Upgrade Monitor Using the Online Database Method on Linux

This upgrade method will allow license usage reporting to be available from a live database while conversion of a backup database executes in parallel.

  1. Set LM_NAME to the Monitor project name and enable the shell.
     % export LM_NAME=lm_project
     % vovproject enable $LM_NAME
     % SWD=$(vovserverdir -p .)
  2. Set more environment variables that will be used later. OLDVOVDIR is the value of VOVDIR from the current software version, and NEWVOVDIR is the value of VOVDIR from the new software version. For example:
     % OLDVOVDIR=/path/to/vov/install/2022.1.0_ga/linux64
     % NEWVOVDIR=/path/to/vov/install/2023.1.0_ga/linux64
  3. Record the location of the database for later removal. Store the path in ORIGPATH.
     % vovdb_util showcfg
     % ORIGPATH=<the path shown>
  4. Create PG 9.X database backup. Choose the location and set the BACKUP variable. This step runs at disk copy speed.
     % vovdb_util backup $BACKUP
  5. Export the PG 9.X database passwords using a version of the Accelerator software (2023.1.0 or higher) that supports the exportpasswords subcommand.
     % source $NEWVOVDIR/etc/vovrc.sh
     % vovdb_util exportpasswords $SWD/PASSWORD_FILE
  6. Create a new Monitor converter project that will be used to convert the older PG database to a version 14.4 database. Configure the backed-up database for use in this new project.
     % export LM_CONVERTER=lm_temp_project
     % source $NEWVOVDIR/etc/vovrc.sh
     % lmmgr start -name $LM_CONVERTER -port any:1 -webport any:2 \
     -roport 0 -inport any:3 -upport any:4
     % vovproject enable $LM_CONVERTER
     % vovdb_util configure -noconfirm `hostname -s` $BACKUP

Note: Steps 7 - 9 will target the Monitor $LM_CONVERTER project.

  1. Find the bin directory containing the PG 9.X software.
    % OLDPG=$(ls -d $OLDVOVDIR/postgresql*/bin)
  2. Convert database PG 9.X to PG 14.4. This will operate at about 1/2 of disk-copy speed.
     % vovdb_util importpasswords $SWD/PASSWORD_FILE
     % vovdb_util upgrade -sdb $BACKUP/dbdata9_6 -spgsw $OLDPG
  3. After the database is converted, shut down the Monitor converter project.
     % lmmgr stop -name $LM_CONVERTER -force
     % sleep 5 ; vovproject destroy -force $LM_CONVERTER

Note: Steps 10 and beyond will target the production Monitor project - $LM_NAME.

  1. Shut down the Monitor project and disable DB so it does not come up initally after restart.
     % source $OLDVOVDIR/etc/vovrc.sh
     % vovproject enable $LM_NAME
     % vovdb_util stopdb
     % lmmgr stop -name $LM_NAME -force
  2. Upgrade the production Monitor project with start and new Monitor software version.
     % sleep 5
     % source $NEWVOVDIR/etc/vovrc.sh
     % lmmgr start -name $LM_NAME
     % vovproject enable $LM_NAME
  3. Configure the location of the PG 14.4 database, then start the database.
     % vovdb_util configure -reset -noconfirm `hostname -s` $BACKUP
     % sleep 3 ; vovdb_util startdb
  4. Verify the status of the PG 14.4 live database by viewing the web UI page Admin > System > Database.
  5. Load checkouts that occurred since the time of the backup.
     % lmmgr loaddb
  6. Remove the two extra DB copies:
    1. Remove the 9.x backup DB from /big/DBBACKUP/pgdata9*
    2. Remove the 9.x project DB from $ORIGPATH