
New Features

Element Categorization in the Model Browser
Elements are categorized more efficiently in the Model Browser, facilitating a swift review based on dimension and configuration. You can now get cumulative counts for each category and can perform actions such as Show, Hide, Isolate, and Review.

Figure 1.
Similar categorization enhancements have been extended to the Includes and Subsystem Browsers, ensuring consistency.
Note: With this categorization in the Model Browser, the Mask Browser has been deprecated and is no longer accessible.


Entity Defaults
The Entity Defaults dialog is now accessible from subfolders, providing you with the convenience of initiating it directly from the Model Browser. Additionally, you can invoke the dialog through the multi-selection of entities that share the same keyword, streamlining the process of setting default configurations for multiple relevant entities simultaneously.

Figure 2.
Empty Includes
Empty includes can now be easily identified using the Empty context menu. You can efficiently locate and clean up includes that do not contain any data.

Figure 3.

Figure 4.
Card Image Change in the Card Editor
You can now change the card image of a solver entity directly within the new Card Editor.

Figure 5.
Rename by ID
The Rename by ID tool is enhanced to allow:
  • Adding prefixes and postfixes without adding the ID.
  • Renaming entities with the same name with ascending numbers.
  • Using the attributes with lower cases.
  • Reuse of a previously used string within the session.

Figure 6.
Browser and Idle Selector Sync
The Idle selector and active browser sync preference option has been enhanced with additional choices to offer you better control over the selected behavior, catering to individual preferences.

Figure 7.
Parameter Context Menus
The Parameter context menus in browsers are updated for better clarity, matching the Entity Editor.

Figure 8.
Arrays of Metadata
The display of array-based metadata is now supported via the data table.

Figure 9.

Figure 10.

Known Issues

  • The Entity Editor is not cleared when the entity is removed from the filtered browser list.
  • Keyword list for the Create menu is removed from entity views upon loading a model

Resolved Issues

  • The Include Browser is now reopened upon re-invoking HyperMesh.
  • Enhanced performance for invoking the Card Editor.
  • Deleting Parts along with other entities now prompts part content deletion.
  • Changing a card image under a custom template is now possible