Server Configuration Parameters

Name Type Default Range Description string VIEW,EXISTS,CHOWN   Default ACL for FlowTracer jobs assigned to the leader role.
alerts.max integer 50 [5--1000] Maximum number of alerts. If more alerts are created, the oldest with the lowest level is archived.
allowcoredump boolean 0 0,1 If nonzero, request the vovserver to dump core even if it was started from a shell where limitcoredumpsize was zero.
allowForeignJobsOnUserTaskers boolean 0 0,1 When set to 1, allows foreign users to submit jobs that run on a non-root tasker that is owned by a different user. When set to 0, foreign user-submitted jobs will not be scheduled on a non-root tasker.
allowUidForSecurityFile integer 0 [0---2147483647] Additional UID that can own the security.tcl file
alm.enable boolean 0 0/1 Enable Altair Licensing.
autoForgetFailed time spec 2 days [5m,infinity] If the autoForget bit is set on a job, the job will be forgotten automatically upon failure after the specified time.
autoForgetOthers time spec 2 days [5m,infinity] If the autoForget bit is set on a job, the job will be forgotten automatically if it is not scheduled after the specified time.
autoForgetRemoveLogs boolean 0 0/1 Try to remove the log files associated with auto-forgotten jobs.
autoForgetValid time spec 1 hour [5m,infinity] If the autoForget bit is set on a job, the job will be forgotten automatically upon successful termination after the specified time.
autoLogout time spec 4 hours [10m,infinity] The period of inactivity after which the system automatically logs a user out of the browser interface. The minimum value for this parameter is 10 minutes.
autoRescheduleCount integer 4 0-10 Specifies the maximum number of reschedule attempts per job.
autoRescheduleOnNewHost boolean 1 0/1 Controls whether auto-rescheduling will avoid the same host (default) or just the tasker, allowing the job to run on a different tasker on the same host. Does not apply to auto-rescheduling based on exit status (see exit-status docs).
autoRescheduleThreshold time spec 0s 0s-60s This parameter deals with jobs that fail quickly. If the failure time is less or equal to the specified value, the job is automatically resubmitted at high priority, with the name of the failing host as a negated resource, so that the job will be placed on a different host (or tasker, configurable) for the next run. If the autoRescheduleThreshold is 0, automatic resubmission is disabled. A maximum of 4 auto-reschedules are permitted by default. This maximum can be controlled via the autoRescheduleCount parameter. Host/tasker behavior can be controlled via the autoRescheduleOnNewHost parameter. Does not apply to auto-rescheduling based on exit status (see exit-status docs).
autostop.timeout   60s   This parameter provides a timeout for the execution of all scripts installed in the SWD/autostop directory. The autostop function is called automatically upon shutdown of the vovserver and all scripts have up to the timeout to executed and exit. This time period is provided to allow autostop scripts to communicate with the vovserver before exiting, while protecting against a problematic script that fails to exit. Once the timeout has been reached, the vovserver continues with its exit procedure, and any autostop scripts that have opened a connection to the vovserver will likely fail. Default can be specified in policy.tcl.

Example: set config(autostop.timeout) 120

This parameter can also be set using the VTK API. Example: vtk_server_config autostop.timeout 120

autoShutdown timespec 2w [15m,infinity] A time specification. This parameter controls how long the server must wait since the last job start before shutting down. If the value is 0, the server never shuts down. The default value is 2 weeks (2w). The minimum acceptable shutdown period is 15 minutes.
blackholeDiscardTime timespec 10m00s [2m00s--10h00m] Failed jobs older than this time are discarded in the blackhole computation.
blackholeFailRate double 0.900000 [0.250000--1.000000] Fraction of failed jobs that are running well on another tasker.
blackholeFailedJobs integer 5 [2--10000] Number of failed jobs on a tasker to consider the tasker a black hole.
blackholeMaybeTime timespec 10s [0s--1h00m] Suspension time for tasker that may be a black hole, but is not yet confirmed.
blackholeSuspendTime timespec 3m00s [1m00s--10h00m] Suspension time for a black hole.
bucketValidTaskerCountPeriod timespec 5m00s [0s--41d16h] Control frequency of determining if any valid taskers exist for a bucket. If this parameter is 0, then the facility is turned off.
cgi.max integer 40 [10--200] Max number of concurrent CGI pages that can be generated.
checkoutHostLowerCase boolean 0 0/1 If set, host name is always forced to lower case in checkouts.
