Bonding V2 Model
The Bonding V2 contact model is used to bond particles with a finite-sized 'glue' bond.

- Current time allows the dynamic creation of bonded materials.
- Fixed time allows the creation of bonded material at one user-defined point
in time.

You can also use a custom API factory to create material and use the Bonding V2 model. The API factory can be set to assign a Custom Property with the name CREATIONTIME = "Bond Creation Time”. The factory must then assign a value to the custom property equal to the current simulation time. EDEM will then create bonds between particles if the particles are in contact and both particles have a Custom Property CREATIONTIME value equal to the current simulation time. The custom property must be defined with 1 element and unit of eTime.
After bonding, the forces (Fn,t)/torques (Tn,t) on the particle are set to zero and are adjusted incrementally every Time Step as follows:
RB is the radius of the glue. This value is set as the radius of the smallest particle out of a contact pair multiplied by the Bonded Disk Scale value that you have set.
Sn,t are the normal and shear stiffness respectively. If the Normal or Tangential Range value is set to 0 N/m3 then the stiffness value is assigned based on the bond configuration value. Otherwise the bond is assigned a value randomly distributed between the Stiffness value + or – the range value. This provides a linear distribution of bond stiffness values for a given material.
δt is the Time Step. vn,t are the normal and tangential velocities of the particles and ωn,t the normal and tangential angular velocities.
The bond is broken when the normal and tangential shear stresses exceed a predefined value.
These bond forces/torques are in addition to the Base Contact Model. Since the bonds involved in this model can act when the particles are no longer physically in contact, the contact radius must be set to higher than the actual radius of the spheres. This model may only be used between particles.
After selecting an active bond, specify the Bond Formation method and the following parameters:
Interaction | Configurable Parameters |
Particle to Particle | Normal Stiffness per unit
area Indicates the tensile/compressive stiffness along the bond’s principal axis. Normal Range Indicates the applied Normal Stiffness per unit area value assigned to the bond pair is a value randomly distributed between the Normal Stiffness value + or – the Normal range value. Shear Stiffness per unit area Indicates the Shear stiffness in the orthogonal plane to the bond’s principal axis. Shear Range Indicates the applied Shear Stiffness per unit area value assigned to the bond pair is a value randomly distributed between the Shear Stiffness value + or – the Shear range value. Critical Normal Stress Indicates the maximum normal stress the bond can withstand before it fails. Critical Shear Stress The maximum tangential stress the bond can withstand before it fails. Bonded Disk Scale The radius of the cylindrical bond between the particles will be equal to the smallest particle radius in a bond pair multiplied by the bonded disk scale value. Torque Feedback