
Classify components using special characters.

Upon searching characters in the component name, matched name components are added into the component database.

Figure 1.

In the filter setup dialog , there are two sections, one for string filter setup and one for exception string setup.

  1. Component Filter: The filter type to be used to select components.
  2. String Filter: Add the string to be included into the component classification database.
  3. Affix Filter: For the string added in the String Filter column, select its usage type.
    • Prefix: The component name should start with the given string.
    • Mid-String: Given strings should be in the component name.
    • Suffix: The component name should end with the given string.
  4. Add String: With conditions in the String Filter column, make a filter and add it into the list.
  5. Add And Combination: For set filtering conditions, add conditions combination for String Filter and Affix Filter, with the And combination.
    For example, if you want to select components with a name that starts with SMD character string and ends with IC character string, use the following ways. After entering SMD in the string filter, select Prefix and click Add String. Then, input IC in the string filter, select Suffix for affix filter and click Add And Combination.
  6. Except String Filter: Add the string to be excluded from the component classification database.
  7. Affix Filter: For the character string added in Except String Filter, select its usage.
    • Prefix: The component name should start with the given string.
    • Mid-String: Given strings should be in the component name.
    • Suffix: The component name should end with the given string.
  8. Add String: Add conditions combination for String Filter and Affix Filter to be excluded from the component classification database.