checkoutUserLowerCase boolean 0 0/1 If set, user name is always forced to lower case in checkouts.
clientConnectionQueue.mode, clientConnectionQueue.size       By default, the vovserver responds to multiple incoming connections during the same cycle. This feature can be controlled with these two parameters: clientConnectionQueue.mode: multi or single, default is multi. clientConnectionQueue.size: the size, integer value 25-1024, default is 512.
comm.buffer.compress.level integer 1 [1--9] Compression level between 1 and 9. 1 is speed first and 9 is percentage of string data in buffer to trigger buffer compression.
comm.buffer.compress.packetSizeThreshold integer 4000 [100--1000000] Minimum packet size to trigger buffer compression.
comm.buffer.compress.stringPercentThreshold integer 50 [1--100] Minimum percentage of string data in buffer to trigger buffer compression.
comm.maxBufSize unsigned 16777216 [65536--2147483647] Maximum size of communication buffers between server and client.
comm.maxTimeToCompleteFlush integer 5000 [1000--20000]  
comm.minTimeForCompulsoryFlush integer 1000 [1000--2000]  
cpuprogressWindowSize integer 1 [1--1440] Number of samples to average when calculating cpuprogress (allowed range: 1-1440, default value: 1).
crashRecoveryMaxExtension timespec 1m00s [0s--30m00s] Max extension of crash recovery period due to taskers reconnecting during quiet time.
crashRecoveryPeriod time spec 60s [30s,5m] This parameter specifies how long the server is in crash recovery mode. The default value is for 60 seconds after which the serer will enter normal operation.
crashRecoveryQuietTime timespec 30s [0s--5m00s] Possible crash recovery delay due to tasker reconnection during quiet time before crash recovery ends.
dashboard.threshold.bucketcount.critical integer 300 [1--1000000000] Minimum number of buckets to mark as "critical" bucket count in the web dashboard. (default: 300)
dashboard.threshold.bucketcount.high integer 200 [1--1000000000] Minimum number of buckets to mark as "high" bucket count in the web dashboard. (default: 200)
dashboard.threshold.bucketcount.low integer 50 [1--1000000000] Minimum number of buckets to mark as "low" bucket count in the web dashboard. (default: 100)
dashboard.threshold.bucketcount.medium integer 100 [1--1000000000] Minimum number of buckets to mark as "medium" bucket count in the web dashboard. (default: 100)
dashboard.threshold.schedulertime.critical double 3.000000 [0.001000--30.000000] Minimum scheduler time to mark as "critical" scheduler activity in the web dashboard, in seconds. (default: 3.0)
dashboard.threshold.schedulertime.high double 1.000000 [0.001000--30.000000] Minimum scheduler time to mark as "high" scheduler activity in the web dashboard, in seconds. (default: 1.0)
dashboard.threshold.schedulertime.low double 0.100000 [0.001000--30.000000] Minimum scheduler time to mark as "low" scheduler activity in the web dashboard, in seconds. (default: 0.5)
dashboard.threshold.schedulertime.medium double 0.500000 [0.001000--30.000000] Minimum scheduler time to mark as "medium" scheduler activity in the web dashboard, in seconds. (default: 0.5)
dashboard.threshold.serversize.critical integer 90 [0--100] Minimum percentage to mark as "critical" server size in the web dashboard, as a percentage of total host RAM. (default: 90)
dashboard.threshold.serversize.high integer 60 [0--100] Minimum percentage to mark as "high" server size in the web dashboard, as a percentage of total host RAM. (default: 60)
dashboard.threshold.serversize.low integer 20 [0--100] Minimum percentage to mark as "low" server size in the web dashboard, as a percentage of total host RAM. (default: 40)
dashboard.threshold.serversize.medium integer 40 [0--100] Minimum percentage to mark as "medium" server size in the web dashboard, as a percentage of total host RAM. (default: 40)
defaultStopSignalCascade string TERM,HUP,INT,KILL   Default stop signal cascade; used for job control.
defaultStopSignalDelay integer 1 [0--20] Default stop signal delay; number of seconds to wait between transmitting signals to taskers when using vovstop and related commands. (allowed range: 0-20, default: 1
defaultSuspendSignalCascade string STOP   Default suspend signal; used for job control.
