Rural Satellite Coverage

Calculate rural satellite coverage from a geostationary communications satellite.

Model Type

The geometry is described by topography (elevation) and clutter/morpho (land usage).
Figure 1. The topography (elevation) database used to determine the satellite coverage.

Figure 2. The clutter/morpho database used to determine the satellite coverage.

Sites and Antennas

A single site, denoted Satellite 1, is located at a height of 36000 km and is a geostationary satellite. The antenna has an EIRP1 of 90 dBm at a carrier frequency of 2 GHz.

Tip: Click Project > Edit Project Parameter and click the Sites tab to view the antenna settings.

Computational Method

The coverage is computed with the empirical two-ray model (ETR) model. For pixels in shadow areas, knife-edge diffraction is added for improved accuracy. Without this addition, ETR would compute the path loss to each pixel assuming that the direct ray and the ground-reflected ray exist, which would be incorrect in shadow areas.
Tip: Click Project > Edit Project Parameter and click the Computation tab to change the model.


Propagation results are computed at a prediction height of 1.5 m and include power coverage of each transmitting antenna and path loss. The power coverage (power received by a hypothetical isotropic antenna) is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Received power by a hypothetical isotropic antenna.

1 The actual transmitter power in dBm plus antenna gain in the direction of interest in dB.