Input Setup
DFE Input
The DFE menu under Option has four sub-menus:
- DFE Input: Use for making DFE input file.
- Dialog sections: Classification, Check Item Category, Input mode change, and action
- Classification subsections: Component Group Type classification, Net Group Type classification, Circuit Group Type classification, and via coverage.
- Result: Use for reviewing DFE result.
- Core Running: Execute DFE running based on input file, *.dfesi.
- DFE Environment: Use for setting DFE running environments.
Most of DFE rule checking needs classifications, target nets, target components and target circuits. The classified nets, components and circuits are used as target objects in electrical rule checking.
- After reading the design file, from the main menu of PollEx PCB, click to open the PollEx DFE Input dialog.
In the DFE Input dialog, define parameters.
- Classification: Classify nets, components, circuits, or vias to be checked.
- Check Item Category: Check those rules with the check box marked with
- Change a mode from Input Dialog to Individual Rule Entry Dialog or vice versa.
- Save: Save current rule status and values into a DFE rule file using default name.
- Save As: Save current rule status and values into a DFE rule file using
arbitrary name. Note: The binary format rule file (*.DFESI) will be saved as a default. If you want to save ASCII format rule File (*.DFESIA), select file format DFESI Ascii Files (*.DFESIA) before saving it.
- Load: Load a saved DFE rule file that has a file name extension .DFESI.
- Start Checking: Start checking for selected items in Check Item Category.
- Close: Close DFE Input dialog.