disablefileaccess boolean 0 If this parameter is greater than 0 (zero), the server will not access any file that is not under $VOVDIR or $VNCSWD. By 'access' we mean any operation on the file like stat(), open(), access(). This is a protection to prevent a possible server freeze if it tries to access files on an dead NFS server. If this parameter is greater than 1 (one), then not only the server disables access to files, but also the CGI clients that could possibly show file information will disable such functionality. In summary:
  • Under normal conditions, set this parameter to 0
  • If you are concerned about the vovserver blocking on a bad NFS mount, set this parameter to 1
  • If you want maximum information security, set this parameter to 2.
diskspacecheck.minfreemb integer 1000 [1--50000] Specify free disk space alert generation threshold (in MB) for free disk space checking (allowed range: 1-50000, default: 1000
diskspacecheck.minfreepercent integer 1 [1--50] Specify free disk space alert generation threshold (in %) for free disk space checking (allowed range: 1-50, default: 1
emptyBucketAge integer 120 [0--86400] Delete empty buckets older than the specified age in seconds.
enableBackfillResReservation boolean 0 0/1 Enable/Disable backfilling jobs on resource reservation.
enableLookAheadReservation boolean 0 0/1 Enable/Disable job based reservation.
enableLdap boolean 0 0/1 If set, the system uses also LDAP for browser authentication. Available on the linux64 and armv8 architectures.
enablePam boolean 1 0/1 If set, the system uses PAM for browser authentication.
enablePartialReservation boolean 0 0/1 Enable/Disable partial tasker reservation
enableTimestampCheckAllFiles boolean 1 0/1 On large traces, it is good to completely disable the checking of the timestamps of files.
enableTimestampCheckForRetrace boolean 1 0/1 On large traces, it is good to disable the checking of the timestamps of the upcone of a target because it may take too long.
enableWaitReasons boolean 1 0/1 Enable logging of Wait-Reasons.
enterpriselicense.burst boolean 0 0/1 Use burst licenses if available
enterpriselicense.delay.decrease timespec 5m00s [10s--1h00m] With enterprise licensing in automatic mode, wait this much before decreasing again.
enterpriselicense.delay.increase timespec 4s [1s--5m00s] With enterprise licensing in automatic mode, wait this much before increasing again.
epollbuf integer 50 [50--1024] Epoll buffer size.
failover.maxdelaytovote integer 120 [10--3600] Specifies the maximum duration during which a vovtasker can participate in a failover server election (default: 120).
failover.usefailovertaskergrouponly boolean 0 0/1 If set, only taskers in the failover tasker group participate in the failover server election (default: 0).
fairshare.allowAdminBypass boolean 0 0/1 Allow ADMIN to bypass ACL when modifying a FairShare group.
fairshare.default.weight integer 100 [0--100000] Default weight assigned to new FairShare groups. Can also be controlled by a sibling group called 'default'.
fairshare.default.window timespec 1h00m [0s--7d00h] Default window assigned to new FairShare groups. Normally the groups inherit the window from their parent of from a sibling group called 'default'.
fairshare.maxjobsperbucket integer 20 [1--1000000] Max number of jobs to dispatch from each bucket at once.
fairshare.maxjobsperloop integer 20 [1--1000000] Max number of jobs to dispatch on each loop, after which the FairShare stats will be recomputed.
fairshaire.overshoot.damping boolean 1 0/1 If set, each bucket will be limited by its max dispatch depth for each scheduler cycle (default: 1).
fairshare.relative integer 1 [0--2] Assuming: t=target allocation; h=historic allocation in window; r=running allocation now. If set to 2, compute fairshare as a weighted sum of d = (r-t) + alpha(h-t). If set to 1, compute fairshare distance relative to the fairshare target d=((r-t)+(h-t))/t (of course assuming t>0). If set to 0, compute fairshare distance by a simple difference between actual and target d=(r-t)+(h-t).
fairshare.relative_alpha double 10.000000 [0.001000--1000.000000] Weight of historic distance relative to running distance in computing value for FairShare ranking. Only used if fairshare.relative is set to 2.
fairshare.strictNodeCreationChecks integer 0 [0--1] Perform strict ACL checks when creating non-USER type nodes. If set to 0, user only needs ATTACH ACL on parent. If set to 1, user needs CREATE ACL on parent.
