Case 1: Logic Symbol Type is Package

Figure 1.

  • Function Code: Select the function code for generating the logic symbols.
  • Usage Code: Select usage code.
  • Logic Symbol Type: Select logic symbol type as Package.
  • Note: Enter note related the function code and usage code.
  • Max Pin Counts per Partition: Define the maximum pin counts for automatic logic symbol pin partitioning.
  • Pin Assignment Order: Select the pin assignment ordering condition among pin names, pin numbers and signal names.
  • Prefix of Partition Name: Define the prefix of automatically created partition names.
  • Min Body Dimension X: Define the minimum body X size of symbol.
  • Min Body Dimension Y: Define the minimum body Y size of symbol.
  • Body Line Width: Define the line width of body figure.
  • Pin Size: Define the pin size.
  • Pin Length: Define the pin length.
  • Pin Line Width: Define the line width of the pin figure.
  • Pin Spacing: Define the pin spacing.
  • Pin Name Location: Select the pin name location among Outer, On/Above/Below Pin Line and Inside of Body.
  • Pin Name Text Size: Define the size of the pin name (text height).
  • Signal Name Location: Select the pin signal name location among Outer, On/Above/Below Pin Line and Inside of Body.
  • Signal Name Text Size: Define the size of pin signal name (text height).
  • Reference Designator Location: Select the reference designator location among Top
  • Outer/Inside Body and Center of Body.
  • Reference Designator Text Size: Define the size of the reference designator. (text height)
  • Part Name/Value Location: Select the part name or the value location among None, Bottom Outer/Inside Body and Center of Body.
  • Part Name Type: Select the part name type to use among MPN, CPN and Value.
  • Pin Attachment Sides: Define the pin attachment sides (1 or 2 or 4 sides).
  • Check Data: Check if the input data are reasonable or not.
  • Test Symbol Generation: Generate a test symbol using current data.