Cross-Probe with Excel Result

When you export a DFE result to Excel, you can export a Hyperlink that links to the PollEx PCB or to the ECAD. When you click the Hyperlink on the Excel report, a violated area or object is displayed in the PollEx PCB design data. You can cross-probe between the PollEx PCB and the Excel report.

Refer to Verification User Guides - DFM - Result - Cross-Probe with Excel Result for more information.

Note: If the character count of the Hyperlink for Cross-Probe with PollEx PCB or Cross-Probe with ECAD generated in Excel exceeds the limit defined by the Excel program, the Hyperlink may not be recorded properly. Thus, in the settings in the figure below, it is recommended to write the Excel file path briefly, such as C:\tmp.
Figure 1. Excel Export User Defined Format Setting