fairshare.updatePeriod timespec 0s [0s--1h00m] Update FairShare stats no more frequently than specified period. integer 1 [1--600] Specify the client processing delay (in seconds) for users under hog protection (allowed range: 1-600, default: 1). boolean 0 0/1 Enable hog protection in scheduler (default: 0). integer 100000 [1000--9999999] Specify currently-managed (all states) job count threshold to trigger hog protection against a user (allowed range: 1000-9999999, default: 100000).
http.maxSSLVersion string TLSv1.3   The maximum SSL/TLS version supported by the internal webserver.
http.minSSLVersion string TLSv1.3   The minimum SSL/TLS version supported by the internal webserver.
http.proxytimeout unsigned 3600 [5--10000] HTTP Proxy Timeout (seconds).
httpSecure boolean 1   This should be set to 1 or "enable" if you use the browser user interface. If it is set to "0", browser users do not have to authenticate, and hence the server does not know their login identity. The default value is 1. When this parameter is 1, the server requires basic authentication to serve most of its pages. By setting this parameter to 0 (zero), any access via the HTTP protocol is allowed, but the server will not know user's login identity. This is provided for backwards compatibility, but the use of the value is discouraged. If this parameter is set to 2, or "disable", or any other number, then the HTTP interface is completely disabled.
http.tls12Ciphers string AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES128-GCM-SHA256   The list of ciphers supported by TLS 1.2 and older when using the internal webserver.
http.tls13Ciphers string     The list of cipher suites supported by TLS 1.3 when using the internal webserver.
http.workerthreads integer n/a n/a Obsolete: no longer used.
idrange range 100,000,000 1,000,000 - 2,000,000,000 The range to be used for VovIds. This is also related to vovIdLow and vovIdHigh. The typical range is 2000-99999999.
jetstreams.debug boolean 0 0/1 Enable jetstream debug messaging in scheduler (default: 0).
jetstreams.enable boolean 1 0/1 Enable jetstreams in scheduler (default: 1).
jetstreams.threshold integer 5 [1--86400] Specify maximum job duration (in seconds) for utilizing jetstreams (allowed range: 1-86400, default: 5).
la.adjustForUnconsumed.enable boolean 1 0/1 Enable/disable adjust for unconsumed allocations.
la.adjustForUnconsumed.timeWindow timespec 2m00s [1m00s--5m00s] Time window to check for unconsumed allocations for adjustment.
la.feature.expirationThreshold timespec 1h00m [30s--1d00h] Time threshold since feature data last received from LM, after which LA will stop allocating this expired feature.
la.ooq.waves.disable boolean 0 0/1 Disable wave based OOQ estimation.
license.promise   7200 1 minute more than the refresh time, but greater than 20 - 7200. Specifies the time, in minutes, past the most recent refresh when the RLM license will be checked in. Default: 7200.
license.refresh   60m 10m-1 minute less than the promise time. Specifies the rate, in minutes, for the vovserver to refresh its RLM license checkout.
liverecorder.logdir string .   Directory in which the Live Recorder recording file should be saved. The directory must exist. Default is '.', which is the CWD of the process that is running Live Recorder.
liverecorder.logsize integer 256 [256--65536] Live Recorder log size in MB (range: 256-65536 default: 256).
lm.lookAndFeel string latest   License Monitor \'look And feel' version. Default is 'latest'.
log.nodestatus.changedetail boolean 0 0/1 Enable additional detail on node status changes.
log.nodestatus.loggingtype integer 0 [0--3] Global nodestatus logging type (0=NONE, 1=ALL, 2=INVALID, 3=DOWNCONE).
logs,checkouts,compress boolean 1   You can control which log files get compressed by editing the policy.tcl file and setting the config(log,XXXX,compress) flags.
logs,checkouts,handler string     A command line to process the log file as it is being created. The command line should contain the variables @FILENAME@ and @EXPIRE@.
logs,jobs,compress boolean     You can control which log files get compressed by editing the policy.tcl file and setting the config(log,XXXX,compress) flags.
logs,jobs,handler string     A command line to process the log file as it is being created. The command line should contain the variables @FILENAME@ and @EXPIRE@.
logs,journals,compress boolean 0   You can control which log files get compressed by editing the policy.tcl file and setting the config(log,XXXX,compress) flags.
logs,journals,handler string     A command line to process the log file as it is being created. The command line should contain the variables @FILENAME@ and @EXPIRE@.
logs,resources,compress boolean 0   You can control which log files get compressed by editing the policy.tcl file and setting the config(log,XXXX,compress) flags.
