Archard Wear Model

The Archard Wear contact model extends any Base Model to provide an estimation of wear depth for geometry surfaces.

The model is based on the work by John F Archard (Archard 1953) and uses the idea that the amount of material removed from the surface will be proportional to the frictional work done by particles moving over the surface.

The Archard equation is defined as:


Where Q is the volume of material removed, dt is the tangential distance moved and W is a wear constant originally defined as:


Where K is a dimensionless constant and H is a hardness measure of the softest surface (based on the Vickers hardness in units of Pa). This was reduced to a single wear constant for ease of use in EDEM.

As the equation predicts a volume of material to be removed, this is rearranged to provide the depth per element.


The input to EDEM is the wear constant W with units 1/Pa.
Interaction Configurable Parameters Position
Particle to Geometry Assign a Wear Constant value for each Equipment Material-Particle interaction. Record Relative Wear (On/Off). Last
EDEM also allows you to deform Geometry according to the quantitative results given by the Archard Wear model. To enable this feature, select Enable Deformation in the parameter values.