User Defined Excel Format
Create a user defined excel format.
Step 1 of 4
- Excel File Path: Define the template file path. When an Excel file path is defined, DFE uses this template to create an Excel report. Create the file beforehand.
- Result Save Sheet Name: Select the sheet to use with the file from the Excel file path.
- Net Summary Sheet Name: Select the sheet name for the summary information.
- Automatically record all available Contents to MS/Excel: Automatically record the result in the Excel file when the result is added by the DFE items.
- Pass/Fail Mark Definition: Can specify Pass/Fail marks in Excel reports. Default is O/X.
- 1st Result Data Insertion Location: Select the cell where the result data from the first category will be saved.
- Temporary Data Recognition ID Area: Select a cell for the program to use for the Temporary Data Recognition ID Area. Often, 1-A is selected.
- Click Next.
Step 2 of 4
- Result Data Column No.: Display the columns corresponding to the test result. For example, If you need 10 columns, enter 10 and click Apply.
- Add Column[Field] No.: If the predicted number of columns exceeds five, enter that value and click Add Column[Field] No.. If you want to delete a column from a total number of five or less columns, select the column and click Delete Selected Column.
- Use Header Name On Excel File: Set the Column Header Name of the Excel file. When Selected, the column title of the Excel File is recorded as the value used by PollEx. When Un-Selected, the column title of the Excel File is not recorded.
- Table: Contains information on each Column in the Excel file.
- Click Next.
Step 3 of 4
- Available Record Type: Select the available record type and the needed categories. Create a more efficient report by eliminating items such as components that are not managed, and so on.
- Add/Remove: Click Add to add the selected item or click Remove to remove the selected item.
- Record Type for Export: Display the test types that will be recorded. To cancel a selection, select the item and click Remove.
- Click Next.
Step 4 of 4
- Record Type For Export(Row Attribute): Contains the selected categories. Use to confirm the contents that will be included in the final report.
- Selected Cell Type: A category is activated in the bottom window when you select it from Record Type for Export. When you select this activated category, the selection in Selected Cell Type will be activated as well. Selected Cell Type can be accessed by selecting one of the provided formats.
- An identical number of columns you selected in Record Type For Export is displayed here. Select the columns and define the contents you wish to provide. You can enter the category you need with Record Type For Export and Selected Cell Type. With Selected Cell Type, a combo box appears and you can select the category. The category is determined by the information gained from the ECAD interface and the DFE. Using Selected Cell Type is convenient and accurate.
- Apply Set Same Value In Column: If the information provided in each category is identical when defining the Item Group, use the Set Same Value in Column button to select the data as identical. Define other categories separately for convenience.
- Save/Save As: You can save what you have written so far. The file extension is *.DFEE.
- Load: You can load previously saved *.DFEE files.
- After completing Steps 1 to 4, click Finish/Excel Export to create a report as shown below.
- The DFE verification results can be accumulated up to 10 times.
Excel File Setting
Excel File Path: Define the path of the company standard report file to be used
for saving the result.
If you do not have the standard report file, you have to create a blank excel file beforehand.
- Result Save Sheet Name: Select the sheet to save the result.
- Summary Sheet Name: Select the sheet to save the test summary.
- Net Summary Sheet Name: Select the sheet to save net group summary.
Auto Add to Available Record Type: Automatically add the available test item.
If you select this option, you can skip the next step.
Result Data Column No: Create the number of columns corresponding to the test
You should remember the contents of the report you want to record, and predict the type and number of results. For example, if you need 10 columns, enter 10 and click Apply.
Add Column [Field] No: Create the number of columns with a predefined number.
- Enter the number of columns you want after that and click Apply.
- If you want to delete a column, select the column and click Delete.
- Use Header Name On Excel File: DFE defines the name of each column using the default name.
- 1st Result Data Insertion Location: Select the cell where the result data from the first category is to be saved.
- Temporary Data Recording ID Area: The history of the tests is provided in the user defined format, so you should select a cell for the program to use for this feature. Generally, you should select 1-A.
- Next: Go to the next step.
- Save: Save the current setup environment. (*.DFEE file)
- Save As: Save the current setup environment with a different name.
- Load: Load the pre-saved setup environment file.
Set Row of Test Report
If you selected Auto Add to Available Record Type in Excel File Setting, you can skip this step.
Available Record Type: View a list of all test items and sub items available.
You can selectively choose the needed categories and move them to the Record Type for Export section by clicking Add.
- Record Type For Export: View the test items to be recorded.
Set Column of Test Report
Record Type for Export: View the selected categories of Set Row of Test Report.
- Check Item: View test item name list.
- 2nd ID: View the test sub-item name list.
Select Cell Type: When you select a category from Available record type, it is
activated on the 3 window. When you select this activated category, the
selection in 2 will be activated as well. You can select the categories in
Available Record Type. Record Type for Export can be accessed by selecting one
of the provided formats.
Choose the items that are needed and move them to the Selected Predefined Item
List by clicking Add.
The Selected Predefined Item List shows the report items to be recorded.
- Apply Set Same Value in Column: DFE fills every row of each column with identical contents. You can also define other categories separately for convenience.
Column setup section: View all of the columns and rows that you defined.
You can modify them by double-clicking each item.
Click Finish/Excel Export to create a report.
The following information is shown.
- Title of each item.
- Each test subject has a column. Each column is provided with the contents that you defined in Set Column of Test Report.
- Zoom view of error point.
- Position of error point in PCB.
The test history of up to 10 tests can be saved in the same Excel report file.