logs,resources,handler string     A command line to process the log file as it is being created. The command line should contain the variables @FILENAME@ and @EXPIRE@.
logs,server,compress boolean 0   You can control which log files get compressed by editing the policy.tcl file and setting the config(log,XXXX,compress) flags.
logs,server,handler string     A command line to process the log file as it is being created. The command line should contain the variables @FILENAME@ and @EXPIRE@.
logs,tasker,compress boolen 0 0/1 You can control which log files get compressed by editing the policy.tcl file and setting the config(log,XXXX,compress) flags.
logs,waitreason,compress boolean 0   You can control which log files get compressed by editing the policy.tcl file and setting the config(log,XXXX,compress) flags.
logs,waitreason,handler string     A command line to process the log file as it is being created. The command line should contain the variables @FILENAME@ and @EXPIRE@.
lookAheadSchedInterval integer 1 [0--60] Interval of discrete time instances at which available resource count is maintained, in seconds.
lookAheadTimeResolution integer 60 [1--3600] Maximum age for a job to be considered 'recent', i.e. to belong to the set System:transitionsRecent.
longServiceWarningDuration double 0.800000 [0.000000--1000000.000000] Warn if a service takes a long time, as defined by this parameter (in seconds).
maxAgeRecentJobs timespec 60 [0,3600] This defines the max age of the jobs in the set System:transitionsRecent, which contains all the jobs that have recently finished. Due to various scheduling delays, it is possible for some jobs in the set to be somewhat older.
maxBufferSize unsigned 16777216 [65536--2147483647] Maximum size of communication buffers between server and client. The same with comm.maxBufSize.
maxChildren integer 20   Maximum number of children managed by vovserver. This mostly affects the number of concurrent CGI requests that the server can manage.
maxCommandLineLength integer 40960 [128,100000] Number of characters in the longest command line that will be accepted by the system. A job containing a longer command line will be rejected.
maxEnvLength integer 512 [128,16000] Maximum length allowed for the environment field in a job. Example: If the environment is BASE+GNU, length of the string is 8.
maxJobArray integer 10000 [10,100000] This parameter defines the maximum size of a job array.
maxLevel integer 4095 [3,4095] Maximum number of levels in the dependency graph. Dependency declarations that cause the levels in the graph to exceed this value are rejected.
maxLookAheadReservationCount integer 10 [1--1000] Maximum lookahead reservation count at a given time.
maxLookAheadSchedulingDuration integer 4 [1--24] Maximum lookahead reservation scheduling timeout in hour.
maxNormalClients integer 400 Maximum number of normal clients per user. This is a protection against denial-of-service attacks by a single user.
maxNotifyBufferSize integer 1000000 [100k,40M] In bytes, this parameter controls the size of the buffers used internally to notify asynchronous clients. If you see "overflow" events and are annoyed by it, you can increase the size of the buffer.
maxNotifyClients integer 40 [0-100000] Maximum number of notify clients per user. This is a protection against denial-of-service attacks by a single user. The 'notify' clients are those that tap into the event stream. They are used for example in waiting for jobs to finish and to update the GUI.
maxORsInResourceExpressions integer 20 [0--25] Max number of OR operators in a resource expression.
maxPathLength integer 1024 [128,16000] Maximum length of names of files, including the end of line terminator. This is different from all other "max" parameters for jobs. This means that if this parameter has value 1024, then the actual max length of a path is actually 1024-1=1023.
maxResMap integer 5000 [1, infinity] Maximum resources map number that can be set in the resource map set.
maxResourcesLength integer 1024 [128,16000] Maximum length of the resources field for a job.
maxSmartSets integer 50 [10--5000] Max number of smart sets.
maxeventqueue integer 100000000 [1000--500000000] Max number of events in event queue.
metrics.autoSavePeriod timespec 5m00s [1m00s--1h00m] Period for auto-saving metrics data files to disk.
metrics.enable integer 7 [0--7] Enable the metrics system. The old name 'enableMetrics' can also be used. The value is a mask, with the following bit values: 0=disable_all_metrics 1=enable_server_metrics 2=enable_design_metrics 4=enable_fairshare_metrics 7=enable_all_metrics
metrics.keepFilesPeriod timespec 30d00h [0s--3y00d] How long to keep saved metrics data files.
metrics.maxmem integer 2000 [100--100000] Max size in MB for each metrics family. If the memory exceeds this amount, the system drops some metrics or some points.
