim
- Range of the colorbar.
- colorbarscale
- Scale of the colorbar values.
- colorlevels
- The colorbar values.
- colormap
- The color map of the plot.
- fontname
- The font name of the colorbar tick labels.
- fontsize
- The font size of the colorbar tick labels.
- handle
- Handle of the colorbar object.
- location
- Location of the colorbar.
- numericformat
- The format of the colorbar tick labels.
- numericprecision
- The precision of the colorbar tick labels.
- parent
- Handle of the parent axes object.
- tag
- A tag attached to the colorbar object.
- type
- Object type.
- units
- Units of measurement (currently not used).
- visible
- Colorbar visibility.
Legend Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- bordercolor
- Legend border color.
- borderwidth
- Legend border width.
- children
- Children of the legend object; an empty matrix for now.
- fontangle (2D plots only)
- The font angle of the legend tick labels.
- fontname
- The font name of the legend tick labels.
- fontsize
- The font size of the legend tick labels.
- fontweight (2D plots only)
- The font weight of the legend tick labels.
- handle
- Handle of the legend object.
- location
- Location of the legend. Refer to the legend documentation page for valid options.
- parent
- Handle of the parent axes object.
- tag
- A tag attached to the legend object.
- type
- Object type.
- units
- Units of measurement (currently not used).
- visible
- Legend visibility.
Waitbar Properties
- Property Name
- Description/Values
- handle
- Handle of the waitbar.
- height
- Height of the waitbar in pixels.
- message
- Message displayed in the waitbar.
- title
- Title of the waitbar.
- Value
- Fractional value of the progress of the waitbar.
- visible
- 1 if waitbar is visible and 0 if waitbar is hidden.
- width
- Width of the waitbar in pixels.