View 3D Pattern

This option allows to visualize the full 3D pattern, classified by parametric and frequency steps. The next figure shows and example of 3D pattern:

Figure 1. 3D Radiation Pattern diagram

The following elements are available within this panel:

  • Left color legend it shows the magnitude and range of values of the represented results.
  • Step and Frequency to select the results from the available files to plot the diagram.
    • Step specify the parametric step when a parametric simulation has been run.
    • Frequency specify the desired frequency.
  • Component The 3D diagram may be plotted by using different polarizations and its components.
    • Lineal: ETheta, EPhi, ETotal, Ex, Ey and Ex/Ey Total components.
    • Circular RHCP, LHCP, Circular Total, and AxialRatio components.
    • +/- 45 +45 and -45 components.
    • 3rd Ludwig 3x Co-Polar, 3x Cross-Polar, 3y Co-Polar, and 3y Cross-Polar components.
    • Gain (dBi): Theta Gain, Phi Gain, RHCP Gain, LHCP Gain and Total Gain components.
  • Filtering Range Use this section to skip results that are outside the desired range.
    • Enable Filtering The filter only is applied when this check box is selected.
    • Max To specify the maximum value of the range.
    • Min To specify the minimum value of the range.
    • Filter Click on this button to update the results filtering.
  • Radius Use this slider to increase or decrease the size of the 3D pattern representation.
  • Radiated Power Shows information about the effective radiated power (ERP), in watts.
  • Bottom Options Below the 3D pattern diagram, the following options are included:
    • Options Disable this option to hide the left menus and visualize just the diagram.
    • Show Grid Enable this option to show a line grid in the 3D pattern.
    • Show Geometry Enable this option to visualize the geometry together the 3D pattern. Note that the 3D pattern is always represented in the origin of coordinates.
    • Transparent Enable this option to add a transparency property to the visualized diagram.
    • Save as To export the current representation as an image file.