minhw string RAM/20 CORES/1 SLOTS/1   Space-separated list of resources to be requested by default when jobs do not explicitly request any resources.
minMemFreeOnServer integer 10 [0--10000] Issue alert if free memory on server goes below this minimum threshold, in MB.
minSwapFreeOnServer integer 10 [0--10000] Issue alert if free swap on server goes below this minimum threshold, in MB.
mm.fork boolean 0 0/1 Enable use of MADV_DONTFORK for client buffers.
mm.huge boolean 0 0/1 Enable huge pages.
nfsdelay timespec 0s [0s--5m00s] If this delay is set, the vovserver will not check the timestamps of files that are younger than this delay, because of the uncertainty about the status of the NFS cache. If the NFS server and the vovserver are running on the same host, you can set this delay to zero. For tight edit-compile loops, you are advised to set this delay to zero and to do the editing of the primary inputs on the same machine that runs the vovserver, so that there is not NFS cache effect.
notifyMaxEffort integer 20 [5--50] Percent of time to give to notification of clients.
notifySkip integer 0 [0--100000] OBSOLETE: NO LONGER USED In inner loop, do not notify clients for each event, but skip a few.
preemption.load boolean 1 0/1 Load/unload preemption module.
preemption.log.allrules boolean 0 0/1 Enable debug messages for all preempt rules.
preemption.log.verbosity integer 0 [0--10] Control verbosity of log messages for preemption.
preemption.max.time.overall double 0.300000 [0.001000--10.000000] Max time spent in preemption for each loop.
preemption.max.time.rule double 0.300000 [0.001000--10.000000] Max time spent in preemption for each rule. Any rule that exceeds this will be disabled.
preemption.module string   Preemption module name.
preemption.rule.cooldown time spec "1y" [0, "1y"] Specifies how long rules are disabled due to exceeding preemption.max.time.rule. 1y = Indefinite, 0 = generate alert only. Default is 1y (Indefinite).
preemptionFairshare timestamp 0   If greater than the current date, enable computation of statistics for FairShare of preemption. Normally set by vovpreemptd. For testing, use vtk_server_config "preemptionFairshare" "on", which activates the computation for the next 10 minutes.
preemptionPeriod time spec 3s [0,1000h] This parameter specifies how often Accelerator will attempt to perform preemption. The default value is 3 seconds which will cause preemption to be attempted every 3 seconds. If a value of 0 is specified then this will disable preemption.
preemptionResourceRelease time spec 90s [0,1000h] This parameter controls the frequency of releasing features for suspended jobs as a result of preemption. If this parameter is 0, the code is never called.
processRetentionTime timespec 5s [0s--5m00s] How long a process record (see procinfo feature) is kept in memory since the last update.
prop.maxNameSize unsigned 255 [16--1024] Max length of name of a property.
prop.maxStringSize unsigned 131071 [128--1048576] Max length of value of a string property. Any value longer than this will be truncated.
prSaveTimeout timespec 1h [60s--41d16h] Time (seconds) after which an incomplete PR save operation exits.
rds.enable boolean 0 0/1 Enable LM-to-NC license resource updates over sockets instead of via vovresourced.
rdsMaxEffort integer 20 [5--80] Percent of time limit for updates from RDS. boolean 0 0/1 Enable security on the RDS event port. Default: false
readonlyport integer 0 [0--65535] The readonly port for vovserver
rejectIndirectTaskerJobs boolean 0 0/1 Reject jobs submitted through the binary indirect tasker.
resMapGroupDefault integer 50 -1 (unlimited) This parameter sets the default value for the resource map "Group:groupname" for a new group. This resource map limits the maximum number of jobs that the group can run at the same time. For each individual group, you can control the value of the map with a vtk_resourcemap_set Group:groupname number statement in the resources.tcl file. A negative value of this parameter is interpreted as "unlimited",
resMapToolDefault integer   -1 (unlimited) This parameter sets the default value for the resource map "Tool:toolname" for a new tool. This resource map limits concurrent number of jobs using the tool. For each individual tool, you can control the value of the map with a vtk_resourcemap_set Tool:toolname number statement in the resources.tcl file. A negative value of this parameter is interpreted as "unlimited".
