List of Non-Native Files and Descriptions
A list of non-native files with descriptions is given.
- .asc
- ASCII grid format - Clutter or topographical database
- .bil
- USGS BIL topography database
- .bin
- Binary grid format for clutter or topography database
- .build
- MSI Planet Building Data (single file)
- .citygml
- CityGML indoor or urban database
- .dem
- USGS DEM for topography database
- .dt0, .dt1, .dt2, .dt3, .dt4, .dt5
- Digital Terrain Elevation Data
- .dwg, .dxf
- AutoDesk AutoCAD indoor or urban database
- .fac
- Facet
- .gml
- Geography Markup Language or CityGML indoor/urban database
- .kml
- Keyhole Markup Language file for Google Earth
- .mda
- ASCII Line Format for clutter database
- .mif
- MapInfo urban database
- .mid
- Additional settings for the .mif file.
- .osm
- Open Street Map
- .pln
- MSI Planet / Siemens Tornado for clutter database OR MSI antenna pattern
- .shp
- Arcview Shapefile
- .stl
- Stereolithography (ASCII/Binary)
- .tab
- MapInfo urban database
- .tiff
- GeoTIFF for clutter or topography database
- .vda
- Vector Data (ASCII) urban database
- t.b
- Nokia NPS/X for clutter database