List of Native Files and Descriptions
A list of native files with descriptions is given.
Project Files
- .net
- ProMan project file
- .cpw
- Components Catalog
- .tub
- TuMan project file
- .odb
- Vector database (urban) - WallMan
- .idb
- Vector database (indoor) - WallMan
Antenna Patterns
- .apb
- Antenna Pattern binary
- .apa
- Antenna Pattern ASCII
- .msi
- Anntena Pattern msi
- .ffe
- Anntena Pattern ffe
- .ahb
- Antenna pattern horizontal binary
- .aha
- Antenna pattern horizontal ASCII
- .avb
- Antenna pattern vertical binary
- .ava
- Antenna pattern vertical ASCII
Network Result Files
- .fpb
- Best Server
- .cid
- Cell Area
- .fpm
- Maximum Received DL power
- .mtd
- Maximum throughput downlink
Propagation Result files
- .fpf
- Field strength
- .los
- Line-of-Sight state
- .fpp
- Received power
- .fpl
- Path Loss
Result Files
- .fpv
- Field Strength
- .fph
- Field Strength V Pol
- .fpf
- Field Strength H Pol
- .fpp
- Power
- .fpl
- Path Loss
- .fpd
- Delay Spread
- .asb
- Angular Spread (BS)
- .asm
- Angular Spread (MS)
- .fpi
- Interactions
- .los
- .sig
- Signal Area
- .cid
- Cell Area
- .sid
- Site Area
- .fpb
- Best Server
- .mdr
- Max Data Rate
- .mtd
- Max Throughput Downlink
- .mdu
- Max Data Rate Uplink
- .mtu
- Max Throughput Uplink
- .fpm
- Max Received DL Power
- .spr
- Signal Power
- .oif
- Interference
- .fpa
- Superposition Power
- .bsp
- TX Power BS
- .msp
- RX Power MS
- .dec
- Ec DL
- .sni
- .ebn
- EbN0 DL
- .ecd
- EcNt DL
- .rpb
- Reception Probability
- .nud
- Nr Users DL
- .ddl
- Data Rate DL
- .tdl
- Throughput DL
- .din
- Interference Noise
- .sin
- TotalReceived
- .mst
- TX Power MS
- .bsr
- RX Power BS
- .uec
- Ec UL
- .snu
- .ebu
- EbN0 UL
- .ecu
- EcNt UL
- .rpu
- Reception Probability UL
- .nuu
- Nr Users UL
- .uul
- Data Rate UL
- .tul
- Throughput UL
- .uin
- Interference Noise
- .sit
- Nr Received Sites
- .fpn
- Nr Received TRX
- .hho
- Nr Received Carriers
- .ast
- Active Set Size
- .sho
- Soft Handover
- .fse
- Field strength
- .fsl
- Field Strength
- .exp
- Exposure
- .pdy
- Power Density
- .cap
- Channel Capacity
- .msd
- MIMO Streams DL
- .msu
- MIMO Streams UL
- .cov
- Coverage
- .srp
- .srq
- .ssi
- .tfa
- Traffic Analysis
- .tfs
- Traffic Served
- .tfb
- Traffic Blocked
- .tfo
- Traffic Offered
- .mas
- Mask
- .uds
- User Distribution
- .fdh
- Height
- .fdm
- Morpho
- .fml
- Morpho Loss
- .ort
- Orthogonality
- .cqi
- .pri
- Priority Map
- .fpc
- Interference
- .snr
- Interference
- .esb
- Elevation Spread (BS)
- .esm
- Elevation Spread (MS)
- .amb
- Angular Mean (BS)
- .amm
- Angular Mean (MS)
- .emb
- Elevation Mean Angle (BS)
- .emm
- Elevation Mean Angle (MS)
- .exz
- Exposure zones
- .cnr
- Condition number
- .ber
- Bit error rate
- .pdl
- Power density log
- .cal
- Calibration
- .ray
- Rays
- .str
- Rays
- .dda
- Data rate downlink
- .dua
- Data rate uplink
- .atd
- Throughput downlink
- .atu
- Throughput uplink