resMapUserDefault integer 50 -1 (unlimited) This parameter sets the default value for the resource map "User:username" for a new user. This resource map limits the maximum number of jobs that the user can run at the same time. For each individual user, you can control the value of the map with a vtk_resourcemap_set User:username number statement in the resources.tcl file. A negative value of this parameter is interpreted as "unlimited". integer 1024 [512--64000] Max length of the map field in a resource map. integer 300 10, 50000 Max number of resource maps considered in the evaluation of a resource expression. This is a protection against cycles in the resource maps (e.g. a ←b b←c c←a). The typical value is less or equal to the total number of resource maps in the system.
resmap.max.nru.time double 0.100000 [0.000100--1.000000] Max time allowed to compute NRU handles.
resmap.sw.types string License Limit Policy User Group Priority   Comma or Space separated list of types of resources that are guaranteed to be resource maps (i.e. SW resources), even if they are not currently defined as a resource map. This parameter is typically an empty list in WX and includes 'License Limit Policy ...' for the other products.
resuserDisableMatchingThreshold integer 1000 [0--1000000] Threshold of LM handles and FT jobs to match. If the sum of LM handles and FT jobs exceeds this threshold, do not perform matching.
resuserEnableNRUMatches boolean 1 0/1 Matching check should include checking for Not-Requested-Used licenses.
resusermatchtolerance timespec 0s [0s--10m00s] Tolerance (in seconds) allowed when matching jobs and handles.
resusermaxmatches integer 6 [0--40] Maximum number of 'also' matches between jobs and lm handles.
runAsWX integer 0 [0--1] Set up this project to run as WX.
sanity,smartsets boolean 0 0/1 Enable sanity check of smart sets.
saveToDiskPeriod time spec 2 hours [10m,infinity] This parameter controls the period of recurrent saves to disk of all the trace information. If the trace is very large (>400MB) the recurrent save may take a long time. The minimum value for this parameter is 10 minutes. The default value is 2 hours. A value of zero or less disables the periodic saving.
sched.busy.thresh integer 3 [2--1000000] If the delay between poll() is more than this threshold, then the server is considered to be 'busy'.
sched.maxpostponedjobs integer 10000 [1--1000000] Exit dispatch loop after this number of jobs have been postponed, indicating a loaded or busy farm.
sched.megapoll.threshold integer 100 [5--10000000] Threshold that defines how many clients are needed to declare that we are in a 'mega-poll' situation.
sched.taskerstats.enable boolean 0 0/1 Enable scheduler statistics for taskers (used in unusedhw.cgi).
schedMaxEffort integer 20 5 90 If the scheduler becomes expensive, i.e. if it takes more than 0.02 seconds to dispatch jobs, the vovserver adaptively skips some scheduling cycle to give time to the clients to interact with the vovserver. In this way, the scheduler effectively changes from a pure event-driven behavior to a cycle-based behavior. The cycle is controlled by the schedMaxEffort variable, which sets the ratio between the effort spent in the scheduler and the effort spend elsewhere. Example: If the schedMaxEffort is 20 (meaning 20% of time should be spent in the scheduler) and the scheduler time is 0.1s, then the scheduler will be called no more frequently than once every 0.5 seconds (0.1*100/20=0.5).
sds.enable boolean 0 0/1 Enable/disable Streaming Data Service.
seatlic_max integer 2147483647 [0--2147483647] Override the maximum number of seat licenses that can be checked out (default: unlimited).
setQueueEnv boolean - 0/1 Whether to set NC_QUEUE in the job env to WX project.
skipConflictingJobsInDispatchLoop boolean 0 0/1 Enable/Disable processing of subsequent jobs when the top job in the bucket is conflicting with the future tasker reservation.
unsetSkipFlagOnConfictingJobs timespec 30s [1s--24m00s] Interval in minutes to unset the skip flag on job conflicting with the future reservation.
ssl.enable boolean 0 0/1 Enable SSL for rest web server.
ssl.enableRawUrlOnHttp boolean 1 0/1 Enable /raw url's for SSL with REST server.
substituteArrayIdInResources boolean 0 0/1 Substitute references to @ARRAYID@ in resource string with array ID (default: 0). Caution should be used because this will result in a job queue bucket being created for each submission of a job array.
substituteArrayIndexInResources boolean 0 0/1 Substitute references to @INDEX@ in resource string with array index (default: 0). Caution should be used because this will result in a job queue bucket being created for each job in an array.
substituteJobIdInResources boolean 0 0/1 Substitute references to @JOBID@ and @IDINT@ in resource string with job ID (default: 0). Caution should be used because this will result in a job queue bucket being created for each job.
switchToExtBufThresh integer 100000 [10k,1...31] In bytes, this parameter controls the size of the internal buffer used for vtk_set_list_elements_enhanced. If the size exceeds this parameter, then vovserver switches to an external buffer.
tasker.attachDetachSim integer -1 [-1--1] Reserved for internal use only.
tasker.authorization.delay integer 5 [0--60] Minimum time in seconds that vovserver waits before authorizing new taskers.
tasker.childProcessCleanup boolean 0 0/1 If TRUE, taskers should kill all of a job's child processes when that job exits (i.e. assume child processes running after jobs exit are zombie processes); default is FALSE.
tasker.childProcessCleanupExclusions string     If set in conjunction with tasker.childProcessCleanup, then taskers should kill all of a job's child processes when that job exits, except for those named here in a comma separated list. Default is "".
taskerheartbeat integer 60 [1--300] Default heartbeat for taskers, in seconds. Can be overridden for individual taskers via vovtaskermgr configure or by starting the vovtasker with the -U argument.
tasker.max.reserve integer 10 [0--100] Maximum number of reservations per tasker.
tasker.maxWaitToReconnect timespec 3m00s [5s--1y00d] Maximum time to wait after losing connection to server before reconnecting again.
tasker.minWaitToReconnect timespec FlowTracer=3m

all others=4d

[5s--1y00d] Minimum time to wait after losing connection to server before reconnecting again.
tasker.props.enable boolean 0 0/1 Enable saving of message properties for all taskers.
tasker.uninterruptableSignalCascades boolean 0 0/1 If TRUE, taskers will ignore incoming job control requests if an existing request is in-process; default is FALSE.
tasksMaxEffort integer 20 [5--50] Percent of time to give to maintenance tasks.
thread.preempt.max integer 40 [10--200] Max number of concurrent threads for auxiliary preemption work like vovlmremove.
thread.service.enable.fsgroup boolean 1 0/1 Enable safe threads for VovFsGroups.
thread.service.enable.query boolean 1 0/1 Enable safe threads for queries.
thread.service.fork.ref.time double 0.020000 [0.001000--2.000000] Reference cost for a fork() used to decide when to fork() for service threads.
thread.service.max integer 0 [0--50] Max number of concurrent forked threads for read-only services.
thread.service.min.nodes integer 50000 [0--40000000] Min Number of nodes in set to activate safe threads.
thread.service.min.resmaps integer 500 [0--1000000] Min Number of resmaps to activate safe threads.
thread.service.min.taskers integer 500 [0--100000] Min Number of taskers to activate safe threads.
timeTolerance time spec 0 [0,600] Control the time tolerance of the server. The default value of 0 may be too strict for some networks. You will usually need to have ntp running to synchronize the clocks to use zero, but this is the best practice. Values up to about 3 seconds will not impose much performance penalty.
trustHostReportedByClient boolean 0 0/1 Used mostly for demos.
trustUserReportedByClient boolean 0 0/1 Check for client user inconsistencies
useepoll boolean 0 0/1 Switch between poll(0, default) or epoll(1) for client servicing (Linux only).
userGroupLowerCase boolean 0 0/1 Force user group name to be lower case.
userLowerCase boolean 0 If set to 1, force all user names to lowercase. This applies also to ACL and to the security modules (vtk_security).
usrtmp path /tmp   /tmp, /usr/tmp, /var/tmp, c:/temp
vovIdHigh integer 999,999,999 [1,000,000 - 2,000,000,000] When recycling vovid's, this is the largest usable id. This will be at least 1,000,000 more than vovIdLow.
vovIdLow integer 5,000 [5,000,10,000,000] When recycling vovid's, this is the id which the id generator wraps back to.
vovstring.maxLength unsigned 2147483647 [65535--4294967295] Max length of a VovString object.
vovwxd.arraysizeprop boolean 0 0/1 If set, the server will set a property for the final launcher array size when using local resources.
vovwxd.fastexit boolean 1 0/1 Enable/disable vovwxd fastexit.
vovwxd.localresources boolean 0 0/1 If set, the user facing queue will manage local resource maps.
webport integer 0 [0--65535] The web port used by internal "rest" http server (possibly with ssl).
webprovider string nginx   The facility hosting the web port. Either internal or nginx.
wx.dispwithbucketres boolean 1 0/1 Use Bucket:XXX resource shortcut in WX.